Hospitals Set1 #685420
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+Citations (30) - CitationsAdd new citationList by: CiterankMapLink[1] Participatory Modeling with Discrete-Event Simulation: A Hybrid Approach to Inform Policy Development to Reduce Emergency Department Wait Times
Author: Yuan Tian, Jenny Basran, James Stempien, Adrienne Danyliw, Graham Fast, Patrick Falastein, Nathaniel D. Osgood Publication date: 17 July 2023 Publication info: Systems 2023, 11(7), 362; Cited by: David Price 2:41 PM 2 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (2) 679855Nathaniel OsgoodNathaniel D. Osgood is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Associate Faculty in the Department of Community Health & Epidemiology at the University of Saskatchewan.10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11070362
| Excerpt / Summary [Systems, 17 July 2023]
We detail a case study using a participatory modeling approach in the development and use of discrete-event simulations to identify intervention strategies aimed at reducing emergency department (ED) wait times in a Canadian health policy setting. A four-stage participatory modeling approach specifically adapted to the local policy environment was developed to engage stakeholders throughout the modeling processes. The participatory approach enabled a provincial team to engage a broad range of stakeholders to examine and identify the causes and solutions to lengthy ED wait times in the studied hospitals from a whole-system perspective. Each stage of the approach was demonstrated through its application in the case study. A novel and key feature of the participatory modeling approach was the development and use of a multi-criteria framework to identify and prioritize interventions to reduce ED wait times. We conclude with a discussion on lessons learned, which provide insights into future development and applications of participatory modeling methods to facilitate policy development and build multi-stakeholder consensus. |
Link[2] Modelling COVID-19 transmission in a hemodialysis centre using simulation generated contacts matrices
Author: Mohammadali Tofighi, Ali Asgary, Asad A. Merchant, Mohammad Ali Shafiee, Mahdi M. Najafabadi, Nazanin Nadri, Mehdi Aarabi, Jane Heffernan, Jianhong Wu Publication date: 19 November 2021 Publication info: PLoS ONE 16(11): e0259970. Cited by: David Price 4:44 PM 4 December 2023 GMT
Citerank: (7) 679750Ali AsgaryAssociate Professor and Associate Director, Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulation (ADERSIM) in the School of Administrative Studies, and Adjunct Professor in the School of Information Technology, at York University.10019D3ABAB, 679806Jane HeffernanJane Heffernan is a professor of infectious disease modelling in the Mathematics & Statistics Department at York University. She is a co-director of the Canadian Centre for Disease Modelling, and she leads national and international networks in mathematical immunology and the modelling of waning and boosting immunity.10019D3ABAB, 679812Jianhong WuProfessor Jianhong Wu is a University Distinguished Research Professor and Senior Canada Research Chair in industrial and applied mathematics at York University. He is also the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in vaccine mathematics, modelling, and manufacturing. 10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 708812Simulation859FDEF6, 715294Contact tracing859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0259970
| Excerpt / Summary [PLoS ONE, 19 November 2021]
The COVID-19 pandemic has been particularly threatening to patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) on intermittent hemodialysis and their care providers. Hemodialysis patients who receive life-sustaining medical therapy in healthcare settings, face unique challenges as they need to be at a dialysis unit three or more times a week, where they are confined to specific settings and tended to by dialysis nurses and staff with physical interaction and in close proximity. Despite the importance and critical situation of the dialysis units, modelling studies of the SARS-CoV-2 spread in these settings are very limited. In this paper, we have used a combination of discrete event and agent-based simulation models, to study the operations of a typical large dialysis unit and generate contact matrices to examine outbreak scenarios. We present the details of the contact matrix generation process and demonstrate how the simulation calculates a micro-scale contact matrix comprising the number and duration of contacts at a micro-scale time step. We have used the contacts matrix in an agent-based model to predict disease transmission under different scenarios. The results show that micro-simulation can be used to estimate contact matrices, which can be used effectively for disease modelling in dialysis and similar settings. |
Link[3] Estimating COVID-19 Infections, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Following the US Vaccination Campaigns During the Pandemic
Author: Thomas N. Vilches, Seyed M. Moghadas, Pratha Sah, Meagan C. Fitzpatrick, Affan Shoukat, Abhishek Pandey, Alison P. Galvani Publication date: 11 January 2022 Publication info: JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(1):e2142725. Cited by: David Price 7:28 PM 5 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679878Seyed MoghadasSeyed Moghadas is an infectious disease modeller whose research includes mathematical and computational modelling in epidemiology and immunology. In particular, he is interested in the theoretical and computational aspects of mathematical models describing the underlying dynamics of infectious diseases, with a particular emphasis on establishing strong links between micro (individual) and macro (population) levels.10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.42725
| Excerpt / Summary [JAMA Network Open, 11 January 2022]
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 745 000 deaths in the US. However, the toll might have been higher without the rapid development and delivery of effective vaccines. As of October 28, 2021, 69% of 258 million US adults had been fully vaccinated.
Quantifying the population impact of COVID-19 vaccination can inform future vaccination strategies. Randomized clinical trials have established individual-level efficacy of authorized vaccines against the original strain, which exceeds 90% in preventing symptomatic and severe disease.1-3 However, the population-level effectiveness of the vaccination campaign in the US, in terms of association with reduced infections, hospitalizations, and deaths, is not as well documented, and we evaluated this using a simulation model.
Methods: This decision analytic model adheres to Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS) reporting guideline. The institutional review of this study was waived by York University for the use of publicly available, deidentified data of the COVID-19 infections, deaths, and vaccination. Informed consent was not required to access the data.
We expanded our previous agent-based model4 to include transmission dynamics of the Alpha (B.1.1.7), Gamma (P.1), and Delta (B.1.617.2) variants in addition to the original strain (eMethods in the Supplement). The model was parameterized with the US demographics and age-specific risks of severe COVID-19 outcomes (eTable 1 and eTable 2 in the Supplement).5 A 2-dose vaccination strategy was implemented based on the daily vaccines administered in different age groups.6 Vaccine efficacies against infection, symptomatic disease and severe disease after each dose and for each variant were derived from published estimates (eTable 3 in the Supplement). The model was calibrated and fitted to reported national level incidence from October 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021 (eMethods in the Supplement).
We simulated pandemic trajectory under 2 counterfactuals: a no vaccination scenario and a program that achieved only half the daily vaccination rate of actual rollout. For each scenario, cumulative infections, hospitalizations, and deaths were compared with the simulated trends under the US vaccination program.
Credible intervals (CrIs) were generated from simulation outputs using the bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap method (with 500 replications) in June 2021. The model was implemented in Julia Language Programming, version 1.6 (Julia), and outputs were analyzed in MATLAB, version 2017a (MathWorks). No significance tests were performed for this simulation study.
Results: Compared with the no vaccination scenario, the actual vaccination campaign saved an estimated 240 797 (95% CrI, 200 665-281 230) lives and prevented an estimated 1 133 617 (95% CrI, 967 487-1 301 881) hospitalizations from December 12, 2020, to June 30, 2021. The number of cases averted during the same period was projected to exceed 14 million. Vaccination prevented a wave of COVID-19 cases driven by the Alpha variant that would have occurred in April 2021 without vaccination (Figure 1), with a projected peak of 4409 (95% CrI, 2865-6312) deaths and 17 979 (95% CrI, 13 191-23 219) hospitalizations. Under the second counterfactual with daily vaccination rates at half the reported pace, we projected that the US would have still endured an additional 77 283 (95% CrI, 48 499-104 519) deaths and 336 000 (95% CrI, 225 330- 440 109) hospitalizations (Figure 2).
Discussion: Our analytical model suggested that the US COVID-19 vaccination program was associated with a reduction in the total hospitalizations and deaths by nearly half during the first 6 months of 2021. It was also associated with decreased impact of the more transmissible and lethal Alpha variant that was circulating during the same period. As new variants of SARS-CoV-2 continue to emerge, a renewed commitment to vaccine access, particularly among underserved groups and in counties with low vaccination coverage, will be crucial to preventing avoidable COVID-19 cases and bringing the pandemic to a close.
