Felicia Magpantay
Felicia Magpantay is an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at Queen’s University.

  • Her research is on delay differential equations, applied dynamical systems, numerical methods and statistical inference, with applications focused on mathematical ecology and epidemiology. Her work has been funded by NSERC, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, and the Ontario Research Fund. Her work has also been supported by computing resources from the Centre for Advanced Computing (Queen’s University) and Compute Canada.
People »People
Felicia Magpantay
MfPH – People »MfPH – People
OSN – People »OSN – People
Queen's University »Queen's University
Fields Institute »Fields Institute
06 Infection Control during Mass Gathering Events »06 Infection Control during Mass Gathering Events
08 Contact tracing »08 Contact tracing
09 Joint Estimation of Parameters in Outbreak Models »09 Joint Estimation of Parameters in Outbreak Models
10 Dynamic Bifurcation and Scenario Analyses »10 Dynamic Bifurcation and Scenario Analyses
Ecology »Ecology
Dynamical systems »Dynamical systems
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