Sharmistha Mishra
Sharmistha Mishra is an infectious disease physician and mathematical modeler and holds a Tier 2 Canadian Research Chair in Mathematical Modeling and Program Science.

  • Dr. Sharmistha Mishra is an infectious disease physician and mathematical modeler and holds a Tier 2 Canadian Research Chair in Mathematical Modeling and Program Science. After completing medical school and residency training (Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases) at the University of Toronto, she obtained a Masters of Science degree in epidemiology and a Doctor of Philosophy in mathematical modelling at Imperial College London. She joined St. Michael’s Hospital in September 2014. She was also involved in the 2014-2015 Ebola response in Sierra Leone, as a consultant with the World Health Organization, from December 2014 to July 2015.
People »People
Sharmistha Mishra
CANMOD – People »CANMOD – People
University of Toronto »University of Toronto
Age-Patch Mobility Mixing »Age-Patch Mobility Mixing
COVID Hospital Surge »COVID Hospital Surge
COVID-19 Re - Generation Time »COVID-19 Re - Generation Time
Public Health Ontario »Public Health Ontario
Ontario Ministry of Health »Ontario Ministry of Health
Toronto Public Health »Toronto Public Health
Sunnybrook Research Institute »Sunnybrook Research Institute
Unity Health Toronto »Unity Health Toronto
Chiefs of Ontario »Chiefs of Ontario
Fields Institute »Fields Institute
02 Integrative Modelling »02 Integrative Modelling
2021/12/07 Sharmistha Mishra »2021/12/07 Sharmistha Mishra
Ebola »Ebola
Vaccination »Vaccination
Homelessness »Homelessness
Social determinants »Social determinants
mpox »mpox
Mortality »Mortality
Covid-19 »Covid-19
Schools »Schools
Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) »Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs)
Diagnostic testing »Diagnostic testing
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