Limitations of our model included the use of reported cases for fitting, which may not reflect the true incidence. This fit does not completely match the temporal trends of reported hospitalizations and deaths. The model was nationally homogeneous; however, parameters may have varied across geographic regions. Furthermore, we did not consider waning immunity after vaccination or recovery within the study time frame. |
Link[4] Modeling and Evaluation of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism for Curbing COVID-19 in Wuhan
Author: Linhua Zhou, Xinmiao Rong, Meng Fan, Liu Yang, Huidi Chu, Ling Xue, Guorong Hu, Siyu Liu, Zhijun Zeng, Ming Chen, Wei Sun, Jiamin Liu, Yawen Liu, Shishen Wang, Huaiping Zhu Publication date: 4 January 2022 Publication info: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 84(2) Cited by: David Price 10:13 PM 6 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (3) 679797Huaiping ZhuProfessor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University, a York Research Chair (YRC Tier I) in Applied Mathematics, the Director of the Laboratory of Mathematical Parallel Systems at the York University (LAMPS), the Director of the Canadian Centre for Diseases Modelling (CCDM) and the Director of the One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI-RÉUNIS). 10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11538-021-00983-4
| Excerpt / Summary [Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 4 January 2022]
The spread of COVID-19 in Wuhan was successfully curbed under the strategy of “Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism.” To understand how this measure stopped the epidemics in Wuhan, we establish a compartmental model with time-varying parameters over different stages. In the early stage of the epidemic, due to resource limitations, the number of daily reported cases may lower than the actual number. We employ a dynamic-based approach to calibrate the accumulated clinically diagnosed data with a sudden jump on February 12 and 13. The model simulation shows reasonably good match with the adjusted data which allows the prediction of the cumulative confirmed cases. Numerical results reveal that the “Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism” played a significant role on the containment of COVID-19. The spread of COVID-19 cannot be inhibited if any of the measures was not effectively implemented. Our analysis also illustrates that the Fangcang Shelter Hospitals are very helpful when the beds in the designated hospitals are insufficient. Comprised with Fangcang Shelter Hospitals, the designated hospitals can contain the transmission of COVID-19 more effectively. Our findings suggest that the combined multiple measures are essential to curb an ongoing epidemic if the prevention and control measures can be fully implemented. |
Link[5] Comparison of influenza and COVID-19 hospitalisations in British Columbia, Canada: a population-based study
Author: Solmaz Setayeshgar, James Wilton, Hind Sbihi, Moe Zandy, Naveed Janjua, Alexandra Choi, Kate Smolina Publication date: 2 February 2023 Publication info: BMJ Open Respiratory Research 2023;10:e001567 Cited by: David Price 1:21 AM 9 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679856Naveed Zafar JanjuaDr. Naveed Zafar Janjua is an epidemiologist and senior scientist at the BC Centre for Disease Control and Clinical Associate Professor at School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia. Dr. Janjua is a Medical Doctor (MBBS) with a Masters of Science (MSc) degree in Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH). 10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 703974Influenza859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjresp-2022-001567
| Excerpt / Summary [BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 2 February 2023]
Introduction: We compared the population rate of COVID-19 and influenza hospitalisations by age, COVID-19 vaccine status and pandemic phase, which was lacking in other studies.
Method: We conducted a population-based study using hospital data from the province of British Columbia (population 5.3 million) in Canada with universal healthcare coverage. We created two cohorts of COVID-19 hospitalisations based on date of admission: annual cohort (March 2020 to February 2021) and peak cohort (Omicron era; first 10 weeks of 2022). For comparison, we created influenza annual and peak cohorts using three historical periods years to capture varying severity and circulating strains: 2009/2010, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017. We estimated hospitalisation rates per 100 000 population.
Results: COVID-19 and influenza hospitalisation rates by age group were ‘J’ shaped. The population rate of COVID-19 hospital admissions in the annual cohort (mostly unvaccinated; public health restrictions in place) was significantly higher than influenza among individuals aged 30–69 years, and comparable to the severe influenza year (2016/2017) among 70+. In the peak COVID-19 cohort (mostly vaccinated; few restrictions in place), the hospitalisation rate was comparable with influenza 2016/2017 in all age groups, although rates among the unvaccinated population were still higher than influenza among 18+. Among people aged 5–17 years, COVID-19 hospitalisation rates were lower than/comparable to influenza years in both cohorts. The COVID-19 hospitalisation rate among 0–4 years old, during Omicron, was higher than influenza 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 and lower than 2009/2010 pandemic.
Conclusions: During first Omicron wave, COVID-19 hospitalisation rates were significantly higher than historical influenza hospitalisation rates for unvaccinated adults but were comparable to influenza for vaccinated adults. For children, in the context of high infection levels, hospitalisation rates for COVID-19 were lower than 2009/2010 H1N1 influenza and comparable (higher for 0–4) to non-pandemic years, regardless of the vaccine status. |
Link[6] Generating simple classification rules to predict local surges in COVID-19 hospitalizations
Author: Reza Yaesoubi, Shiying You, Qin Xi, Nicolas A. Menzies, Ashleigh Tuite, Yonatan H. Grad, Joshua A. Salomon Publication date: 24 January 2023 Publication info: Health Care Management Science (2023) Cited by: David Price 1:58 AM 9 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (3) 679755Ashleigh TuiteAshleigh Tuite is an Assistant Professor in the Epidemiology Division at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10729-023-09629-4
| Excerpt / Summary [Health Care Management Science, 24 January 2023]
Low rates of vaccination, emergence of novel variants of SARS-CoV-2, and increasing transmission relating to seasonal changes and relaxation of mitigation measures leave many US communities at risk for surges of COVID-19 that might strain hospital capacity, as in previous waves. The trajectories of COVID-19 hospitalizations differ across communities depending on their age distributions, vaccination coverage, cumulative incidence, and adoption of risk mitigating behaviors. Yet, existing predictive models of COVID-19 hospitalizations are almost exclusively focused on national- and state-level predictions. This leaves local policymakers in urgent need of tools that can provide early warnings about the possibility that COVID-19 hospitalizations may rise to levels that exceed local capacity. In this work, we develop a framework to generate simple classification rules to predict whether COVID-19 hospitalization will exceed the local hospitalization capacity within a 4- or 8-week period if no additional mitigating strategies are implemented during this time. This framework uses a simulation model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and COVID-19 hospitalizations in the US to train classification decision trees that are robust to changes in the data-generating process and future uncertainties. These generated classification rules use real-time data related to hospital occupancy and new hospitalizations associated with COVID-19, and when available, genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2. We show that these classification rules present reasonable accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity (all ≥ 80%) in predicting local surges in hospitalizations under numerous simulated scenarios, which capture substantial uncertainties over the future trajectories of COVID-19. Our proposed classification rules are simple, visual, and straightforward to use in practice by local decision makers without the need to perform numerical computations. |
Link[7] Risk factors for COVID-19 hospitalization after COVID-19 vaccination: a population-based cohort study in Canada
Author: Héctor A. Velásquez García, Prince A. Adu, Sean Harrigan, Hind Sbihi, Kate Smolina, Naveed Z. Janjua Publication date: 7 December 2022 Publication info: International Journal of Infectious Diseases, VOLUME 127, P116-123, FEBRUARY 2023 Cited by: David Price 2:10 AM 9 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679856Naveed Zafar JanjuaDr. Naveed Zafar Janjua is an epidemiologist and senior scientist at the BC Centre for Disease Control and Clinical Associate Professor at School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia. Dr. Janjua is a Medical Doctor (MBBS) with a Masters of Science (MSc) degree in Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH). 10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2022.12.001
| Excerpt / Summary [International Journal of Infectious Diseases, February 2023]
Objectives: With the uptake of COVID-19 vaccines, there is a need for population-based studies to assess risk factors for COVID-19-related hospitalization after vaccination and how they differ from unvaccinated individuals.
Methods: We used data from the British Columbia COVID-19 Cohort, a population-based cohort that includes all individuals (aged ≥18 years) who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction from January 1, 2021 (after the start of vaccination program) to December 31, 2021. We used multivariable logistic regression models to assess COVID-19-related hospitalization risk by vaccination status and age group among confirmed COVID-19 cases.
