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CitationsAdd new citationList by: CiterankMap Link[1] Efficacy of a “stay-at-home” policy on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in Toronto, Canada: a mathematical modelling study
Author: Pei Yuan, Juan Li, Elena Aruffo, Evgenia Gatov, Qi Li, Tingting Zheng, Nicholas H. Ogden, Beate Sander, Jane Heffernan, Sarah Collier, Yi Tan, Jun Li, Julien Arino, Jacques Bélair, James Watmough, Jude Dzevela Kong, Iain Moyles, Huaiping Zhu Publication date: 19 April 2022 Publication info: cmaj OPEN, April 19, 2022 10 (2) E367-E378 Cited by: David Price 7:07 PM 21 September 2022 GMT
Citerank: (10) 679757Beate SanderCanada Research Chair in Economics of Infectious Diseases and Director, Health Modeling & Health Economics and Population Health Economics Research at THETA (Toronto Health Economics and Technology Assessment Collaborative).10019D3ABAB, 679797Huaiping ZhuProfessor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University, a York Research Chair (YRC Tier I) in Applied Mathematics, the Director of the Laboratory of Mathematical Parallel Systems at the York University (LAMPS), the Director of the Canadian Centre for Diseases Modelling (CCDM) and the Director of the One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI-RÉUNIS). 10019D3ABAB, 679799Iain MoylesAssistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University. 10019D3ABAB, 679805James WatmoughProfessor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of New Brunswick.10019D3ABAB, 679806Jane HeffernanJane Heffernan is a professor of infectious disease modelling in the Mathematics & Statistics Department at York University. She is a co-director of the Canadian Centre for Disease Modelling, and she leads national and international networks in mathematical immunology and the modelling of waning and boosting immunity.10019D3ABAB, 679815Jude KongDr. Jude Dzevela Kong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University and the founding Director of the Africa-Canada Artificial Intelligence and Data Innovation Consortium (ACADIC). 10019D3ABAB, 679817Julien ArinoProfessor and Faculty of Science Research Chair in Fundamental Science with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manitoba.10019D3ABAB, 714608Charting a FutureCharting a Future for Emerging Infectious Disease Modelling in Canada – April 2023 [1] 2794CAE1, 715328Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs)859FDEF6, 715329Nick OgdenNicholas Ogden is a senior research scientist and Director of the Public Health Risk Sciences Division within the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada.10019D3ABAB URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.9778/cmajo.20200242
| Excerpt / Summary Background: Globally, nonpharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19, including stay-at-home policies, limitations on gatherings and closure of public spaces, are being lifted. We explored the effect of lifting a stay-at-home policy on virus resurgence under different conditions.
Methods: Using confirmed case data from Toronto, Canada, between Feb. 24 and June 24, 2020, we ran a compartmental model with household structure to simulate the impact of the stay-at-home policy considering different levels of compliance. We estimated threshold values for the maximum number of contacts, probability of transmission and testing rates required for the safe reopening of the community.
Results: After the implementation of the stay-at-home policy, the contact rate outside the household fell by 39% (from 11.58 daily contacts to 7.11). The effective reproductive number decreased from 3.56 (95% confidence interval [CI] 3.02–4.14) on Mar. 12 to 0.84 (95% CI 0.79–0.89) on May 6. Strong adherence to stay-at-home policies appeared to prevent SARS-CoV-2 resurgence, but extending the duration of stay-at-home policies beyond 2 months had little added effect on cumulative cases (25 958 for 65 days of a stay-at-home policy and 23 461 for 95 days, by July 2, 2020) and deaths (1404 for 65 days and 1353 for 95 days). To avoid a resurgence, the average number of contacts per person per day should be kept below 9, with strict nonpharmaceutical interventions in place.
Interpretation: Our study demonstrates that the stay-at-home policy implemented in Toronto in March 2020 had a substantial impact on mitigating the spread of SARS-CoV-2. In the context of the early pandemic, before the emergence of variants of concern, reopening schools and workplaces was possible only with other nonpharmaceutical interventions in place.
Nonpharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19, including stay-at-home policies, isolation of cases and contact tracing, as well as physical distancing, handwashing and use of protective equipment such as face masks, are effective mitigation strategies for preventing virus spread.1–4 Many studies investigating SARS-CoV-2 transmission and nonpharmaceutical interventions point to the importance of within- and between-household transmission. 5–8 Although stay-at-home policies can help curb spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the community by reducing contacts outside the household,8 they can increase contacts among family members, leading to higher risk within the household, 9 with secondary infection rates in households shown to be as high as 30%–52.7%.5,10 Furthermore, prolonged periods of stay-at-home policies may not be practical because of the essential operations of society, and may directly or indirectly harm the economy and the physical and mental health of individuals.11,12 Therefore, it is important to assess the optimal length of policy implementation for preventing virus resurgence.
During the epidemic, stay-at-home policies have been used to mitigate virus spread. The proportion of people staying at home is a paramount factor for evaluating the effectiveness of this policy implementation. For example, symptomatic individuals, those who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection, and traced contacts are more likely to remain in the home through self-isolation or quarantine than uninfected or asymptomatic individuals. 13 Hence, rates of testing, diagnosis, isolation of cases, contact tracing and quarantine of contacts, as well as public compliance with stay-at-home policies, are essential factors for determining virus transmission and the likelihood of epidemic resurgence after the lifting of restrictive closures.1 To allow for this level of complexity, we developed a household-based transmission model to capture differences in policy uptake behaviour using confirmed case data from Toronto, Canada.
Throughout the pandemic, Canadian provinces and territories have implemented restrictive closures of businesses, schools, workplaces and public spaces to reduce the number of contacts in the population and prevent further virus spread, with these restrictions lifted and reinstituted at various times.14 On Mar. 17, 2020, Ontario declared a state of emergency, with directives including stay-at-home policies.15
We aimed to evaluate the effect of the stay-at-home policy issued in March 2020 on the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Toronto, accounting for average household size, the degree of adherence to the stay-at-home policy, and the length of policy implementation. Additionally, on the basis of the average family size and local epidemic data, we estimated the basic reproduction number (R0) and effective reproduction number (Rt) and investigated potential thresholds for the number of contacts, testing rates and use of nonpharmaceutical interventions that would be optimal for mitigating the epidemic. Hence, we conducted simulations of dynamic population behaviour under different reopening and adherence scenarios, to compare different public health strategies in hopes of adding those evaluations to the scientific literature. |
Link[2] Projections of the transmission of the Omicron variant for Toronto, Ontario, and Canada using surveillance data following recent changes in testing policies
Author: Pei Yuan, Elena Aruffo, Yi Tan, Liu Yang, Nicholas H. Ogden, Aamir Fazil, Huaiping Zhu Publication date: 12 April 2022 Publication info: Infectious Disease Modelling, Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2022, Pages 83-93, ISSN 2468-0427 Cited by: David Price 7:12 PM 21 September 2022 GMT Citerank: (6) 679797Huaiping ZhuProfessor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University, a York Research Chair (YRC Tier I) in Applied Mathematics, the Director of the Laboratory of Mathematical Parallel Systems at the York University (LAMPS), the Director of the Canadian Centre for Diseases Modelling (CCDM) and the Director of the One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI-RÉUNIS). 10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704022Surveillance859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 715329Nick OgdenNicholas Ogden is a senior research scientist and Director of the Public Health Risk Sciences Division within the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada.10019D3ABAB, 715831Diagnostic testing859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idm.2022.03.004
| Excerpt / Summary At the end of 2021, with the rapid escalation of COVID19 cases due to the Omicron variant, testing centers in Canada were overwhelmed. To alleviate the pressure on the PCR testing capacity, many provinces implemented new strategies that promote self testing and adjust the eligibility for PCR tests, making the count of new cases underreported. We designed a novel compartmental model which captures the new testing guidelines, social behaviours, booster vaccines campaign and features of the newest variant Omicron. To better describe the testing eligibility, we considered the population divided into high risk and non-high-risk settings. The model is calibrated using data from January 1 to February 9, 2022, on cases and severe outcomes in Canada, the province of Ontario and City of Toronto. We conduct analyses on the impact of PCR testing capacity, self testing, different levels of reopening and vaccination coverage on cases and severe outcomes. Our results show that the total number of cases in Canada, Ontario and Toronto are 2.34 (95%CI: 1.22–3.38), 2.20 (95%CI: 1.15–3.72), and 1.97(95%CI: 1.13–3.41), times larger than reported cases, respectively. The current testing strategy is efficient if partial restrictions, such as limited capacity in public spaces, are implemented. Allowing more people to have access to PCR reduces the daily cases and severe outcomes; however, if PCR test capacity is insufficient, then it is important to promote self testing. Also, we found that reopening to a pre-pandemic level will lead to a resurgence of the infections, peaking in late March or April 2022. Vaccination and adherence to isolation protocols are important supports to the testing policies to mitigate any possible spread of the virus. |
