Michael Donohue
Michael is currently the Director of Economic and Industry Analysis at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada where he oversees economic research and analysis on carbon pricing, climate change adaptation and mitigation, bio diversity, agricultural trade, food processing, food pricing and food security, productivity, and labour.

  • Michael is a professional economist who has spent his career doing research and analysis to support environmental policy with Environment Canada, Health Canada, the OECD, and Agriculture Canada. His areas of expertise include cost-benefit analysis, non-market valuation, especially health valuation, air quality, chemical management, and climate change.
  • A life long nature lover, Michael enjoys hiking, camping, and canoeing and enjoys working in a field where he can use his economic expertise to help integrate social, environmental, and economic concerns into policy making.
People »People
Michael Donohue
OSN – Scientific Community »OSN – Scientific Community
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada »Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Climate change »Climate change
Agriculture »Agriculture
Food security »Food security
Environment »Environment
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