Results: Of the 162,509 COVID-19 cases included in the analysis, 8,546 (5.3%) required hospitalization. Among vaccinated individuals, an increased odds of hospitalization with increasing age was observed for older age groups, namely those aged 50-59 years (odds ratio [OR] = 2.95, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.01-4.33), 60-69 years (OR = 4.82, 95% CI: 3.29, 7.07), 70-79 years (OR = 11.92, 95% CI: 8.02, 17.71), and ≥80 years (OR = 24.25, 95% CI: 16.02, 36.71). However, among unvaccinated individuals, there was a graded increase in odds of hospitalization with increasing age, starting at age group 30-39 years (OR = 2.14, 95% CI: 1.90, 2.41) to ≥80 years (OR = 41.95, 95% CI: 35.43, 49.67). Also, comparing all the age groups to the youngest, the observed magnitude of association was much higher among unvaccinated individuals than vaccinated ones.
Conclusion: Alongside a number of comorbidities, our findings showed a strong association between age and COVID-19-related hospitalization, regardless of vaccination status. However, age-related hospitalization risk was reduced two-fold by vaccination, highlighting the need for vaccination in reducing the risk of severe disease and subsequent COVID-19-related hospitalization across all population groups. |
Link[8] The complexity of examining laboratory-based biological markers associated with mortality in hospitalized patients during early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and evidence map
Author: Lauren E. Griffith, Muhammad Usman Ali, Alessandra Andreacchi, Mark Loeb, Meghan Kenny, Divya Joshi, Vishal Mokashi, Ahmed Irshad, Angela K. Ulrich, Nicole E. Basta, Parminder Raina, Laura Anderson, Cynthia Balion Publication date: 9 September 2022 Publication info: PLoS ONE 17(9): e0273578. Cited by: David Price 2:42 AM 9 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679843Mark LoebProfessor at Pathology and Molecular Medicine (primary), Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine at McMaster University. Associate Member, Medicine and Michael G. DeGroote Chair in Infectious Diseases.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 715390Mortality859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0273578
| Excerpt / Summary [PLoS ONE, 9 September 2022]
Importance: The measurement of laboratory biomarkers plays a critical role in managing patients with COVID-19. However, to date most systematic reviews examining the association between laboratory biomarkers and mortality in hospitalized patients early in the pandemic focused on small sets of biomarkers, did not account for multiple studies including patients within the same institutions during overlapping timeframes, and did not include a significant number of studies conducted in countries other than China.
Objective: To provide a comprehensive summary and an evidence map examining the relationship between a wide range of laboratory biomarkers and mortality among patients hospitalized with COVID-19 during the early phase of the pandemic in multiple countries.
Evidence review: MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Web of Science were searched from Dec 2019 to March 9, 2021. A total of 14,049 studies were identified and screened independently by two raters; data was extracted by a single rater and verified by a second. Quality was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Case Series Critical Appraisal tool. To allow comparison across biomarkers, standardized mean differences (SMD) were used to quantify the relationship between laboratory biomarkers and hospital mortality. Meta-regression was conducted to account for clustering within institutions and countries.
Results: Our systematic review included 94 case-series studies from 30 countries. Across all biomarkers, the largest and most precise SMDs were observed for cardiac (troponin (1.03 (95% CI 0.86 to 1.21)), and BNP/NT-proBNP (0.93 (0.52 to 1.34)), inflammatory (IL-6 (0.97 (0.67 to 1.28) and Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (0.94 (0.59 to 1.29)), and renal biomarkers (blood urea nitrogen (1.01 (0.79 to 1.23)) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (-0.96 (-1.42 to -0.50)). There was heterogeneity for most biomarkers across countries with studies conducted in China generally having larger effect sizes.
Conclusions and relevance: The results of this study provide an early pandemic summary of the relationship between biomarkers and mortality in hospitalized patients. We found our estimated ESs were generally attenuated compared to previous systematic reviews which predominantly included studies conducted in China. Despite using sophisticated methodology to examine studies across countries, heterogeneity in reporting of case-series studies early in the pandemic limits clinical interpretability. |
Link[9] Single-Dose Messenger RNA Vaccine Effectiveness Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Healthcare Workers Extending 16 Weeks Postvaccination: A Test-Negative Design From Québec, Canada
Author: Sara Carazo, Denis Talbot, Nicole Boulianne, Marc Brisson, Rodica Gilca, Geneviève Deceuninck, Nicholas Brousseau, Mélanie Drolet, Manale Ouakki, Chantal Sauvageau, Sapha Barkati, Élise Fortin, Alex Carignan, Philippe De Wals, Danuta M Skowronski, Gaston De Serres Publication date: 1 July 2022 Publication info: Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 75, Issue 1, 1 July 2022, Pages e805–e813, Cited by: David Price 2:46 AM 9 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679839Marc BrissonDr. Marc Brisson is full professor at Laval University where he leads the Research Group in Mathematical Modeling and Health Economics of Infectious Diseases.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciab739
| Excerpt / Summary [Clinical Infectious Diseases, 1 July 2022]
Background: In Canada, first and second doses of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) were uniquely spaced 16 weeks apart. We estimated 1- and 2-dose mRNA vaccine effectiveness (VE) among healthcare workers (HCWs) in Québec, Canada, including protection against varying outcome severity, variants of concern (VOCs), and the stability of single-dose protection up to 16 weeks postvaccination.
Methods: A test-negative design compared vaccination among SARS-CoV-2 test–positive and weekly matched (10:1), randomly sampled, test-negative HCWs using linked surveillance and immunization databases. Vaccine status was defined by 1 dose ≥14 days or 2 doses ≥7 days before illness onset or specimen collection. Adjusted VE was estimated by conditional logistic regression.
Results: Primary analysis included 5316 cases and 53 160 controls. Single-dose VE was 70% (95% confidence interval [CI], 68%–73%) against SARS-CoV-2 infection; 73% (95% CI, 71%–75%) against illness; and 97% (95% CI, 92%–99%) against hospitalization. Two-dose VE was 86% (95% CI, 81%–90%) and 93% (95% CI, 89%–95%), respectively, with no hospitalizations. VE was higher for non-VOCs than VOCs (73% Alpha) among single-dose recipients but not 2-dose recipients. Across 16 weeks, no decline in single-dose VE was observed, with appropriate stratification based upon prioritized vaccination determined by higher vs lower likelihood of direct patient contact.
Conclusions: One mRNA vaccine dose provided substantial and sustained protection to HCWs extending at least 4 months postvaccination. In circumstances of vaccine shortage, delaying the second dose may be a pertinent public health strategy. |
Link[10] Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization among adolescent and pediatric SARS-CoV-2 cases between May 2021 and January 2022 in Ontario, Canada: A retrospective cohort study
Author: Alison E. Simmons, Afia Amoako, Alicia A. Grima, Kiera R. Murison, Sarah A. Buchan, David N. Fisman, Ashleigh R. Tuite Publication date: 31 March 2023 Publication info: PLoS ONE 18(3): e0283715. Cited by: David Price 1:52 AM 10 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (5) 679755Ashleigh TuiteAshleigh Tuite is an Assistant Professor in the Epidemiology Division at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.10019D3ABAB, 679777David FismanI am a Professor in the Division of Epidemiology at Division of Epidemiology, Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. I am a Full Member of the School of Graduate Studies. I also have cross-appointments at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation and the Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. I serve as a Consultant in Infectious Diseases at the University Health Network.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0283715
| Excerpt / Summary [PLoS ONE, 31 March 2023]
Background: Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have been shown to reduce risk of infection as well as severe disease among those with breakthrough infection in adults. The latter effect is particularly important as immune evasion by Omicron variants appears to have made vaccines less effective at preventing infection. Therefore, we aimed to quantify the protection conferred by mRNA vaccination against hospitalization due to SARS-CoV-2 in adolescent and pediatric populations.
Methods: We retrospectively created a cohort of reported SARS-CoV-2 case records from Ontario’s Public Health Case and Contact Management Solution among those aged 4 to 17 linked to vaccination records from the COVaxON database on January 19, 2022. We used multivariable logistic regression to estimate the association between vaccination and hospitalization among SARS-CoV-2 cases prior to and during the emergence of Omicron.
