iType What

(Needle and ) Stringh - used as a rootSymbol for (navigationThread) Strings

Demonstrate the theoretical benefits of generated GeoCode Space rectangles that can resolve as small as 9 square meters.


Incorporate  the Time dimension and the P(riority) Q(positional ueue)  R(ank) dimensions


202?-Ð( 丑 ) »202?-Ð( 丑 )
→ TnT »→ TnT
RoadMap »RoadMap
? + * »? + *
⒈ Idea Type(s) »⒈ Idea Type(s)
⓿ "Goal(s)" »⓿ "Goal(s)"
🔝 進 = "Goal" »🔝 進 = "Goal"
`㊿ »`㊿
dotCommands »dotCommands
TweTt - see the attached TimeStamp > ... »TweTt - see the attached TimeStamp > ...
ℌ🐟巳㋁⑥㏢☽㏂㍤ »ℌ🐟巳㋁⑥㏢☽㏂㍤
巳/㋋ »巳/㋋
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