2012-05 Draft Technical Guidelines [2012 May]
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Draft Technical Guidelines »Draft Technical Guidelines
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2012-05 Draft Technical Guidelines [2012 May]
Definition of waste and hazardous waste »Definition of waste and hazardous waste
Useful to have open-ended list of hazardous components & substances »Useful to have open-ended list of hazardous components & substances
"E-waste" is broad category with highly variable national definitions »"E-waste" is broad category with highly variable national definitions
All listed wastes may be classified as non-hazardous »All listed wastes may be classified as non-hazardous
Basel Convention Annexes already define hazardousness »Basel Convention Annexes already define hazardousness
Better to list characteristics of hazards, not substances »Better to list characteristics of hazards, not substances
Proposed list is too narrow in scope »Proposed list is too narrow in scope
Proposed list of hazards contains inaccuracies »Proposed list of hazards contains inaccuracies
Governments should have interpretive flexibility on waste/non-waste »Governments should have interpretive flexibility on waste/non-waste
Countries should develop own lists of hazardous equipment »Countries should develop own lists of hazardous equipment
Hazardousness results from intrinsic properties »Hazardousness results from intrinsic properties
Use existing Basel Convention provisions to decide waste/non-waste »Use existing Basel Convention provisions to decide waste/non-waste
Guidelines should cover whole equipment, not materials. »Guidelines should cover whole equipment, not materials.
Guidelines should clarify applicability of Basel Convention »Guidelines should clarify applicability of Basel Convention
Trade not inherently good »Trade not inherently good
Trade facilitation is not the purpose of these guidelines. »Trade facilitation is not the purpose of these guidelines.
Guidelines should help facilitate trade of non-waste »Guidelines should help facilitate trade of non-waste
Need to distinguish between consumer and capital goods »Need to distinguish between consumer and capital goods
Technical Guidelines should harmonize with PACE and MPPI »Technical Guidelines should harmonize with PACE and MPPI
Whole-part distinctions difficult to make »Whole-part distinctions difficult to make
Inappropriate to apply waste regulations to repair and refurbishment »Inappropriate to apply waste regulations to repair and refurbishment
Exempt medical devices »Exempt medical devices
Not economical to have OEM repair centres in every country »Not economical to have OEM repair centres in every country
Consistency with EU WEEE Recast needed »Consistency with EU WEEE Recast needed
No provision for exemptions in Basel Convention »No provision for exemptions in Basel Convention
Shipments under warranty/lease/product servicing are not waste »Shipments under warranty/lease/product servicing are not waste
There is a need for functionality tests prior to shipment »There is a need for functionality tests prior to shipment
E-waste generation and flow figures need clarification »E-waste generation and flow figures need clarification
50-80% export figure is of questionable reliability »50-80% export figure is of questionable reliability
50-80% export figure needs to be taken in context »50-80% export figure needs to be taken in context
Enable legitimate reuse/repair »Enable legitimate reuse/repair
Maintenance, Refurbishment, Repair »Maintenance, Refurbishment, Repair
Technical Guidelines must better reflect needs of developing countries »Technical Guidelines must better reflect needs of developing countries
Situations in which used equipment is or is not waste »Situations in which used equipment is or is not waste
Add proposed list of hazardous/non-hazardous equipment »Add proposed list of hazardous/non-hazardous equipment
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