Results: We included 62 hospitalized and 27,674 non-hospitalized SARS-CoV-2 cases, with disease onset from May 28, 2021 to December 4, 2021 (Pre-Omicron) and from December 23, 2021 to January 9, 2022 (Omicron). Among adolescents, two mRNA vaccine doses were associated with an 85% (aOR = 0.15; 95% CI: [0.04, 0.53]; p<0.01) lower likelihood of hospitalization among SARS-CoV-2 cases caused by Omicron. Among children, one mRNA vaccine dose was associated with a 79% (aOR = 0.21; 95% CI: [0.03, 0.77]; p<0.05) lower likelihood of hospitalization among SARS-CoV-2 cases caused by Omicron. The calculation of E-values, which quantifies how strong an unmeasured confounder would need to be to nullify our findings, suggest that these effects are unlikely to be explained by unmeasured confounding.
Conclusions: Despite immune evasion by SARS-CoV-2 variants, vaccination continues to be associated with a lower likelihood of hospitalization among adolescent and pediatric Omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 cases, even when the vaccines do not prevent infection. Continued efforts are needed to increase vaccine uptake among adolescent and pediatric populations. |
Link[11] A proportional incidence rate model for aggregated data to study the vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 hospital and ICU admissions
Author: Ping Yan, Muhammad Abu Shadeque Mullah, Ashleigh Tuite Publication date: 10 August 2023 Publication info: Biometrics, 10 August 2023 Cited by: David Price 2:18 AM 10 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679755Ashleigh TuiteAshleigh Tuite is an Assistant Professor in the Epidemiology Division at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/biom.13915
| Excerpt / Summary [Biometrics, 10 August 2023]
We develop a proportional incidence model that estimates vaccine effectiveness (VE) at the population level using conditional likelihood for aggregated data. Our model assumes that the population counts of clinical outcomes for an infectious disease arise from a superposition of Poisson processes with different vaccination statuses. The intensity function in the model is calculated as the product of per capita incidence rate and the at-risk population size, both of which are time-dependent. We formulate a log-linear regression model with respect to the relative risk, defined as the ratio between the per capita incidence rates of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. In the regression analysis, we treat the baseline incidence rate as a nuisance parameter, similar to the Cox proportional hazard model in survival analysis. We then apply the proposed models and methods to age-stratified weekly counts of COVID-19–related hospital and ICU admissions among adults in Ontario, Canada. The data spanned from 2021 to February 2022, encompassing the Omicron era and the rollout of booster vaccine doses. We also discuss the limitations and confounding effects while advocating for the necessity of more comprehensive and up-to-date individual-level data that document the clinical outcomes and measure potential confounders. |
Link[12] Medical Masks Versus N95 Respirators for Preventing COVID-19 Among Health Care Workers
Author: David N. Fisman, Raina Macintyre Publication date: 18 July 2023 Publication info: Annals of Internal Medicine, July 2023, Volume 176, Issue 7 Cited by: David Price 7:16 PM 10 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679777David FismanI am a Professor in the Division of Epidemiology at Division of Epidemiology, Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. I am a Full Member of the School of Graduate Studies. I also have cross-appointments at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation and the Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. I serve as a Consultant in Infectious Diseases at the University Health Network.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 715328Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs)859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.7326/L23-0073
| Excerpt / Summary [Annals of Internal Medicine, 18 July 2023]
Regarding their trial, Loeb and colleagues (1) state, “the overall estimates rule out a doubling in hazard”; however, no such conclusion is possible. The trial used an extraordinary threshold (a hazard ratio of 2, or a 100% relative increase in risk) for noninferiority and was underpowered to find smaller but still important risks. (We estimate that a 4-fold increase in sample size would have been needed to identify a 50% increase in relative hazard.) Power aside, design flaws biased the study toward the null result that was obtained.
The intervention under study was incorrect use of N95 respirators—intermittently rather than continuously. SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne pathogen (2). Infection occurs via inhalation of shared air, and infective aerosols accumulate over time in closed indoor settings. As such, only continuous use of N95 respirators protects health care workers against respiratory infection; intermittent use of medical masks and respirators is equally ineffective (3). Unplanned crossover (those randomly assigned to medical masks could reassign themselves to the N95 group on the basis of unrecorded risk assessment) and contamination due to failure to use a cluster design further biased study results toward the null (4).
Notwithstanding lack of power and multiple biases—and although only 21 infections developed among 301 participants recruited in Canada and Israel through May 2021—analysis according to the registered protocol reveals a doubling of risk for infection for medical masks (relative risk, 2.05 [95% CI, 0.85 to 4.95]; P = 0.10) in these participants. The study had come close to showing inferiority after recruiting only a fraction of its prespecified sample size. Around this time, the authors recalculated their required sample size (in July 2021) as 1010 participants and began recruiting participants in Pakistan at a site not mentioned in the trial's registered protocol. Six months later, recruitment in Pakistan was discontinued and was begun in Egypt (also not registered in the protocol). Final results were heavily influenced by the inclusion of the sites in Egypt, with more than 70% of infections originating there. As Altman and associates note, “when authors substitute other outcomes after the trial has started there must be concern that such changes were done with knowledge of the data. That casts doubt on the reliability and integrity of the results” (5).
Lastly, the performance of this trial lacked equipoise in the face of clear engineering evidence of the superiority of respirators for airborne pathogens. The fact that this trial was done in a flawed manner that could not provide valid results means that participants were endangered for no reason. |
Link[13] Effectiveness of previous infection-induced and vaccine-induced protection against hospitalisation due to omicron BA subvariants in older adults: a test-negative, case-control study in Quebec, Canada
Author: Sara Carazo, Danuta M Skowronski, Marc Brisson, Chantal Sauvageau, Nicholas Brousseau, Judith Fafard, Rodica Gilca, Denis Talbot, Manale Ouakki, Yossi Febriani, Geneviève Deceuninck, Philippe De Wals, Gaston De Serres Publication date: 14 July 2023 Publication info: The Lancet Healthy Longevity, VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8, E409-E420, AUGUST 2023 Cited by: David Price 7:17 PM 10 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679839Marc BrissonDr. Marc Brisson is full professor at Laval University where he leads the Research Group in Mathematical Modeling and Health Economics of Infectious Diseases.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2666-7568(23)00099-5
| Excerpt / Summary [The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 14 July 2023]
Background: Older adults (aged ≥60 years) were prioritised for COVID-19 booster vaccination due to severe outcome risk, but the risk for this group is also affected by previous SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination. We estimated vaccine effectiveness against omicron-associated hospitalisation in older adults by previously documented infection, time since last immunological event, and age group.
Methods: This was a population-based test-negative case-control study done in Quebec, Canada, during BA.1 dominant (December, 2021, to March, 2022), BA.2 dominant (April to June, 2022), and BA.4/5 dominant (July to November, 2022) periods using provincial laboratory, immunisation, hospitalisation, and chronic disease surveillance databases. We included older adults (aged ≥60 years) with symptoms associated with COVID-19 who were tested for SARS-CoV-2 in acute-care hospitals. Cases were defined as patients who were hospitalised for COVID-19 within 14 days after testing positive; controls were patients who tested negative. Analyses spanned 3–14 months after last vaccine dose or previous infection. Logistic regression models compared COVID-19 hospitalisation risk by mRNA vaccine dose and previous infection versus unvaccinated and infection-naive participants.
Findings: Between Dec 26, 2021, and Nov 5, 2022, we included 174 819 specimens (82 870 [47·4%] from men and 91 949 [52·6%] from women; from 8455 cases and 166 364 controls), taken from 2951 cases and 48 724 controls in the BA.1 period; 1897 cases and 41 702 controls in the BA.2 period; and 3607 cases and 75 938 controls in the BA.4/5 period. In participants who were infection naive, vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation improved with dose number, consistent with a shorter median time since last dose, but decreased with more recent omicron subvariants. Four-dose vaccine effectiveness was 96% (95% CI 93–98) during the BA.1 period, 84% (81–87) during the BA.2 period, and 68% (63–72) during the BA.4/5 period. Regardless of dose number (two to five doses) or timing since previous infection, hybrid protection was more than 90%, persisted for at least 6–8 months, and did not decline with age.