Link[3] School and community reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mathematical modelling study
Author: Pei Yuan, Elena Aruffo, Evgenia Gatov, Yi Tan, Qi Li, Nick Ogden, Sarah Collier, Bouchra Nasri, Iain Moyles, Huaiping Zhu Publication date: 2 February 2022 Publication info: R. Soc. open sci.9211883211883 Cited by: David Price 7:17 PM 21 September 2022 GMT
Citerank: (9) 679759Bouchra NasriProfessor Nasri is a faculty member of Biostatistics in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Montreal. Prof. Nasri is an FRQS Junior 1 Scholar in Artificial Intelligence in Health and Digital Health. She holds an NSERC Discovery Grant in Statistics for time series dependence modelling for complex data.10019D3ABAB, 679797Huaiping ZhuProfessor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University, a York Research Chair (YRC Tier I) in Applied Mathematics, the Director of the Laboratory of Mathematical Parallel Systems at the York University (LAMPS), the Director of the Canadian Centre for Diseases Modelling (CCDM) and the Director of the One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI-RÉUNIS). 10019D3ABAB, 679799Iain MoylesAssistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University. 10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 714608Charting a FutureCharting a Future for Emerging Infectious Disease Modelling in Canada – April 2023 [1] 2794CAE1, 715329Nick OgdenNicholas Ogden is a senior research scientist and Director of the Public Health Risk Sciences Division within the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada.10019D3ABAB, 715617Schools859FDEF6, 715617Schools859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.211883
| Excerpt / Summary Operating schools safely during the COVID-19 pandemic requires a balance between health risks and the need for in-person learning. Using demographic and epidemiological data between 31 July and 23 November 2020 from Toronto, Canada, we developed a compartmental transmission model with age, household and setting structure to study the impact of schools reopening in September 2020. The model simulates transmission in the home, community and schools, accounting for differences in infectiousness between adults and children, and accounting for work-from-home and virtual learning. While we found a slight increase in infections among adults (2.2%) and children (4.5%) within the first eight weeks of school reopening, transmission in schools was not the key driver of the virus resurgence in autumn 2020. Rather, it was community spread that determined the outbreak trajectory, primarily due to increases in contact rates among adults in the community after school reopening. Analyses of cross-infection among households, communities and schools revealed that home transmission is crucial for epidemic progression and safely operating schools, while the degree of in-person attendance has a larger impact than other control measures in schools. This study suggests that safe school reopening requires the strict maintenance of public health measures in the community. |
Link[4] Agent-based epidemiological modeling of COVID-19 in localized environments
Author: P. Ciunkiewicz, W. Brooke, M. Rogers, S. Yanushkevich Publication date: 15 March 2022 Publication info: Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 144, May 2022, 105396 Cited by: David Price 7:23 PM 21 September 2022 GMT URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2022.105396
| Excerpt / Summary Epidemiological modeling is used, under certain assumptions, to represent the spread of a disease within a population. Information generated by these models can then be applied to inform public health practices and mitigate risk. To provide useful and actionable preparedness information to administrators and policy makers, epidemiological models must be formulated to model highly localized environments such as office buildings, campuses, or long-term care facilities. In this paper, a highly configurable agent-based simulation (ABS) framework designed for localized environments is proposed. This ABS provides information about risk and the effects of both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, as well as detailed control over the rapidly evolving epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19. Simulation results can inform decisions made by facility administrators and be used as inputs for a complementary decision support system. The application of our ABS to our research lab environment as a proof of concept demonstrates the configurability and insights achievable with this form of modeling, with future work focused on extensibility and integration with decision support. |
Link[5] When host populations move north, but disease moves south: counter-intuitive impacts of climate warming on disease spread
Author: E. Joe Moran, Maria Martignoni, Nicolas Lecomte, Patrick Leighton, Amy Hurford Publication date: 9 January 2023 Publication info: Theor Ecol 16, 13–19 (2023) Cited by: David Price 7:26 PM 21 September 2022 GMT Citerank: (5) 679752Amy HurfordAmy Hurford is an Associate Professor jointly appointed in the Department of Biology and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador. 10019D3ABAB, 679859Patrick LeightonPatrick Leighton is a Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montreal, and an active member of the Epidemiology of Zoonoses and Public Health Research Group (GREZOSP) and the Centre for Public Health Research (CReSP). 10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 703962Ecology859FDEF6, 703967Climate change859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12080-022-00551-z
| Excerpt / Summary Empirical observations and mathematical models show that climate warming can lead to the northern (or, more generally, poleward) spread of host species ranges and their corresponding diseases. Here, we consider an unexpected possibility whereby climate warming facilitates disease spread in the opposite direction to the directional shift in the host species range. To explore this possibility, we consider two host species, both susceptible to a disease, but spatially isolated due to distinct thermal niches, and where prior to climate warming the disease is endemic in the northern species only. Previous theoretical results show that species distributions can lag behind species thermal niches when climate warming occurs. As such, we hypothesize that climate warming may increase the overlap between northern and southern host species ranges, due to the northern species lagging behind its thermal tolerance limit. To test our hypothesis, we simulate climate warming as a reaction-diffusion equation model with a Susceptible-Infected (SI) epidemiological structure, for two competing species with distinct temperature-dependent niches. We show that climate warming, by shifting both species niches northwards, can facilitate the southward spread of disease, due to increased range overlap between the two populations. As our model is general, our findings may apply to viral, bacterial, and prion diseases that do not have thermal tolerance limits and are inextricably linked to their hosts distributions, such as the spread of rabies from arctic to red foxes. |
Link[6] An environmental scan of one health preparedness and response: the case of the Covid-19 pandemic in Rwanda
Author: Gloria Igihozo, Phaedra Henley, Arne Ruckert, Charles Karangwa, Richard Habimana, Rosine Manishimwe, Leandre Ishema, Hélène Carabin, Mary E. Wiktorowicz, Ronald Labonté Publication date: 16 January 2022 Publication info: One Health Outlook, Volume 4, Article number: 2 (2022) Cited by: David Price 7:30 PM 21 September 2022 GMT URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s42522-021-00059-2
| Excerpt / Summary Background: Over the past decade, 70% of new and re-emerging infectious disease outbreaks in East Africa have originated from the Congo Basin where Rwanda is located. To respond to these increasing risks of disastrous outbreaks, the government began integrating One Health (OH) into its infectious disease response systems in 2011 to strengthen its preparedness and contain outbreaks. The strong performance of Rwanda in responding to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic makes it an excellent example to understand how the structure and principles of OH were applied during this unprecedented situation.
Methods: A rapid environmental scan of published and grey literature was conducted between August and December 2020, to assess Rwanda’s OH structure and its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In total, 132 documents including official government documents, published research, newspaper articles, and policies were analysed using thematic analysis.
Results: Rwanda’s OH structure consists of multidisciplinary teams from sectors responsible for human, animal, and environmental health. The country has developed OH strategic plans and policies outlining its response to zoonotic infections, integrated OH into university curricula to develop a OH workforce, developed multidisciplinary rapid response teams, and created decentralized laboratories in the animal and human health sectors to strengthen surveillance. To address COVID-19, the country created a preparedness and response plan before its onset, and a multisectoral joint task force was set up to coordinate the response to the pandemic. By leveraging its OH structure, Rwanda was able to rapidly implement a OH-informed response to COVID-19.
