- BpH:ReTest ReMarkable / PDF integrations
- BathRd: Confirm Now finally WaterTight, then start the suits.
- TerminationH: ShortAndPithy
- SixPerWeek: I may need to adjust the Frequency and Periods.
- review SenateCa via AI to ReAssess RAG potential
- Use more internal Links
Apply Weekly updates. - focus Here
- TnTye testString - trying to work ahead with the nextFullWeek
- ReView TmoTn( -12- )
- LinkedIn
- RandA
- "move" seemed quite effective, but ...
- maybe only for certain iTypes and Links /?
- try to create a RoundHouse effect
- this may be needed in more 6than one technology ConText
- separation and NameKnowledge may not be adequate
- consider a shared googleFolder with permissions
- make this a part of the larger CaDfQss undertaking
- start by placing the Party note into an enduring Namespace
- the optimization of Team performance may its self be part of the EdD effort(s)
- DgH as RAG input to text refiements
- explain the Whys - if only to clarify the need(s)
2024-09-22: 2049-㊿
2024-03-23: .da: .we .we: ⑬:
- WikiPedia challenge initiated
- tightly define "OffTopic" is a tactic of Bullys that want to restrict disent
- as is anonimity
- add a link to the user's TalkPage
- study the interactions with his supporter
- DrW card
- TmDf update
- MtDf update re Staff/Contract
2023-12-14: the distinct QrSt symbols should be available in this environment.
- Ensure each of the Distinct fonts needed for Q & R are present here.
- Confirm that the "mathematics" Fonts text (from the UniCode pages) exists here.
- ...