Interpretation: Older adults with both previous SARS-CoV-2 infection and two or more vaccine doses appear to be well protected for a prolonged period against hospitalisation due to omicron subvariants, including BA.4/5. Ensuring that older adults who are infection naive remain up to date with vaccination might reduce COVID-19 hospitalisations most efficiently. |
Link[14] Examining the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on community virus prevalence and healthcare utilisation reveals that peaks in asthma, COPD and respiratory tract infection occur with the re-emergence of rhino/enterovirus
Author: Terence Ho, Abdullah Shahzad, Aaron Jones, Natya Raghavan, Mark Loeb, Neil Johnston Publication date: 9 July 2023 Publication info: Thorax, 9 July 2023 Cited by: David Price 7:35 PM 10 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (3) 679843Mark LoebProfessor at Pathology and Molecular Medicine (primary), Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine at McMaster University. Associate Member, Medicine and Michael G. DeGroote Chair in Infectious Diseases.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/thorax-2022-219957
| Excerpt / Summary [Thorax, 9 July 2023]
Introduction: Airway disease exacerbations are cyclical related to respiratory virus prevalence. The COVID-19 pandemic has been associated with reduced exacerbations possibly related to public health measures and their impact on non-COVID-19 respiratory viruses. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of non-COVID-19 respiratory viruses during the pandemic compared with prior in Ontario, Canada and healthcare utilisation related to asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and respiratory tract infection.
Methods: This is a population-based retrospective analysis of respiratory virus tests, emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalisations between 2015 and 2021 in Ontario. Weekly virus testing data were used to estimate viral prevalence for all non-COVID-19 respiratory viruses. We plotted the %positivity and observed and expected counts of each virus to visualise the impact of the pandemic. We used Poisson and binomial logistic regression models to estimate the change in %positivity, count of positive viral cases and count of healthcare utilisation during the pandemic.
Results: The prevalence of all non-COVID-19 respiratory viruses decreased dramatically during the pandemic compared with prior. Comparing periods, the incidence rate ratio (IRR) for positive cases corresponded to a >90% reduction for non-COVID-19 respiratory viruses except adenovirus and rhino/enterovirus. Asthma-related ED visits and hospital admissions fell by 57% (IRR 0.43 (95% CI 0.37 to 0.48)) and 61% (IRR 0.39 (95% CI 0.33 to 0.46)). COPD-related ED visits and admissions fell by 63% (IRR 0.37 (95% CI 0.30 to 0.45)) and 45% (IRR 0.55 (95% CI 0.48 to 0.62)). Respiratory tract infection ED visits and admissions fell by 85% (IRR 0.15 (95% CI 0.10 to 0.22)), and 85% (IRR 0.15 (95% CI 0.09 to 0.24)). Rather than the usual peaks in disease condition, during the pandemic, healthcare utilisation peaked in October when rhino/enterovirus peaked.
Conclusions: The prevalence of nearly all non-COVID-19 respiratory viruses decreased during the pandemic and was associated with marked reductions in ED visits and hospitalisations. The re-emergence of rhino/enterovirus was associated with increased healthcare utilisation. |
Link[15] Risk of COVID-19 hospitalization in people living with HIV and HIV-negative individuals and the role of COVID-19 vaccination: A retrospective cohort study
Author: Joseph H. Puyat, Adeleke Fowokan, James Wilton, Naveed Z. Janjua, Jason Wong, Troy Grennan, Catharine Chambers, Abigail Kroch, Cecilia T. Costiniuk, Curtis L. Cooper, Darren Lauscher, Monte Strong, Ann N. Burchell, Aslam H. Anis, Hasina Samji, COVAXHIV Study Team Publication date: 5 July 2023 Publication info: International Journal of Infectious Diseases, VOLUME 135, P49-56, OCTOBER 2023 Cited by: David Price 7:37 PM 10 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679856Naveed Zafar JanjuaDr. Naveed Zafar Janjua is an epidemiologist and senior scientist at the BC Centre for Disease Control and Clinical Associate Professor at School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia. Dr. Janjua is a Medical Doctor (MBBS) with a Masters of Science (MSc) degree in Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH). 10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 708761HIV859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2023.06.026
| Excerpt / Summary [International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 5 July 2023]
Objective: To examine the risk of hospitalization within 14 days of COVID-19 diagnosis among people living with HIV (PLWH) and HIV-negative individuals who had laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Methods: We used Cox proportional hazard models to compare the relative risk of hospitalization in PLWH and HIV-negative individuals. Then, we used propensity score weighting to examine the influence of sociodemographic factors and comorbid conditions on risk of hospitalization. These models were further stratified by vaccination status and pandemic period (pre-Omicron: December 15, 2020, to November 21, 2021; Omicron: November 22, 2021, to October 31, 2022).
Results: The crude hazard ratio (HR) for risk of hospitalization in PLWH was 2.44 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.04-2.94). In propensity score-weighted models that included all covariates, the relative risk of hospitalization was substantially attenuated in the overall analyses (adjusted HR [aHR]: 1.03; 95% CI: 0.85-1.25), in vaccinated (aHR 1.00; 95% CI: 0.69-1.45), inadequately vaccinated (aHR: 1.04; 95% CI: 0.76-1.41) and unvaccinated individuals (aHR: 1.15; 95% CI: 0.84-1.56).
Conclusion: PLWH had about two times the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization than HIV-negative individuals in crude analyses which attenuated in propensity score-weighted models. This suggests that the risk differential can be explained by sociodemographic factors and history of comorbidity, underscoring the need to address social and comorbid vulnerabilities (e.g., injecting drugs) that were more prominent among PLWH. |
Link[16] COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Against Omicron Infection and Hospitalization
Author: Pierre-Philippe Piché-Renaud, Sarah Swayze, Sarah A. Buchan, Sarah E. Wilson, Peter C. Austin, Shaun K. Morris, Sharifa Nasreen, Kevin L. Schwartz, Mina Tadrous, Nisha Thampi, Kumanan Wilson, Jeffrey C. Kwong Publication date: 3 March 2023 Publication info: Pediatrics (2023) 151 (4): e2022059513. Cited by: David Price 6:52 PM 11 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679856Naveed Zafar JanjuaDr. Naveed Zafar Janjua is an epidemiologist and senior scientist at the BC Centre for Disease Control and Clinical Associate Professor at School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia. Dr. Janjua is a Medical Doctor (MBBS) with a Masters of Science (MSc) degree in Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH). 10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2022-059513
| Excerpt / Summary [Pediatrics, 3 March 2023]
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to provide real-world evidence on coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine effectiveness (VE) against symptomatic infection and severe outcomes caused by Omicron in children aged 5 to 11 years.
METHODS: We used the test-negative study design and linked provincial databases to estimate BNT162b2 vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection and severe outcomes caused by Omicron in children aged 5 to 11 years between January 2 and August 27, 2022 in Ontario. We used multivariable logistic regression to estimate VE by time since the latest dose, compared with unvaccinated children, and we evaluated VE by dosing interval.
RESULTS: We included 6284 test-positive cases and 8389 test-negative controls. VE against symptomatic infection declined from 24% (95% confidence interval [CI], 8% to 36%) 14 to 29 days after a first dose and 66% (95% CI, 60% to 71%) 7 to 29 days after 2 doses. VE was higher for children with dosing intervals of ≥56 days (57% [95% CI, 51% to 62%]) than 15 to 27 days (12% [95% CI, −11% to 30%]) and 28 to 41 days (38% [95% CI, 28% to 47%]), but appeared to wane over time for all dosing interval groups. VE against severe outcomes was 94% (95% CI, 57% to 99%) 7 to 29 days after 2 doses and declined to 57% (95%CI, −20% to 85%) after ≥120 days.