Conclusion: Rwanda’s integration of OH into its response systems to infectious diseases and to COVID-19 demonstrates the importance of applying OH principles into the governance of infectious diseases at all levels. Rwanda exemplifies how preparedness and response to outbreaks and pandemics can be strengthened through multisectoral collaboration mechanisms. We do expect limitations in our findings due to the rapid nature of our environmental scan meant to inform the COVID-19 policy response and would encourage a full situational analysis of OH in Rwanda’s Coronavirus response. |
Link[7] Beyond Zoonoses in One Health: Non-communicable Diseases Across the Animal Kingdom
Author: B. Natterson-Horowitz, Marion Desmarchelier, Andrea Sylvia Winkler, Hélène Carabin Publication date: 26 January 2022 Publication info: Front. Public Health, 26 January 2022 Cited by: David Price 7:33 PM 21 September 2022 GMT URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.807186
| Excerpt / Summary Greater than 70% of all human deaths are due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) (1). Increasingly environmental exposures, from air pollution, second-hand smoke, heavy metals, phthalates, pesticides, and endocrine disrupting chemicals, have been linked to a range of NCDs including many cancers, cardiopulmonary diseases, congenital abnormalities and other pathologies (2). Many of the same environmental effects that elevate disease risk in humans, also do so in other species. In fact, the smaller size of many non-human animals, shorter lifespans and their greater exposure to environmental hazards may accelerate the natural history of pathology (2). Between domestication, urbanization and increased land use, the line demarcating “human” and “animal” environments is increasingly blurred and health professionals have an opportunity to turn to animal models to address human health. For instance, surveillance for NCDs in other species has the potential to alert human health professionals to environmental hazards before the emergence of pathology in human populations (2). The importance of animal sentinels in detecting and combating communicable diseases has been made strikingly clear over the past decades (3) as well as by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The high percentage of communicable diseases with zoonotic origins reveals the need for broad surveillance of wild and domestic animal populations that may carry pathogens that can infect in humans (4). However, despite increased awareness of and resources for surveillance of animal sentinels with zoonotic diseases, far fewer resources have been directed toward surveillance of animal populations for NCDs (5) and widespread reforms addressing the connection between human, animal and environmental health remain elusive. Here, we briefly present examples of NCDs in non-human animals that derive from shared environmental sources to emphasize the utility and need for species-spanning NCD surveillance (Figure 1)… |
Link[8] Epidemic Spreading in Trajectory Networks
Author: Tilemachos Pechlivanoglou, Jing Li, Jialin Sun, Farzaneh Heidari, Manos Papagelis Publication date: 28 February 2022 Publication info: Big Data Research, Volume 27, 28 February 2022, 100275 Cited by: David Price 7:37 PM 21 September 2022 GMT URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bdr.2021.100275
| Excerpt / Summary Epidemics of infectious diseases, such as the one caused by the rapid spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), have tested the world's more advanced health systems and have caused an enormous societal and economic damage. The mechanism of contagion is well understood. As people move around, over time, they regularly engage in social interactions. The spatiotemporal network representing these interactions constitutes the backbone on which an epidemic spreads, causing outbreaks. At the same time, advanced technological responses have claimed some success in controlling the epidemic based on digital contact tracing technologies. Motivated by these observations, we design, develop and evaluate a stochastic agent-based model of epidemic spreading in spatiotemporal networks informed by mobility data of individuals (trajectories). The model focuses on individual variation in mobility patterns that affects the degree of exposure to the disease. Understanding the role that individual nodes play in the process of disease spreading through network effects is fundamental as it allows to (i) assess the risk of infection of individuals, (ii) assess the size of a disease outbreak due to specific individuals, and (iii) assess targeted intervention strategies that aim to control the epidemic spreading. We perform a comprehensive analysis of the model employing COVID-19 as a use case. The results indicate that simple individual-based intervention strategies that exhibit significant network effects can effectively control the spread of an epidemic. We have also demonstrated that targeted interventions can outperform generic intervention strategies. Overall, our work provides an evidence-based data-driven model to support decision making and inform public policy regarding intervention strategies for containing or mitigating the epidemic spread. |
Link[9] Effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission in Canada and their association with COVID-19 hospitalisation rates
Author: Rees EE, Avery BP, Carabin H, Carson CA, Champredon D, Dougherty B, Nasri BR, Ogden NH. Publication date: October 2022 Publication info: Can Commun Dis Rep 2022;48(10):438–48, The Public Health Agency of Canada, Issue: Volume 48-10, October 2022: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Public Health, Date published: October 2022, ISSN: 1481-8531 Cited by: David Price 7:43 PM 21 September 2022 GMT URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.14745/ccdr.v48i10a04
| Excerpt / Summary Background: Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) aim to reduce the incidence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections mostly by limiting contacts between people where virus transmission can occur. However, NPIs limit social interactions and have negative impacts on economic, physical, mental and social well-being. It is, therefore, important to assess the impact of NPIs on reducing the number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and hospitalizations to justify their use.
Methods: Dynamic regression models accounting for autocorrelation in time series data were used with data from six Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec) to assess 1) the effect of NPIs (measured using a stringency index) on SARS-CoV-2 transmission (measured by the effective reproduction number), and 2) the effect of the number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients on the stringency index.
Results: Increasing stringency index was associated with a statistically significant decrease in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Québec. The effect of stringency on transmission was time-lagged in all of these provinces except for Ontario. In all provinces except for Saskatchewan, increasing hospitalization rates were associated with a statistically significant increase in the stringency index. The effect of hospitalization on stringency was time-lagged.
Conclusion: These results suggest that NPIs have been effective in Canadian provinces, and that their implementation has been, in part, a response to increasing hospitalization rates of COVID-19 patients. |
Link[10] Risk of COVID-19 variant importation - How useful are travel control measures?
Author: Julien Arino, Pierre-Yves Boëlle, Evan Milliken, Stéphanie Portet Publication date: 22 July 2021 Publication info: Infectious Disease Modelling, Volume 6, 2021, Pages 875-897 Cited by: David Price 7:47 PM 21 September 2022 GMT Citerank: (3) 679817Julien ArinoProfessor and Faculty of Science Research Chair in Fundamental Science with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manitoba.10019D3ABAB, 701222OMNI – Publications144B5ACA0, 715328Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs)859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idm.2021.06.006
| Excerpt / Summary We consider models for the importation of a new variant COVID-19 strain in a location already seeing propagation of a resident variant. By distinguishing contaminations generated by imported cases from those originating in the community, we are able to evaluate the contribution of importations to the dynamics of the disease in a community. We find that after an initial seeding, the role of importations becomes marginal compared to that of community-based propagation. We also evaluate the role of two travel control measures, quarantine and travel interruptions. We conclude that quarantine is an efficacious way of lowering importation rates, while travel interruptions have the potential to delay the consequences of importations but need to be applied within a very tight time window following the initial emergence of the variant. |
Link[11] Transient prophylaxis and multiple epidemic waves
Author: Rebecca C. Tyson, Noah D. Marshall, Bert O. Baumgaertner Publication date: 10 January 2022 Publication info: AIMS Mathematics, 2022, Volume 7, Issue 4: 5616-5633. Cited by: David Price 4:22 PM 15 November 2023 GMT Citerank: (6) 679842Mark LewisProfessor Mark Lewis, Kennedy Chair in Mathematical Biology at the University of Victoria and Emeritus Professor at the University of Alberta.10019D3ABAB, 679867Rebecca TysonDr. Rebecca C. Tyson is an Associate Professor in Mathematical Biology at the University of British Columbia Okanagan.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 701146Mathematical modelling of human response behaviour during pandemicsMathematical modelling of human response behaviour, opinion dynamics, and social influence during pandemics. COVID-19 showed that understanding human response to intervention is essential in mitigating disease spread and forming policy. We are particularly interested in understanding how opinion influence affects vaccine and NPI hesitancy. This project aims to incorporate a broader understanding of intervention and control, which embodies the entire theme.859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 715328Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs)859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.3934/math.2022311
| Excerpt / Summary [AIMS Mathematics, 10 January 2022]
Public opinion and opinion dynamics can have a strong effect on the transmission rate of an infectious disease for which there is no vaccine. The coupling of disease and opinion dynamics however, creates a dynamical system that is complex and poorly understood. We present a simple model in which susceptible groups adopt or give up prophylactic behaviour in accordance with the influence related to pro- and con-prophylactic communication. This influence varies with disease prevalence. We observe how the speed of the opinion dynamics affects the total size and peak size of the epidemic. We find that more reactive populations will experience a lower peak epidemic size, but possibly a larger final size and more epidemic waves, and that an increase in polarization results in a larger epidemic. |
Link[12] Determination of significant immunological timescales from mRNA-LNP-based vaccines in humans
Author: Iain R. Moyles, Chapin S. Korosec, Jane M. Heffernan Publication date: 30 April 2023 Publication info: Journal of Mathematical Biology, Volume 86, Article number: 86 (2023) Cited by: David Price 9:22 PM 16 November 2023 GMT Citerank: (3) 679799Iain MoylesAssistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University. 10019D3ABAB, 679806Jane HeffernanJane Heffernan is a professor of infectious disease modelling in the Mathematics & Statistics Department at York University. She is a co-director of the Canadian Centre for Disease Modelling, and she leads national and international networks in mathematical immunology and the modelling of waning and boosting immunity.10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00285-023-01919-3
| Excerpt / Summary [Journal of Mathematical Biology, 30 April 2023]
A compartment model for an in-host liquid nanoparticle delivered mRNA vaccine is presented. Through non-dimensionalisation, five timescales are identified that dictate the lifetime of the vaccine in-host: decay of interferon gamma, antibody priming, autocatalytic growth, antibody peak and decay, and interleukin cessation. Through asymptotic analysis we are able to obtain semi-analytical solutions in each of the time regimes which allows us to predict maximal concentrations and better understand parameter dependence in the model. We compare our model to 22 data sets for the BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 mRNA vaccines demonstrating good agreement. Using our analysis, we estimate the values for each of the five timescales in each data set and predict maximal concentrations of plasma B-cells, antibody, and interleukin. Through our comparison, we do not observe any discernible differences between vaccine candidates and sex. However, we do identify an age dependence, specifically that vaccine activation takes longer and that peak antibody occurs sooner in patients aged 55 and greater. |
