Ellen Rafferty
Dr. Ellen Rafferty has a Master of Public Health and a PhD in epidemiology and health economics from the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Rafferty’s research focuses on the epidemiologic and economic impact of public health policies, such as estimating the cost-effectiveness of immunization programs. She is interested in the incorporation of economics into immunization decision-making, and to that aim has worked with a variety of provincial and national organizations.

  • Prior to working at IHE she was a CIHR Health System Impact and a Network of Alberta Health Economists fellow at the University of Alberta and Alberta Health. There she worked to develop an infectious disease model to evaluate the health and economic impact of respiratory syncytial virus.
People »People
Ellen Rafferty
CANMOD – People »CANMOD – People
OSN – People »OSN – People
Alberta Ministry of Health »Alberta Ministry of Health
University of Alberta »University of Alberta
National Advisory Committee on Immunization »National Advisory Committee on Immunization
Alberta Health Services »Alberta Health Services
Institute of Health Economics »Institute of Health Economics
2022/03/10 – Ellen Rafferty & Danica Wolitski »2022/03/10 – Ellen Rafferty & Danica Wolitski
Economics »Economics
Decision making »Decision making
Health economics »Health economics
Respiratory infections »Respiratory infections
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) »Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Covid-19 »Covid-19
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