CONCLUSIONS: In children aged 5 to 11 years, 2 doses of BNT162b2 provide moderate protection against symptomatic Omicron infection within 4 months of vaccination and good protection against severe outcomes. Protection wanes more rapidly for infection than severe outcomes. Overall, longer dosing intervals confer higher protection against symptomatic infection, however protection decreases and becomes similar to shorter dosing interval starting 90 days after vaccination. |
Link[17] Vaccine Effectiveness of non-adjuvanted and adjuvanted trivalent inactivated influenza vaccines in the prevention of influenza-related hospitalization in older adults: A pooled analysis from the Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN)
Author: Henrique Pott, Melissa K. Andrew, Zachary Shaffelburg, Michaela K. Nichols, Lingyun Ye, May ElSherif, Todd F. Hatchette, Jason LeBlanc, Ardith Ambrose, Guy Boivin, William Bowie, Jennie Johnstone, Kevin Katz, Phillipe Lagacé-Wiens, Mark Loeb, Anne McCarthy, Allison McGeer, Andre Poirier, Jeff Powis, David Richardson, Makeda Semret, Stephanie Smith, Daniel Smyth, Grant Stiver, Sylvie Trottier, Louis Valiquette, Duncan Webster, Shelly A. McNeil Publication date: 29 September 2023 Publication info: Vaccine, Volume 41, Issue 42, 2023, Pages 6359-6365, ISSN 0264-410X, 29 September 2023 Cited by: David Price 8:19 PM 12 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679843Mark LoebProfessor at Pathology and Molecular Medicine (primary), Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine at McMaster University. Associate Member, Medicine and Michael G. DeGroote Chair in Infectious Diseases.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 703974Influenza859FDEF6, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.08.070
| Excerpt / Summary [Vaccine, 29 September 2023]
Background: Influenza vaccines prevent influenza-related morbidity and mortality; however, suboptimal vaccine effectiveness (VE) of non-adjuvanted trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (naTIV) or quadrivalent formulations in older adults prompted the use of enhanced products such as adjuvanted TIV (aTIV). Here, the VE of aTIV is compared to naTIV for preventing influenza-associated hospitalization among older adults.
Methods: A test-negative design study was used with pooled data from the 2012 to 2015 influenza seasons. An inverse probability of treatment (IPT)-weighted logistic regression estimated the Odds Ratio (OR) for laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalization. VE was calculated as (1-OR)*100% with accompanying 95% confidence intervals (CI).
Results: Of 7,101 adults aged ≥ 65, 3,364 received naTIV and 526 received aTIV. The overall VE against influenza hospitalization was 45.9% (95% CI: 40.2%–51.1%) for naTIV and 53.5% (42.8%–62.3%) for aTIV. No statistically significant differences in VE were found between aTIV and naTIV by age group or influenza season, though a trend favoring aTIV over naTIV was noted. Frailty may have impacted VE in aTIV recipients compared to those receiving naTIV, according to an exploratory analysis; VE adjusted by frailty was 59.1% (49.6%–66.8%) for aTIV and 44.8% (39.1%–50.0%) for naTIV. The overall relative VE of aTIV to naTIV against laboratory-confirmed influenza hospital admission was 25% (OR 0.75; 0.61–0.92), demonstrating statistically significant benefit favoring aTIV.
Conclusions: Adjusting for frailty, aTIV showed statistically significantly better protection than naTIV against influenza-associated hospitalizations in older adults. In future studies, it is important to consider frailty as a significant confounder of VE. |
Link[18] Effectiveness of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccines Against Hospitalization and Death in Canada: A Multiprovincial, Test-Negative Design Study
Author: Sharifa Nasreen, Yossi Febriani, Héctor Alexander Velásquez García, Geng Zhang, Mina Tadrous, Sarah A Buchan, Christiaan H Righolt, Salaheddin M Mahmud, Naveed Zafar Janjua, Mel Krajden, Gaston De Serres, Jeffrey C Kwong, Canadian Immunization Research Network Provincial Collaborative Network Investigators Publication date: 17 August 2023 Publication info: Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 76, Issue 4, 15 February 2023, Pages 640–648 Cited by: David Price 0:50 AM 13 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679856Naveed Zafar JanjuaDr. Naveed Zafar Janjua is an epidemiologist and senior scientist at the BC Centre for Disease Control and Clinical Associate Professor at School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia. Dr. Janjua is a Medical Doctor (MBBS) with a Masters of Science (MSc) degree in Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH). 10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6, 715390Mortality859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciac634
| Excerpt / Summary [Clinical Infectious Diseases, 17 August 2022]
Background: A major goal of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination is to prevent severe outcomes (hospitalizations and deaths). We estimated the effectiveness of messenger RNA (mRNA) and ChAdOx1 COVID-19 vaccines against severe outcomes in 4 Canadian provinces between December 2020 and September 2021.
Methods: We conducted this multiprovincial, retrospective, test-negative study among community-dwelling adults aged ≥18 years in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, and Manitoba using linked provincial databases and a common study protocol. Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate province-specific vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 hospitalization and/or death. Estimates were pooled using random-effects models.
Results: We included 2 508 296 tested participants, with 31 776 COVID-19 hospitalizations and 5842 deaths. Vaccine effectiveness was 83% after a first dose and 98% after a second dose against both hospitalization and death (separately). Against severe outcomes, effectiveness was 87% (95% confidence interval [CI], 71%–94%) ≥84 days after a first dose of mRNA vaccine, increasing to 98% (95% CI, 96%–99%) ≥112 days after a second dose. Vaccine effectiveness against severe outcomes for ChAdOx1 was 88% (95% CI, 75%–94%) ≥56 days after a first dose, increasing to 97% (95% CI, 91%–99%) ≥56 days after a second dose. Lower 1-dose effectiveness was observed for adults aged ≥80 years and those with comorbidities, but effectiveness became comparable after a second dose. Two doses of vaccines provided very high protection for both homologous and heterologous schedules and against Alpha, Gamma, and Delta variants.
Conclusions: Two doses of mRNA or ChAdOx1 vaccine provide excellent protection against severe outcomes. |
Link[19] COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths averted under an accelerated vaccination program in northeastern and southern regions of the USA
Author: Thomas N. Vilches, Pratha Sah, Seyed M. Moghadas, Affan Shoukat, Meagan C. Fitzpatrick, Peter J. Hotez, Eric C. Schneider, Alison P. Galvani Publication date: 28 December 2021 Publication info: The Lancet Regional Health, Americas 6: 100147, Volume 6, 100147, February 2022 Cited by: David Price 1:40 AM 13 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (5) 679878Seyed MoghadasSeyed Moghadas is an infectious disease modeller whose research includes mathematical and computational modelling in epidemiology and immunology. In particular, he is interested in the theoretical and computational aspects of mathematical models describing the underlying dynamics of infectious diseases, with a particular emphasis on establishing strong links between micro (individual) and macro (population) levels.10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 715390Mortality859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lana.2021.100147
| Excerpt / Summary [The Lancet Regional Health, 28 December 2022]
Background: The fourth wave of COVID-19 pandemic peaked in the US at 160,000 daily cases, concentrated primarily in southern states. As the Delta variant has continued to spread, we evaluated the impact of accelerated vaccination on reducing hospitalization and deaths across northeastern and southern regions of the US census divisions.
Methods: We used an age-stratified agent-based model of COVID-19 to simulate outbreaks in all states within two U.S. regions. The model was calibrated using reported incidence in each state from October 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021, and parameterized with characteristics of the circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants and state-specific daily vaccination rate. We then projected the number of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths that would be averted between September 2021 and the end of March 2022 if the states increased their daily vaccination rate by 20 or 50% compared to maintaining the status quo pace observed during August 2021.
Findings: A 50% increase in daily vaccine doses administered to previously unvaccinated individuals is projected to prevent a total of 30,727 hospitalizations and 11,937 deaths in the two regions between September 2021 and the end of March 2022. Southern states were projected to have a higher weighted average number of hospitalizations averted (18.8) and lives saved (8.3) per 100,000 population, compared to the weighted average of hospitalizations (12.4) and deaths (2.7) averted in northeastern states. On a per capita basis, a 50% increase in daily vaccinations is expected to avert the most hospitalizations in Kentucky (56.7 hospitalizations per 100,000 averted with 95% CrI: 45.56 - 69.9) and prevent the most deaths in Mississippi, (22.1 deaths per 100,000 population prevented with 95% CrI: 18.0 - 26.9).