Link[13] COVID-19 Seroprevalence in Canada Modelling Waning and Boosting COVID-19 Immunity in Canada a Canadian Immunization Research Network Study
Author: David W. Dick, Lauren Childs, Zhilan Feng, Jing Li, Gergely Röst, David L. Buckeridge, Nick H. Ogden, Jane M. Heffernan Publication date: 23 December 2021 Publication info: Vaccines 2022, 10(1), 17; Cited by: David Price 9:36 PM 16 November 2023 GMT Citerank: (1) 679806Jane HeffernanJane Heffernan is a professor of infectious disease modelling in the Mathematics & Statistics Department at York University. She is a co-director of the Canadian Centre for Disease Modelling, and she leads national and international networks in mathematical immunology and the modelling of waning and boosting immunity.10019D3ABAB URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10010017
| Excerpt / Summary [Vaccines, 23 December 2021]
COVID-19 seroprevalence changes over time, with infection, vaccination, and waning immunity. Seroprevalence estimates are needed to determine when increased COVID-19 vaccination coverage is needed, and when booster doses should be considered, to reduce the spread and disease severity of COVID-19 infection. We use an age-structured model including infection, vaccination and waning immunity to estimate the distribution of immunity to COVID-19 in the Canadian population. This is the first mathematical model to do so. We estimate that 60–80% of the Canadian population has some immunity to COVID-19 by late Summer 2021, depending on specific characteristics of the vaccine and the waning rate of immunity. Models results indicate that increased vaccination uptake in age groups 12–29, and booster doses in age group 50+ are needed to reduce the severity COVID-19 Fall 2021 resurgence. |
Link[14] A Mobility-based Recommendation System for Mitigating the Risk of Infection during Epidemics
Author: Gian Alix, Nina Yanin, Tilemachos Pechlivanoglou, Manos Papagelis Publication date: 6 June 2022 Publication info: 2022 23rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), Paphos, Cyprus, 2022, pp. 292-295 Cited by: David Price 1:33 PM 18 November 2023 GMT URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/MDM55031.2022.00063
| Excerpt / Summary [23rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 6 June 2022]
The relationship between human mobility and the spread of an infectious disease has been well documented. At the same time, availability of mobility data is growing due to advancements in digital contact tracing mobile applications and GPS-enabled devices. Motivated by these observations, we have designed and developed STRIPE (Safe Trips during Epidemics), a mobility-based recommendation system that can provide safer trip recommendations to individuals. The recommendation model considers the risk of infection of alternative trips between an origin and destination. It also considers the risk of infection of specific points of interests (POIs) that occur at the microscale. In this paper, we present a high-level architecture of the system, its main features and system use cases. The broader impact of our research is that by helping individuals making informed decisions, we promote more responsible behaviors in the community as a whole that could effectively alleviate the impact of the epidemic. |
Link[15] Mathematical modelling of vaccination rollout and NPIs lifting on COVID-19 transmission with VOC: a case study in Toronto, Canada
Author: Elena Aruffo, Pei Yuan, Yi Tan, Evgenia Gatov, Iain Moyles, Jacques Bélair, James Watmough, Sarah Collier, Julien Arino, Huaiping Zhu Publication date: 15 July 2022 Publication info: BMC Public Health, Volume 22, Article number: 1349 (2022) Cited by: David Price 1:36 PM 18 November 2023 GMT
Citerank: (10) 679797Huaiping ZhuProfessor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University, a York Research Chair (YRC Tier I) in Applied Mathematics, the Director of the Laboratory of Mathematical Parallel Systems at the York University (LAMPS), the Director of the Canadian Centre for Diseases Modelling (CCDM) and the Director of the One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI-RÉUNIS). 10019D3ABAB, 679799Iain MoylesAssistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University. 10019D3ABAB, 679803Jacques BélairProfessor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Université de Montréal10019D3ABAB, 679805James WatmoughProfessor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of New Brunswick.10019D3ABAB, 679817Julien ArinoProfessor and Faculty of Science Research Chair in Fundamental Science with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manitoba.10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 714608Charting a FutureCharting a Future for Emerging Infectious Disease Modelling in Canada – April 2023 [1] 2794CAE1, 715328Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs)859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-13597-9
| Excerpt / Summary [BMC Public Health, 15 July 2022]
Background: Since December 2020, public health agencies have implemented a variety of vaccination strategies to curb the spread of SARS-CoV-2, along with pre-existing Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs). Initial strategies focused on vaccinating the elderly to prevent hospitalizations and deaths, but with vaccines becoming available to the broader population, it became important to determine the optimal strategy to enable the safe lifting of NPIs while avoiding virus resurgence.
Methods: We extended the classic deterministic SIR compartmental disease-transmission model to simulate the lifting of NPIs under different vaccine rollout scenarios. Using case and vaccination data from Toronto, Canada between December 28, 2020, and May 19, 2021, we estimated transmission throughout past stages of NPI escalation/relaxation to compare the impact of lifting NPIs on different dates on cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, given varying degrees of vaccine coverages by 20-year age groups, accounting for waning immunity.
Results: We found that, once coverage among the elderly is high enough (80% with at least one dose), the main age groups to target are 20–39 and 40–59 years, wherein first-dose coverage of at least 70% by mid-June 2021 is needed to minimize the possibility of resurgence if NPIs are to be lifted in the summer. While a resurgence was observed for every scenario of NPI lifting, we also found that under an optimistic vaccination coverage (70% coverage by mid-June, along with postponing reopening from August 2021 to September 2021) can reduce case counts and severe outcomes by roughly 57% by December 31, 2021.
Conclusions: Our results suggest that focusing the vaccination strategy on the working-age population can curb the spread of SARS-CoV-2. However, even with high vaccination coverage in adults, increasing contacts and easing protective personal behaviours is not advisable since a resurgence is expected to occur, especially with an earlier reopening. |
Link[16] Assessing the mechanism of citywide test-trace-isolate Zero-COVID policy and exit strategy of COVID-19 pandemic
Author: Pei Yuan, Yi Tan, Liu Yang, Elena Aruffo, Nicholas H. Ogden, Guojing Yang, Haixia Lu, Zhigui Lin, Weichuan Lin, Wenjun Ma, Meng Fan, Kaifa Wang, Jianhe Shen, Tianmu Chen, Huaiping Zhu Publication date: 4 October 2022 Publication info: Infectious Diseases of Poverty, Volume 11, Article number: 104 (2022) Cited by: David Price 1:46 PM 18 November 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679797Huaiping ZhuProfessor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University, a York Research Chair (YRC Tier I) in Applied Mathematics, the Director of the Laboratory of Mathematical Parallel Systems at the York University (LAMPS), the Director of the Canadian Centre for Diseases Modelling (CCDM) and the Director of the One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI-RÉUNIS). 10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 715294Contact tracing859FDEF6, 715329Nick OgdenNicholas Ogden is a senior research scientist and Director of the Public Health Risk Sciences Division within the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada.10019D3ABAB URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40249-022-01030-7
| Excerpt / Summary [Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 4 October 2022]
Background: Countries that aimed for eliminating the cases of COVID-19 with test-trace-isolate policy are found to have lower infections, deaths, and better economic performance, compared with those that opted for other mitigation strategies. However, the continuous evolution of new strains has raised the question of whether COVID-19 eradication is still possible given the limited public health response capacity and fatigue of the epidemic. We aim to investigate the mechanism of the Zero-COVID policy on outbreak containment, and to explore the possibility of eradication of Omicron transmission using the citywide test-trace-isolate (CTTI) strategy.
Methods: We develop a compartmental model incorporating the CTTI Zero-COVID policy to understand how it contributes to the SARS-CoV-2 elimination. We employ our model to mimic the Delta outbreak in Fujian Province, China, from September 10 to October 9, 2021, and the Omicron outbreak in Jilin Province, China for the period from March 1 to April 1, 2022. Projections and sensitivity analyses were conducted using dynamical system and Latin Hypercube Sampling/ Partial Rank Correlation Coefficient (PRCC).
Results: Calibration results of the model estimate the Fujian Delta outbreak can end in 30 (95% confidence interval CI: 28–33) days, after 10 (95% CI: 9–11) rounds of citywide testing. The emerging Jilin Omicron outbreak may achieve zero COVID cases in 50 (95% CI: 41–57) days if supported with sufficient public health resources and population compliance, which shows the effectiveness of the CTTI Zero-COVID policy.
Conclusions: The CTTI policy shows the capacity for the eradication of the Delta outbreaks and also the Omicron outbreaks. Nonetheless, the implementation of radical CTTI is challenging, which requires routine monitoring for early detection, adequate testing capacity, efficient contact tracing, and high isolation compliance, which constrain its benefits in regions with limited resources. Moreover, these challenges become even more acute in the face of more contagious variants with a high proportion of asymptomatic cases. Hence, in regions where CTTI is not possible, personal protection, public health control measures, and vaccination are indispensable for mitigating and exiting the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Link[17] Modeling vaccination and control strategies for outbreaks of monkeypox at gatherings
Author: Pei Yuan, Yi Tan, Liu Yang, Nicholas H. Ogden, Jacques Bélair, Julien Arino, Jane Heffernan, James Watmough, Hélène Carabin, Huaiping Zhu Publication date: 25 November 2022 Publication info: Front. Public Health, 25 November 2022 Cited by: David Price 2:12 PM 18 November 2023 GMT
Citerank: (9) 679793Hélène CarabinCanada Research Chair and Full Professor, Epidemiology and One Health, Université de Montréal10019D3ABAB, 679797Huaiping ZhuProfessor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University, a York Research Chair (YRC Tier I) in Applied Mathematics, the Director of the Laboratory of Mathematical Parallel Systems at the York University (LAMPS), the Director of the Canadian Centre for Diseases Modelling (CCDM) and the Director of the One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI-RÉUNIS). 10019D3ABAB, 679803Jacques BélairProfessor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Université de Montréal10019D3ABAB, 679805James WatmoughProfessor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of New Brunswick.10019D3ABAB, 679806Jane HeffernanJane Heffernan is a professor of infectious disease modelling in the Mathematics & Statistics Department at York University. She is a co-director of the Canadian Centre for Disease Modelling, and she leads national and international networks in mathematical immunology and the modelling of waning and boosting immunity.10019D3ABAB, 679817Julien ArinoProfessor and Faculty of Science Research Chair in Fundamental Science with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manitoba.10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 715329Nick OgdenNicholas Ogden is a senior research scientist and Director of the Public Health Risk Sciences Division within the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada.10019D3ABAB, 715667mpox859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.1026489
| Excerpt / Summary [Frontiers in Public Health, 25 November 2022]
Background: The monkeypox outbreak in non-endemic countries in recent months has led the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). It is thought that festivals, parties, and other gatherings may have contributed to the outbreak.
