Demography and Welfare Working Group - Nordic
Regionalt bæredygtig velfærdsudvikling
The Nordic working group on demography and welfare aims to form a joint Nordic platform for producing knowledge and exchanging experiences regarding the challenges and opportunities induced by the current demographic and labour-market related changes in Nordic regions and municipalities.
The work produced in the working group will provide new insights to the Nordic policymaking community for addressing the consequences of demographic changes in several policy fields, such as provision of welfare services, labour-market, business development, housing, and education. It will also highlight innovative national, regional and local solutions to handle demographic challenges and opportunities.
Working programme 2015-2016
Currently, the working group prioritises three projects:
The third project started with a Social Innovation workshop in 2014. During 2015-2016 we will study how the Nordic countries have used - or could use - Social Innovation as an organizing principle when developing concrete actions at regional and local levels that can durably tackle the demographic shift in a more inclusive and resource efficient way.
The knowledge produced in all projects will contribute to the Nordic regional policy-making debate through a number of publications and dissemination activities.
For more information about our activities, please see the Working programme for 2015-2016.