Interpretation: Accelerating progress to population-level immunity by raising the daily pace of vaccination would prevent substantial hospitalizations and deaths in the US, even in those states that have passed a Delta-driven peak in infections. |
Link[20] Management of hospital beds and ventilators in the Gauteng province, South Africa, during the COVID-19 pandemic
Author: Mahnaz Alavinejad, Bruce Mellado, Ali Asgary, Mduduzi Mbada,Thuso Mathaha, Benjamin Lieberman, Finn Stevenson, Nidhi Tripathi, Abhaya Kumar Swain, James Orbinski, Jianhong Wu, Jude Dzevela Kong Publication date: 2 November 2022 Publication info: PLOS Global Public Health, 2(11), e0001113 Cited by: David Price 6:27 PM 14 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (5) 679750Ali AsgaryAssociate Professor and Associate Director, Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulation (ADERSIM) in the School of Administrative Studies, and Adjunct Professor in the School of Information Technology, at York University.10019D3ABAB, 679812Jianhong WuProfessor Jianhong Wu is a University Distinguished Research Professor and Senior Canada Research Chair in industrial and applied mathematics at York University. He is also the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in vaccine mathematics, modelling, and manufacturing. 10019D3ABAB, 679815Jude KongDr. Jude Dzevela Kong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University and the founding Director of the Africa-Canada Artificial Intelligence and Data Innovation Consortium (ACADIC). 10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgph.0001113
| Excerpt / Summary [PLOS Global Public Health, 2 November 2022]
We conducted an observational retrospective study on patients hospitalized with COVID-19, during March 05, 2020, to October 28, 2021, and developed an agent-based model to evaluate effectiveness of recommended healthcare resources (hospital beds and ventilators) management strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic in Gauteng, South Africa. We measured the effectiveness of these strategies by calculating the number of deaths prevented by implementing them. We observed differ ences between the epidemic waves. The length of hospital stay (LOS) during the third wave was lower than the first two waves. The median of the LOS was 6.73 days, 6.63 days and 6.78 days for the first, second and third wave, respectively. A combination of public and private sector provided hospital care to COVID-19 patients requiring ward and Intensive Care Units (ICU) beds. The private sector provided 88.4% of High care (HC)/ICU beds and 49.4% of ward beds, 73.9% and 51.4%, 71.8% and 58.3% during the first, second and third wave, respectively. Our simulation results showed that with a high maximum capacity, i.e., 10,000 general and isolation ward beds, 4,000 high care and ICU beds and 1,200 ventilators, increasing the resource capacity allocated to COVID- 19 patients by 25% was enough to maintain bed availability throughout the epidemic waves. With a medium resource capacity (8,500 general and isolation ward beds, 3,000 high care and ICU beds and 1,000 ventilators) a combination of resource management strategies and their timing and criteria were very effective in maintaining bed availability and therefore preventing excess deaths. With a low number of maximum available resources (7,000 general and isolation ward beds, 2,000 high care and ICU beds and 800 ventilators) and a severe epidemic wave, these strategies were effective in maintaining the bed availability and minimizing the number of excess deaths throughout the epidemic wave. |
Link[21] Management of Healthcare Resources in the Gauteng Province, South Africa, During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author: Mahnaz Alavinejad, Bruce Mellado, Ali Asgary, Mduduzi Mbada, Thuso Mathaha, Benjamin Lieberman, Finn Stevenson, Nidhi Tripathi, Abhaya Kumar Swain, James Orbinski, Jianhong Wu, Jude Dzevela Kong Publication date: 15 March 2022 Publication info: SSRN Electronic Journal. Cited by: David Price 6:28 PM 14 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (5) 679750Ali AsgaryAssociate Professor and Associate Director, Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulation (ADERSIM) in the School of Administrative Studies, and Adjunct Professor in the School of Information Technology, at York University.10019D3ABAB, 679812Jianhong WuProfessor Jianhong Wu is a University Distinguished Research Professor and Senior Canada Research Chair in industrial and applied mathematics at York University. He is also the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in vaccine mathematics, modelling, and manufacturing. 10019D3ABAB, 679815Jude KongDr. Jude Dzevela Kong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University and the founding Director of the Africa-Canada Artificial Intelligence and Data Innovation Consortium (ACADIC). 10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4049177
| Excerpt / Summary [SSRN, 15 March 2022]
We conducted an observational retrospective study on patients hospitalized with COVID-19, during March 05, 2020, to October 28, 2021, and developed an agent-based model to evaluate effectiveness of recommended healthcare resource management strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic in Gauteng, South Africa. We measured the effectiveness of these strategies by calculating the number of deaths prevented by implementing them. We observed differences between the epidemic waves. The length of hospital stay (LOS) during the third wave was lower than the first two waves. The median of the LOS, was 6.73 days for the first wave, 6.63 days for the second wave and 6.78 days for the third wave. A combination of public and private sector provided hospital care to COVID-19 patients requiring ward and Intensive Care Units (ICU) beds. The private sector provided 88.4% of High care (HC)/ICU beds and 49.4% of ward beds during the first wave, 73.9% and 51.4% during the second wave, 71.8% and 58.3% during the third wave. Our simulation results showed that with a high maximum capacity, i.e., 10,000 general and isolation ward beds, 4,000 high care and ICU beds and 1,200 ventilators, increasing the resource capacity allocated to COVID-19 patients by 25% was enough to maintain bed availability throughout the epidemic waves. With a medium resource capacity (8,500 general and isolation ward beds, 3,000 high care and ICU beds and 1,000 ventilators) a combination of resource management strategies and their timing and criteria were very effective in maintaining bed availability and therefore preventing excess deaths. With a low number of maximum available resources (7,000 general and isolation ward beds, 2,000 high care and ICU beds and 800 ventilators) and a severe epidemic wave, these strategies were effective in maintaining the bed availability and minimizing the number of excess deaths for the entire province and throughout the epidemic wave. |
Link[22] The effect of COVID-19 on public hospital revenues in Iran: An interrupted time-series analysis
Author: Masoud Behzadifar, Afshin Aalipour, Mohammad Kehsvari, Banafsheh Darvishi Teli, Mahboubeh Khaton Ghanbari, Hasan Abolghasem Gorji, Alaeddin Sheikhi, Samad Azari, Mohammad Heydarian, Seyed Jafar Ehsanzadeh, Jude Dzevela Kong, Maryam Ahadi, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi Publication date: 31 March 2022 Publication info: PLOS ONE, 17(3), e0266343. Cited by: David Price 6:38 PM 14 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (3) 679815Jude KongDr. Jude Dzevela Kong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University and the founding Director of the Africa-Canada Artificial Intelligence and Data Innovation Consortium (ACADIC). 10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0266343
| Excerpt / Summary [PLOS ONE, 31 March 2022]
Background: The “Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19) pandemic has become a major challenge for all healthcare systems worldwide, and besides generating a high toll of deaths, it has caused economic losses. Hospitals have played a key role in providing services to patients and the volume of hospital activities has been refocused on COVID-19 patients. Other activities have been limited/repurposed or even suspended and hospitals have been operating with reduced capacity. With the decrease in non-COVID-19 activities, their financial system and sustainability have been threatened, with hospitals facing shortage of financial resources. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of COVID-19 on the revenues of public hospitals in Lorestan province in western Iran, as a case study.
Method: In this quasi-experimental study, we conducted the interrupted time series analysis to evaluate COVID-19 induced changes in monthly revenues of 18 public hospitals, from April 2018 to August 2021, in Lorestan, Iran. In doing so, public hospitals report their earnings to the University of Medical Sciences monthly; then, we collected this data through the finance office.
Results: Due to COVID-19, the revenues of public hospitals experienced an average monthly decrease of $172,636 thousand (P-value = 0.01232). For about 13 months, the trend of declining hospital revenues continued. However, after February 2021, a relatively stable increase could be observed, with patient admission and elective surgeries restrictions being lifted. The average monthly income of hospitals increased by $83,574 thousand.