Methods: We considered a hypothetical metropolitan city and modeled the transmission of the monkeypox virus in humans in a high-risk group (HRG) and a low-risk group (LRG) using a Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) model and incorporated gathering events. Model simulations assessed how the vaccination strategies combined with other public health measures can contribute to mitigating or halting outbreaks from mass gathering events.
Results: The risk of a monkeypox outbreak was high when mass gathering events occurred in the absence of public health control measures. However, the outbreaks were controlled by isolating cases and vaccinating their close contacts. Furthermore, contact tracing, vaccinating, and isolating close contacts, if they can be implemented, were more effective for the containment of monkeypox transmission during summer gatherings than a broad vaccination campaign among HRG, when accounting for the low vaccination coverage in the overall population, and the time needed for the development of the immune responses. Reducing the number of attendees and effective contacts during the gathering could also prevent a burgeoning outbreak, as could restricting attendance through vaccination requirements.
Conclusion: Monkeypox outbreaks following mass gatherings can be made less likely with some restrictions on either the number and density of attendees in the gathering or vaccination requirements. The ring vaccination strategy inoculating close contacts of confirmed cases may not be enough to prevent potential outbreaks; however, mass gatherings can be rendered less risky if that strategy is combined with public health measures, including identifying and isolating cases and contact tracing. Compliance with the community and promotion of awareness are also indispensable to containing the outbreak. |
Link[18] Assessing transmission risks and control strategy for monkeypox as an emerging zoonosis in a metropolitan area
Author: Pei Yuan, Yi Tan, Liu Yang, Nicholas H. Ogden, Jacques Bélair, Jane Heffernan, Julien Arino, James Watmough, Hélène Carabin, Huaiping Zhu Publication date: 11 September 2022 Publication info: Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 95, Issue 1 e28137 Cited by: David Price 2:26 PM 18 November 2023 GMT
Citerank: (9) 679793Hélène CarabinCanada Research Chair and Full Professor, Epidemiology and One Health, Université de Montréal10019D3ABAB, 679797Huaiping ZhuProfessor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University, a York Research Chair (YRC Tier I) in Applied Mathematics, the Director of the Laboratory of Mathematical Parallel Systems at the York University (LAMPS), the Director of the Canadian Centre for Diseases Modelling (CCDM) and the Director of the One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI-RÉUNIS). 10019D3ABAB, 679803Jacques BélairProfessor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Université de Montréal10019D3ABAB, 679805James WatmoughProfessor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of New Brunswick.10019D3ABAB, 679806Jane HeffernanJane Heffernan is a professor of infectious disease modelling in the Mathematics & Statistics Department at York University. She is a co-director of the Canadian Centre for Disease Modelling, and she leads national and international networks in mathematical immunology and the modelling of waning and boosting immunity.10019D3ABAB, 679817Julien ArinoProfessor and Faculty of Science Research Chair in Fundamental Science with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manitoba.10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 715329Nick OgdenNicholas Ogden is a senior research scientist and Director of the Public Health Risk Sciences Division within the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada.10019D3ABAB, 715667mpox859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jmv.28137
| Excerpt / Summary [Journal of Medical Virology, 11 September 2022]
To model the spread of monkeypox (MPX) in a metropolitan area for assessing the risk of possible outbreaks, and identifying essential public health measures to contain the virus spread. The animal reservoir is the key element in the modeling of zoonotic disease. Using a One Health approach, we model the spread of the MPX virus in humans considering potential animal hosts such as rodents (e.g., rats, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, etc.) and emphasize their role and transmission of the virus in a high-risk group, including gay and bisexual men-who-have-sex-with-men (gbMSM). From model and sensitivity analysis, we identify key public health factors and present scenarios under different transmission assumptions. We find that the MPX virus may spill over from gbMSM high-risk groups to broader populations if the efficiency of transmission increases in the higher-risk group. However, the risk of outbreak can be greatly reduced if at least 65% of symptomatic cases can be isolated and their contacts traced and quarantined. In addition, infections in an animal reservoir will exacerbate MPX transmission risk in the human population. Regions or communities with a higher proportion of gbMSM individuals need greater public health attention. Tracing and quarantine (or “effective quarantine” by postexposure vaccination) of contacts with MPX cases in high-risk groups would have a significant effect on controlling the spreading. Also, monitoring for animal infections would be prudent. |
Link[19] Microscopic modeling of spatiotemporal epidemic dynamics
Author: Tilemachos Pechlivanoglou, Gian Alix, Nina Yanin, Jing Li, Farzaneh Heidari, Manos Papagelis Publication date: 1 November 2022 Publication info: SpatialEpi '22: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Computing for Epidemiology, November 2022, Pages 11–21 Cited by: David Price 2:41 PM 18 November 2023 GMT Citerank: (1) 679837Manos PapagelisI am an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at the Lassonde School of Engineering, York University. I am faculty member of the Data Mining Lab.10019D3ABAB URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3557995.3566116
| Excerpt / Summary [Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Computing for Epidemiology, November 2022]
Conventional techniques of epidemic modeling are based on compartmental models, where population groups are transitioning from one compartment to another - for example, S, I, or R, (Susceptible, Infectious, or Recovered). Then, they focus on learning macroscopic properties of disease spreading, such as the transition rates between compartments. Although these models are useful in studying epidemic dynamics, they lack the granularity needed for analyzing individual behaviors during an epidemic and understanding the relationship between individual decisions and the spread of the disease. In this paper, we develop microscopic models of spatiotemporal epidemic dynamics informed by mobility patterns of individuals and their interactions. In contrast to macroscopic models, microscopic epidemic models focus on individuals and their properties, such as their activity level, mobility behaviors, and impact of mobility behavior changes. Our microscopic spatiotemporal epidemic model allows to (i) assess the risk of infection of an individual based on mobility patterns;(ii) assess the risk of infection associated with specific geographic areas and points-of-interest (POIs);(iii) assess the risk of infection of a trip in an urban environment;(iv) provide trip recommendation for mitigating the risk of infection;and (v) assess targeted intervention strategies that aim to control the epidemic spreading. Our work provides an evidence-based data-driven model to inform individuals about the infection risks associated with their mobility behavior during a pandemic, providing at the same time safer alternatives. It can also inform public policy about the effectiveness of targeted intervention strategies that aim to contain or mitigate the epidemic spread compared to horizontal measures. |
Link[20] Estimating social contacts in mass gatherings for disease outbreak prevention and management: case of Hajj pilgrimage
Author: Mohammadali Tofighi, Ali Asgary, Ghassem Tofighi, Mahdi M. Najafabadi, Julien Arino, Amine Amiche, Ashrafur Rahman, Zachary McCarthy, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi, Edward Thommes, Laurent Coudeville, Martin David Grunnill, Lydia Bourouiba, Jianhong Wu Publication date: 1 September 2022 Publication info: Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines, Volume 8, Article number: 19 (2022) Cited by: David Price 2:46 PM 18 November 2023 GMT Citerank: (6) 679750Ali AsgaryAssociate Professor and Associate Director, Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulation (ADERSIM) in the School of Administrative Studies, and Adjunct Professor in the School of Information Technology, at York University.10019D3ABAB, 679812Jianhong WuProfessor Jianhong Wu is a University Distinguished Research Professor and Senior Canada Research Chair in industrial and applied mathematics at York University. He is also the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in vaccine mathematics, modelling, and manufacturing. 10019D3ABAB, 679817Julien ArinoProfessor and Faculty of Science Research Chair in Fundamental Science with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manitoba.10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 70104406 Infection Control during Mass Gathering EventsMass gatherings (MG) have the potential to facilitate global spread of infectious pathogens. Individuals from disease-free areas may acquire the pathogen while at the mass gathering site, which in turn could lead to its translocation in the originally disease-free zones when individuals return home.12070BEA3, 715419Edward Thommes Edward W. Thommes is an Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at the University of Guelph and at York University. He is a Global Modeling Lead in the Modeling, Epidemiology and Data Science (MEDS) team of Sanofi Vaccines, an Affiliate Researcher in the Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation (WICI), and a member of the Strategic Advisory Committee for the Mathematics for Public Health program at the Fields Institute.10019D3ABAB URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40794-022-00177-3
| Excerpt / Summary [Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines, 1 September 2022]
Background: Most mass gathering events have been suspended due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. However, with vaccination rollout, whether and how to organize some of these mass gathering events arises as part of the pandemic recovery discussions, and this calls for decision support tools. The Hajj, one of the world's largest religious gatherings, was substantively scaled down in 2020 and 2021 and it is still unclear how it will take place in 2022 and subsequent years. Simulating disease transmission dynamics during the Hajj season under different conditions can provide some insights for better decision-making. Most disease risk assessment models require data on the number and nature of possible close contacts between individuals.
Methods: We sought to use integrated agent-based modeling and discrete events simulation techniques to capture risky contacts among the pilgrims and assess different scenarios in one of the Hajj major sites, namely Masjid-Al-Haram.
Results: The simulation results showed that a plethora of risky contacts may occur during the rituals. Also, as the total number of pilgrims increases at each site, the number of risky contacts increases, and physical distancing measures may be challenging to maintain beyond a certain number of pilgrims in the site.
Conclusions: This study presented a simulation tool that can be relevant for the risk assessment of a variety of (respiratory) infectious diseases, in addition to COVID-19 in the Hajj season. This tool can be expanded to include other contributing elements of disease transmission to quantify the risk of the mass gathering events. |
Link[21] Risk of COVID-19 variant importation - How useful are travel control measures?
Author: Julien Arino, Pierre-Yves Boëlle, Evan Milliken, Stéphanie Portet Publication date: 22 July 2021 Publication info: Infectious Disease Modelling, Volume 6, 2021, Pages 875-897 Cited by: David Price 3:21 PM 18 November 2023 GMT Citerank: (3) 679817Julien ArinoProfessor and Faculty of Science Research Chair in Fundamental Science with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manitoba.10019D3ABAB, 701222OMNI – Publications144B5ACA0, 715328Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs)859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idm.2021.06.006
| Excerpt / Summary We consider models for the importation of a new variant COVID-19 strain in a location already seeing propagation of a resident variant. By distinguishing contaminations generated by imported cases from those originating in the community, we are able to evaluate the contribution of importations to the dynamics of the disease in a community. We find that after an initial seeding, the role of importations becomes marginal compared to that of community-based propagation. We also evaluate the role of two travel control measures, quarantine and travel interruptions. We conclude that quarantine is an efficacious way of lowering importation rates, while travel interruptions have the potential to delay the consequences of importations but need to be applied within a very tight time window following the initial emergence of the variant. |
Link[22] COVID-19 virtual patient cohort suggests immune mechanisms driving disease outcomes
Author: Adrianne L. Jenner, Rosemary A. Aogo, Sofia Alfonso, Vivienne Crowe, Xiaoyan Deng, Amanda P. Smith, Penelope A. Morel, Courtney L. Davis, Amber M. Smith, Morgan Craig Publication date: 14 July 2021 Publication info: PLoS Pathog 17(7): e1009753. Cited by: David Price 3:28 PM 18 November 2023 GMT Citerank: (1) 679852Morgan CraigMorgan Craig is a Researcher at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Centre and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Montréal. 10019D3ABAB URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1009753
| Excerpt / Summary [PLoS Pathogens, 14 July 2021]
To understand the diversity of immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 and distinguish features that predispose individuals to severe COVID-19, we developed a mechanistic, within-host mathematical model and virtual patient cohort. Our results suggest that virtual patients with low production rates of infected cell derived IFN subsequently experienced highly inflammatory disease phenotypes, compared to those with early and robust IFN responses. In these in silico patients, the maximum concentration of IL-6 was also a major predictor of CD8+ T cell depletion. Our analyses predicted that individuals with severe COVID-19 also have accelerated monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation mediated by increased IL-6 and reduced type I IFN signalling. Together, these findings suggest biomarkers driving the development of severe COVID-19 and support early interventions aimed at reducing inflammation. |
Link[23] Charting a future for emerging infectious disease modelling in Canada
Author: Mark A. Lewis, Patrick Brown, Caroline Colijn, Laura Cowen, Christopher Cotton, Troy Day, Rob Deardon, David Earn, Deirdre Haskell, Jane Heffernan, Patrick Leighton, Kumar Murty, Sarah Otto, Ellen Rafferty, Carolyn Hughes Tuohy, Jianhong Wu, Huaiping Zhu Publication date: 26 April 2023 Cited by: David Price 2:31 PM 19 November 2023 GMT
Citerank: (22) 679703EIDM?The Emerging Infectious Diseases Modelling Initiative (EIDM) – by the Public Health Agency of Canada and NSERC – aims to establish multi-disciplinary network(s) of specialists across the country in modelling infectious diseases to be applied to public needs associated with emerging infectious diseases and pandemics such as COVID-19. [1]7F1CEB7, 679761Caroline ColijnDr. Caroline Colijn works at the interface of mathematics, evolution, infection and public health, and leads the MAGPIE research group. She joined SFU's Mathematics Department in 2018 as a Canada 150 Research Chair in Mathematics for Infection, Evolution and Public Health. She has broad interests in applications of mathematics to questions in evolution and public health, and was a founding member of Imperial College London's Centre for the Mathematics of Precision Healthcare.10019D3ABAB, 679769Christopher CottonChristopher Cotton is a Professor of Economics at Queen’s University where he holds the Jarislowsky-Deutsch Chair in Economic & Financial Policy.10019D3ABAB, 679776David EarnProfessor of Mathematics and Faculty of Science Research Chair in Mathematical Epidemiology at McMaster University.10019D3ABAB, 679797Huaiping ZhuProfessor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University, a York Research Chair (YRC Tier I) in Applied Mathematics, the Director of the Laboratory of Mathematical Parallel Systems at the York University (LAMPS), the Director of the Canadian Centre for Diseases Modelling (CCDM) and the Director of the One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI-RÉUNIS). 10019D3ABAB, 679806Jane HeffernanJane Heffernan is a professor of infectious disease modelling in the Mathematics & Statistics Department at York University. She is a co-director of the Canadian Centre for Disease Modelling, and she leads national and international networks in mathematical immunology and the modelling of waning and boosting immunity.10019D3ABAB, 679812Jianhong WuProfessor Jianhong Wu is a University Distinguished Research Professor and Senior Canada Research Chair in industrial and applied mathematics at York University. He is also the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in vaccine mathematics, modelling, and manufacturing. 10019D3ABAB, 679826Laura CowenAssociate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Victoria.10019D3ABAB, 679842Mark LewisProfessor Mark Lewis, Kennedy Chair in Mathematical Biology at the University of Victoria and Emeritus Professor at the University of Alberta.10019D3ABAB, 679858Patrick BrownAssociate Professor in the Centre for Global Health Research at St. Michael’s Hospital, and in the Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto.10019D3ABAB, 679859Patrick LeightonPatrick Leighton is a Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montreal, and an active member of the Epidemiology of Zoonoses and Public Health Research Group (GREZOSP) and the Centre for Public Health Research (CReSP). 10019D3ABAB, 679869Rob DeardonAssociate Professor in the Department of Production Animal Health in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the Faculty of Science at the University of Calgary.10019D3ABAB, 679875Sarah OttoProfessor in Zoology. Theoretical biologist, Canada Research Chair in Theoretical and Experimental Evolution, and Killam Professor at the University of British Columbia.10019D3ABAB, 679890Troy DayTroy Day is a Professor and the Associate Head of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Queen’s University. He is an applied mathematician whose research focuses on dynamical systems, optimization, and game theory, applied to models of infectious disease dynamics and evolutionary biology.10019D3ABAB, 679893Kumar MurtyProfessor Kumar Murty is in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Toronto. His research fields are Analytic Number Theory, Algebraic Number Theory, Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Information Security. He is the founder of the GANITA lab, co-founder of Prata Technologies and PerfectCloud. His interest in mathematics ranges from the pure study of the subject to its applications in data and information security.10019D3ABAB, 686724Ellen RaffertyDr. Ellen Rafferty has a Master of Public Health and a PhD in epidemiology and health economics from the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Rafferty’s research focuses on the epidemiologic and economic impact of public health policies, such as estimating the cost-effectiveness of immunization programs. She is interested in the incorporation of economics into immunization decision-making, and to that aim has worked with a variety of provincial and national organizations.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 701071OSN – Publications144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 714608Charting a FutureCharting a Future for Emerging Infectious Disease Modelling in Canada – April 2023 [1] 2794CAE1, 715387SMMEID – Publications144B5ACA0 URL:
| Excerpt / Summary We propose an independent institute of emerging infectious disease modellers and policy experts, with an academic core, capable of renewing itself as needed. This institute will combine science and knowledge translation to inform decision-makers at all levels of government and ensure the highest level of preparedness (and readiness) for the next public health emergency. The Public Health Modelling Institute will provide cost-effective, science-based modelling for public policymakers in an easily visualizable, integrated framework, which can respond in an agile manner to changing needs, questions, and data. To be effective, the Institute must link to modelling groups within government, who are best able to pose questions and convey results for use by public policymakers. |
Link[24] Law of mass action and saturation in SIR model with application to Coronavirus modelling
Author: Theodore Kolokolnikov, David Iron Publication date: 10 December 2020 Publication info: Infectious Disease Modelling, Volume 6, 2021, Pages 91-97 Cited by: David Price 7:49 PM 24 November 2023 GMT Citerank: (3) 679886Theodore KolokolnikovKillam Professor of Mathematics and Statistics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Dalhousie University.10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idm.2020.11.002
| Excerpt / Summary [Infectious Disease Modelling, 10 December 2020]
When using SIR and related models, it is common to assume that the infection rate is proportional to the product of susceptible and infected individuals. While this assumption works at the onset of the outbreak, the infection force saturates as the outbreak progresses, even in the absence of any interventions. We use a simple agent–based model to illustrate this saturation effect. Its continuum limit leads a modified SIR model with exponential saturation. The derivation is based on first principles incorporating the spread radius and population density. We use the data for coronavirus outbreak for the period from March to June, to show that using SIR model with saturation is sufficient to capture the disease dynamics for many jurstictions, including the overall world-wide disease curve progression. Our model suggests the R0 value of above 8 at the onset of infection, but with infection quickly “flattening out”, leading to a long-term sustained sub-exponential spread. |
Link[25] SamPy: A New Python Library for Stochastic Spatial Agent-Based Modeling in Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Author: Francois Viard, Emily Acheson, Agathe Allibert, Caroline Sauve, Patrick Leighton Publication date: 1 December 2022 Publication info: Preprints 2022, 2022110556 Cited by: David Price 4:13 PM 3 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (5) 679859Patrick LeightonPatrick Leighton is a Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montreal, and an active member of the Epidemiology of Zoonoses and Public Health Research Group (GREZOSP) and the Centre for Public Health Research (CReSP). 10019D3ABAB, 703961Zoonosis859FDEF6, 708813Agent-based models859FDEF6, 715802230309 Introducing SamPySeminar 8: Introducing SamPy: A New Python Library for Agent-based Modeling in the Epidemiology of Zoonotic Diseases, Speaker: Dr. Francois Viard, 9 March 2023.63E883B6, 715803SamPyA New Python Library for Stochastic Spatial Agent-Based Modeling in Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases. [1]122C78CB7 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202211.0556.v2
| Excerpt / Summary [Preprints, 1 December 2022]
Agent-based models (ABMs) are computational models for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents in time and space. These models allow users to simulate the complex interactions between individual agents and the landscapes they inhabit and are increasingly used in epidemiology to understand complex phenomena and make predictions. However, as the complexity of the simulated systems increases, notably when disease control interventions are considered, model flexibility and processing speed can become limiting. Here we introduce SamPy, an open-source Python library for stochastic agent-based modeling of epidemics. SamPy is a modular toolkit for model development, providing adaptable modules that capture host movement, disease dynamics, and disease control interventions. Memory optimization and design provide high computational efficiency allowing modelling of large, spatially-explicit populations of agents over extensive geographical areas. In this article, we demonstrate the high flexibility and processing speed of this new library.
The version of SamPy considered in this paper is available at:
https://github.com/sam... |
Link[26] Bumble bee pollination and the wildflower/crop trade-off: When do wildflower enhancements improve crop yield?
Author: Bruno S. Carturan, Nourridine Siewe, Christina A. Cobbold, Rebecca C. Tyson Publication date: 31 July 2023 Publication info: Ecological Modelling, Volume 484, 2023, 110447, ISSN 0304-3800, 31 July 2023 Cited by: David Price 12:19 PM 14 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679867Rebecca TysonDr. Rebecca C. Tyson is an Associate Professor in Mathematical Biology at the University of British Columbia Okanagan.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 703962Ecology859FDEF6, 708748Arthropods859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2023.110447
| Excerpt / Summary [Ecological Modelling, 31 July 2023]
Populations of wild insect pollinators such as bumble bees are threatened worldwide, which compromises pollinator-dependent crop yields. Intentionally planting wildflower patches in agricultural landscapes can support these populations and increase the pollination of nearby crops via the “spillover effect” (i.e., the exporter hypothesis), but may also distract bees from the crops and reduce their pollination via the “Circe principle” (i.e., the aggregation hypothesis). Considering the potentially high costs of these management strategies and the necessity to support wild insect pollinators in the Anthropocene, there is a pressing need to provide simulation tools that can inform best practices for wildflower plantings in agro-ecosystems. We developed a spatially implicit ordinary differential equations (ODEs) model specifically designed to determine the optimal wildflower-to-crop ratio as a function of wildflower patch (i) attractiveness, (ii) nutritional benefits, and (iii) blooming period relative to the crop. The model represents the population dynamics of a bumble bee colony and floral resources (crop and wildflower) in the landscape and nest during one harvesting season. We conduct a full factorial simulation experiment to identify the optimal characteristics of the wildflower patch (i.e., blooming period, attractiveness, relative abundance) that maximise crop yield via the enhancement of the number of bees pollinating crop flowers in a fictional blueberry farm. Our results suggest that providing highly attractive and nutritive wildflower resources before and not during the crop blooming season is the most beneficial strategy. When both flower types are in competition, pollination services can decrease, either when wildflowers are too attractive, or if they provide less benefits to the bees than the crop due to a trade-off between resources quality versus quantity. |
Link[27] Mathematical modelling of the first HIV/ZIKV co-infection cases in Colombia and Brazil
Author: Jhoana P. Romero-Leiton, Idriss Sekkak, Julien Arino, Bouchra Nasri Publication date: 21 September 2023 Publication info: arXiv:2309.12385 [q-bio.PE] Cited by: David Price 7:02 PM 18 January 2024 GMT Citerank: (6) 679759Bouchra NasriProfessor Nasri is a faculty member of Biostatistics in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Montreal. Prof. Nasri is an FRQS Junior 1 Scholar in Artificial Intelligence in Health and Digital Health. She holds an NSERC Discovery Grant in Statistics for time series dependence modelling for complex data.10019D3ABAB, 679817Julien ArinoProfessor and Faculty of Science Research Chair in Fundamental Science with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manitoba.10019D3ABAB, 708761HIV859FDEF6, 715588Zika859FDEF6, 716938231214 Mathematical modelling of first HIV/ZIKV co-infection casesSeminar 15: Mathematical modelling of the first HIV/ZIKV co-infection cases in Colombia and Brazil. Speaker: Jhoana P. Romero-Leiton, Dec 14, 2023.63E883B6, 716939HIVHIV » Relevance » Zika10000FFFACD URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2309.12385
| Excerpt / Summary [arXiv, 21 September 2023]
This paper presents a mathematical model to investigate co-infection with HIV/AIDS and zika virus (ZIKV) in Colombia and Brazil, where the first cases were reported in 2015-2016. The model considers the sexual transmission dynamics of both viruses and vector-host interactions. We begin by exploring the qualitative behaviour of each model separately. Then, we analyze the dynamics of the co-infection model using the thresholds and results defined separately for each model. The model also considers the impact of intervention strategies, such as, personal protection, antiretroviral therapy (ART), and sexual protection (condoms use). Using available parameter values for Colombia and Brazil, the model is calibrated to predict the potential effect of implementing combinations of those intervention strategies on the co-infection spread. According to these findings, transmission through sexual contact is a determining factor in the long-term behaviour of these two diseases. Furthermore, it is important to note that co-infection with HIV and ZIKV may result in higher rates of HIV transmission and an increased risk of severe congenital disabilities linked to ZIKV infection. As a result, control measures have been implemented to limit the number of infected individuals and mosquitoes, with the aim of halting disease transmission. This study provides novel insights into the dynamics of HIV/ZIKV co-infection and highlights the importance of integrated intervention strategies in controlling the spread of these viruses, which may impact public health. |
Link[28] Mathematical modeling of mpox: A scoping review
Author: Jeta Molla, Idriss Sekkak, Ariel Mundo Ortiz, Iain Moyles, Bouchra Nasri Publication date: 16 June 2023 Publication info: One Health Volume 16, June 2023, 100540 Cited by: David Price 0:55 AM 6 February 2024 GMT Citerank: (3) 679759Bouchra NasriProfessor Nasri is a faculty member of Biostatistics in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Montreal. Prof. Nasri is an FRQS Junior 1 Scholar in Artificial Intelligence in Health and Digital Health. She holds an NSERC Discovery Grant in Statistics for time series dependence modelling for complex data.10019D3ABAB, 679799Iain MoylesAssistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University. 10019D3ABAB, 715667mpox859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.onehlt.2023.100540
| Excerpt / Summary [One Health, June 2023]
Background: Mpox (monkeypox), a disease historically endemic to Africa, has seen its largest outbreak in 2022 by spreading to many regions of the world and has become a public health threat. Informed policies aimed at controlling and managing the spread of this disease necessitate the use of adequate mathematical modeling strategies.
Objective: In this scoping review, we sought to identify the mathematical models that have been used to study mpox transmission in the literature in order to determine what are the model classes most frequently used, their assumptions, and the modelling gaps that need to be addressed in the context of the epidemiological characteristics of the ongoing mpox outbreak.
Methods: This study employed the methodology of the PRISMA guidelines for scoping reviews to identify the mathematical models available to study mpox transmission dynamics. Three databases (PubMed, Web of Science and MathSciNet) were systematically searched to identify relevant studies.
Results: A total of 5827 papers were screened from the database queries. After the screening, 35 studies that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed, and 19 were finally included in the scoping review. Our results show that compartmental, branching process, Monte Carlo (stochastic), agent-based, and network models have been used to study mpox transmission dynamics between humans as well as between humans and animals. Furthermore, compartmental and branching models have been the most commonly used classes.
Conclusions: There is a need to develop modeling strategies for mpox transmission that take into account the conditions of the current outbreak, which has been largely driven by human-to-human transmission in urban settings. In the current scenario, the assumptions and parameters used by most of the studies included in this review (which are largely based on a limited number of studies carried out in Africa in the early 80s) may not be applicable, and therefore, can complicate any public health policies that are derived from their estimates. The current mpox outbreak is also an example of how more research into neglected zoonoses is needed in an era where new and re-emerging diseases have become global public health threats. |
Link[29] Modelling the transmission of dengue, zika and chikungunya: a scoping review protocol
Author: Jhoana P Romero-Leiton, Kamal Raj Acharya, Jane Elizabeth Parmley, Julien Arino, Bouchra Nasri Publication date: 19 September 2023 Publication info: BMJ Open. 2023; 13(9): e074385, PMCID: PMC10510863, PMID: 37730394 Cited by: David Price 1:12 AM 6 February 2024 GMT Citerank: (6) 679759Bouchra NasriProfessor Nasri is a faculty member of Biostatistics in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Montreal. Prof. Nasri is an FRQS Junior 1 Scholar in Artificial Intelligence in Health and Digital Health. She holds an NSERC Discovery Grant in Statistics for time series dependence modelling for complex data.10019D3ABAB, 679817Julien ArinoProfessor and Faculty of Science Research Chair in Fundamental Science with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manitoba.10019D3ABAB, 715588Zika859FDEF6, 717461Dengue859FDEF6, 717462Chikungunya859FDEF6, 717463Mosquitoes859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074385
| Excerpt / Summary [BMJ Open, 19 September 2023]
Introduction: Aedes mosquitoes are the primary vectors for the spread of viruses like dengue (DENV), zika (ZIKV) and chikungunya (CHIKV), all of which affect humans. Those diseases contribute to global public health issues because of their great dispersion in rural and urban areas. Mathematical and statistical models have become helpful in understanding these diseases’ epidemiological dynamics. However, modelling the complexity of a real phenomenon, such as a viral disease, should consider several factors. This scoping review aims to document, identify and classify the most important factors as well as the modelling strategies for the spread of DENV, ZIKV and CHIKV.
Methods and analysis: We will conduct searches in electronic bibliographic databases such as PubMed, MathSciNet and the Web of Science for full-text peer-reviewed articles written in English, French and Spanish. These articles should use mathematical and statistical modelling frameworks to study dengue, zika and chikungunya, and their cocirculation/coinfection with other diseases, with a publication date between 1 January 2011 and 31 July 2023. Eligible studies should employ deterministic, stochastic or statistical modelling approaches, consider control measures and incorporate parameters’ estimation or considering calibration/validation approaches. We will exclude articles focusing on clinical/laboratory experiments or theoretical articles that do not include any case study. Two reviewers specialised in zoonotic diseases and mathematical / statistical modelling will independently screen and retain relevant studies. Data extraction will be performed using a structured form, and the findings of the study will be summarised through classification and descriptive analysis. Three scoping reviews will be published, each focusing on one disease and its cocirculation/co-infection with other diseases.
Ethics and dissemination: This protocol is exempt from ethics approval because it is carried out on published manuscripts and without the participation of humans and/or animals. The results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and presentations in conferences. |
Link[30] Identification of the elements of models of antimicrobial resistance of bacteria for assessing their usefulness and usability in One Health decision making: a protocol for scoping review
Author: Kamal Raj Acharya, Jhoana P Romero-Leiton, Elizabeth Jane Parmley, Bouchra Nasri Publication date: 16 March 2023 Publication info: BMJ Open 2023;13:e069022. Cited by: David Price 1:34 AM 7 February 2024 GMT Citerank: (3) 679759Bouchra NasriProfessor Nasri is a faculty member of Biostatistics in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Montreal. Prof. Nasri is an FRQS Junior 1 Scholar in Artificial Intelligence in Health and Digital Health. She holds an NSERC Discovery Grant in Statistics for time series dependence modelling for complex data.10019D3ABAB, 679807Jane ParmleyJane is an Associate Professor in One Health in the Department of Population Medicine in the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph.10019D3ABAB, 704017Antimicrobial resistance859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069022
| Excerpt / Summary [BMJ Open, 16 March 2023]
Introduction: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a complex problem that requires the One Health approach, that is, a collaboration among various disciplines working in different sectors (animal, human and environment) to resolve it. Mathematical and statistical models have been used to understand AMR development, emergence, dissemination, prediction and forecasting. A review of the published models of AMR will help consolidate our knowledge of the dynamics of AMR and will also facilitate decision-makers and researchers in evaluating the credibility, generalisability and interpretation of the results and aspects of AMR models. The study objective is to identify and synthesise knowledge on mathematical and statistical models of AMR among bacteria in animals, humans and environmental compartments.
Methods and analysis: Eligibility criteria: Original research studies reporting mathematical and statistical models of AMR among bacteria in animal, human and environmental compartments that were published until 2022 in English, French and Spanish will be included in this study. Sources of evidence: Database of PubMed, Agricola (Ovid), Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience Direct (CABI), Web of Science (Clarivate), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and MathScinet. Data charting: Metadata of the study, the context of the study, model structure, model process and reporting quality will be extracted. A narrative summary of this information, gaps and recommendations will be prepared and reported in One Health decision-making context.
Ethics and dissemination: Research ethics board approval was not obtained for this study as neither human participation nor unpublished human data were used in this study. The study findings will be widely disseminated among the One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections network and stakeholders by means of conferences, and publication in open-access peer-reviewed journals. |
Link[31] Assessing the Impact of Mutations and Horizontal Gene Transfer on the AMR Control: A Mathematical Model
Author: Alissen Peterson, Jhoana P. Romero-Leiton, Pablo Aguirre, Kamal R. Acharya, Bouchra Nasri Publication date: 8 June 2023 Publication info: arXiv:2302.02280 [math.DS] Cited by: David Price 1:41 AM 7 February 2024 GMT Citerank: (2) 679759Bouchra NasriProfessor Nasri is a faculty member of Biostatistics in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Montreal. Prof. Nasri is an FRQS Junior 1 Scholar in Artificial Intelligence in Health and Digital Health. She holds an NSERC Discovery Grant in Statistics for time series dependence modelling for complex data.10019D3ABAB, 704017Antimicrobial resistance859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2302.02280
| Excerpt / Summary [arXiv, 8 June 2023]
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a significant threat to public health by increasing mortality, extending hospital stays, and increasing healthcare costs. It affects people of all ages and affects health services, veterinary medicine, and agriculture, making it a pressing global issue. Mathematical models are required to predict the behaviour of AMR and to develop control measures to eliminate resistant bacteria or reduce their prevalence. This study presents a simple deterministic mathematical model in which sensitive and resistant bacteria interact in the environment, and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) are functions that depend on resistant bacteria. We analyze the qualitative properties of the model and propose an optimal control problem in which avoiding mutations and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) are the primary control strategies. We also provide a case study of the resistance and multidrug resistance (MDR) percentages of Escherichia coli to gentamicin and amoxicillin in some European countries using data from the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net). Our theoretical results and numerical experiments indicate that controlling the spread of resistance in southern European regions through the supply of amoxicillin is challenging. However, the host immune system is also critical for controlling AMR. |
Link[32] An early warning indicator trained on stochastic disease-spreading models with different noises
Author: Amit K. Chakraborty, Shan Gao, Reza Miry, Pouria Ramazi, Russell Greiner, Mark A. Lewis, Hao Wang Publication date: 9 August 2024 Publication info: J. R. Soc. Interface.212024019920240199, August 2024, Volume 21, Issue 217 Cited by: David Price 11:03 PM 8 December 2024 GMT Citerank: (5) 679842Mark LewisProfessor Mark Lewis, Kennedy Chair in Mathematical Biology at the University of Victoria and Emeritus Professor at the University of Alberta.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 70113403 Early Warning Systems of Infectious DiseasesAnalysis of early warning signals is a crucial component of a coordinated response to emerging infectious diseases (EIDs). The goal of OMNI-RÉUNIs’ projects is to provide both an analysis of these signals and of the possibility of disease establishment, and collectively these could be used to inform public health regarding the level of disease threat.859FDEF6, 701140Mining and Summarization of Early Warning Pandemic SignalsMining and Summarization of Early Warning Pandemic Signals for vector-borne diseases (Lyme and Chikungunya, etc.).859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2024.0199
| Excerpt / Summary [Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9 August 2024]
The timely detection of disease outbreaks through reliable early warning signals (EWSs) is indispensable for effective public health mitigation strategies. Nevertheless, the intricate dynamics of real-world disease spread, often influenced by diverse sources of noise and limited data in the early stages of outbreaks, pose a significant challenge in developing reliable EWSs, as the performance of existing indicators varies with extrinsic and intrinsic noises. Here, we address the challenge of modelling disease when the measurements are corrupted by additive white noise, multiplicative environmental noise and demographic noise into a standard epidemic mathematical model. To navigate the complexities introduced by these noise sources, we employ a deep learning algorithm that provides EWS in infectious disease outbreaks by training on noise-induced disease-spreading models. The indicator’s effectiveness is demonstrated through its application to real-world COVID-19 cases in Edmonton and simulated time series derived from diverse disease spread models affected by noise. Notably, the indicator captures an impending transition in a time series of disease outbreaks and outperforms existing indicators. This study contributes to advancing early warning capabilities by addressing the intricate dynamics inherent in real-world disease spread, presenting a promising avenue for enhancing public health preparedness and response efforts. |