Conclusion: COVID-19 has reduced the revenues of public hospitals, which have faced many problems due to the high costs they have incurred. During the crisis, lack of adequate fundings can damage healthcare service delivery, and policymakers should allocate resources to prevent potential shocks. |
Link[23] Delayed Model for the Transmission and Control of COVID-19 with Fangcang Shelter Hospitals
Author: Guihong Fan, Juan Li, Jacques Bélair, Huaiping Zhu Publication date: 1 February 2023 Publication info: Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics, 83(1), 276–301 Cited by: David Price 6:44 PM 14 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (4) 679797Huaiping ZhuProfessor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University, a York Research Chair (YRC Tier I) in Applied Mathematics, the Director of the Laboratory of Mathematical Parallel Systems at the York University (LAMPS), the Director of the Canadian Centre for Diseases Modelling (CCDM) and the Director of the One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI-RÉUNIS). 10019D3ABAB, 679803Jacques BélairProfessor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Université de Montréal10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1137/21m146154x
| Excerpt / Summary [Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics, February 2023]
The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic poses a huge threat to global public health. Motivated by China’s experience of using Fangcang shelter hospitals (FSHs) to successfully combat the epidemic in its initial stages, we present a two-stage delay model considering the average waiting time of patients’ admission to study the impact of hospital beds and centralized quarantine on mitigating and controlling of the outbreak. We compute the basic reproduction number in terms of the hospital resources and perform a sensitivity analysis of the average waiting times of patients before admission to the hospitals. We conclude that, while designated hospitals save lives in severely infected individuals, the FSHs played a key role in mitigating and eventually curbing the epidemic. We also quantified some key epidemiological indicators, such as the final size of infections and deaths, the peak height and its timing, and the maximum occupation of beds in FSHs. Our study suggests that, for a jurisdiction (region or country) still struggling with COVID-19, when possible, it is essential to increase testing capacity and use a centralized quarantine to massively reduce the severity and magnitude of the epidemic that follows. |
Link[24] Estimated US Pediatric Hospitalizations and School Absenteeism Associated With Accelerated COVID-19 Bivalent Booster Vaccination
Author: Meagan C. Fitzpatrick, Seyed M. Moghadas, Thomas N. Vilches, Arnav Shah, Abhishek Pandey, Alison P. Galvani Publication date: 19 May 2023 Publication info: JAMA Network Open, 2023;6(5):e2313586. Cited by: David Price 6:49 PM 14 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (5) 679878Seyed MoghadasSeyed Moghadas is an infectious disease modeller whose research includes mathematical and computational modelling in epidemiology and immunology. In particular, he is interested in the theoretical and computational aspects of mathematical models describing the underlying dynamics of infectious diseases, with a particular emphasis on establishing strong links between micro (individual) and macro (population) levels.10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 715617Schools859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.13586
| Excerpt / Summary [JAMA Network Open, 19 May 2023]
Importance: Adverse outcomes of COVID-19 in the pediatric population include disease and hospitalization, leading to school absenteeism. Booster vaccination for eligible individuals across all ages may promote health and school attendance.
Objective: To assess whether accelerating COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccination uptake across the general population would be associated with reduced pediatric hospitalizations and school absenteeism.
Design, Setting, and Participants: In this decision analytical model, a simulation model of COVID-19 transmission was fitted to reported incidence data from October 1, 2020, to September 30, 2022, with outcomes simulated from October 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023. The transmission model included the entire age-stratified US population, and the outcome model included children younger than 18 years.
Interventions: Simulated scenarios of accelerated bivalent COVID-19 booster campaigns to achieve uptake that was either one-half of or similar to the age-specific uptake observed for 2020 to 2021 seasonal influenza vaccination in the eligible population across all age groups.
Main Outcomes and Measures: The main outcomes were estimated hospitalizations, intensive care unit admissions, and isolation days of symptomatic infection averted among children aged 0 to 17 years and estimated days of school absenteeism averted among children aged 5 to 17 years under the accelerated bivalent booster campaign simulated scenarios.
Results: Among children aged 5 to 17 years, a COVID-19 bivalent booster campaign achieving age-specific coverage similar to influenza vaccination could have averted an estimated 5 448 694 (95% credible interval [CrI], 4 936 933-5 957 507) days of school absenteeism due to COVID-19 illness. In addition, the booster campaign could have prevented an estimated 10 019 (95% CrI, 8756-11 278) hospitalizations among the pediatric population aged 0 to 17 years, of which 2645 (95% CrI, 2152-3147) were estimated to require intensive care. A less ambitious booster campaign with only 50% of the age-specific uptake of influenza vaccination among eligible individuals could have averted an estimated 2 875 926 (95% CrI, 2 524 351-3 332 783) days of school absenteeism among children aged 5 to 17 years and an estimated 5791 (95% CrI, 4391-6932) hospitalizations among children aged 0 to 17 years, of which 1397 (95% CrI, 846-1948) were estimated to require intensive care.
Conclusions and Relevance: In this decision analytical model, increased uptake of bivalent booster vaccination among eligible age groups was associated with decreased hospitalizations and school absenteeism in the pediatric population. These findings suggest that although COVID-19 prevention strategies often focus on older populations, the benefits of booster campaigns for children may be substantial. |
Link[25] COVID-19 Hospitalizations, ICU Admissions and Deaths Associated with the New Variants of Concern
Author: Ashleigh R. Tuite, David N. Fisman, Ayodele Odutayo, et al., on behalf of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table - Pavlos Bobos, Vanessa Allen, Isaac I. Bogoch, Adalsteinn D. Brown, Gerald A. Evans, Anna Greenberg, Jessica Hopkins, Antonina Maltsev, Douglas G. Manuel, Allison McGeer, Andrew M. Morris, Samira Mubareka, Laveena Munshi, V. Kumar Murty, Samir N. Patel, Fahad Razak, Robert J. Reid, Beate Sander, Michael Schull, Brian Schwartz, Arthur S. Slutsky, Nathan M. Stall, Peter Jüni Publication date: 29 March 2021 Publication info: [Science Briefs of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table, 2021;1(18) Cited by: David Price 8:22 PM 14 December 2023 GMT
Citerank: (11) 679746Steini BrownProfessor and Dean of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.10019D3ABAB, 679755Ashleigh TuiteAshleigh Tuite is an Assistant Professor in the Epidemiology Division at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.10019D3ABAB, 679757Beate SanderCanada Research Chair in Economics of Infectious Diseases and Director, Health Modeling & Health Economics and Population Health Economics Research at THETA (Toronto Health Economics and Technology Assessment Collaborative).10019D3ABAB, 679777David FismanI am a Professor in the Division of Epidemiology at Division of Epidemiology, Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. I am a Full Member of the School of Graduate Studies. I also have cross-appointments at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation and the Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. I serve as a Consultant in Infectious Diseases at the University Health Network.10019D3ABAB, 679802Isaac BogochClinician Investigator, Toronto General Hospital Research Institute (TGHRI)10019D3ABAB, 679893Kumar MurtyProfessor Kumar Murty is in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Toronto. His research fields are Analytic Number Theory, Algebraic Number Theory, Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Information Security. He is the founder of the GANITA lab, co-founder of Prata Technologies and PerfectCloud. His interest in mathematics ranges from the pure study of the subject to its applications in data and information security.10019D3ABAB, 685230Doug ManuelDr. Manuel is a Medical Doctor with a Masters in Epidemiology and Royal College specialization in Public Health and Preventive Medicine. He is a Senior Scientist in the Clinical Epidemiology Program at Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, and a Professor in the Departments of Family Medicine and Epidemiology and Community Medicine.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 715390Mortality859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.47326/ocsat.2021.
| Excerpt / Summary [Science Briefs of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table, 29 March 2021]
Background: As of March 28, 2021 new variants of concern (VOCs) account for 67% of all Ontario SARS-CoV-2 infections. The B.1.1.7 variant originally detected in Kent, United Kingdom accounts for more than 90% of all VOCs in Ontario, with emerging evidence that it is both more transmissible and virulent.
Questions: What are the risks of COVID-19 hospitalization, ICU admission and death caused by VOCs as compared with the early variants of SARS-CoV-2?
What is the early impact of new VOCs on Ontario’s healthcare system?
Findings: A retrospective cohort study of 26,314 people in Ontario testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 between February 7 and March 11, 2021, showed that 9,395 people (35.7%) infected with VOCs had a 62% relative increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations (odds ratio [OR] 1.62, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.41 to 1.87), a 114% relative increase in ICU admissions (OR 2.14, 95% CI 1.52 to 3.02), and a 40% relative increase in COVID-19 deaths (OR 1.40, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.94), after adjusting for age, sex and comorbidities.
A meta-analysis including the Ontario cohort study and additional cohort studies in the United Kingdom and Denmark showed that people infected with VOCs had a 63% higher risk of hospitalization (RR 1.63, 95% CI 1.44 to 1.83), a doubling of the risk of ICU admission (RR 2.03, 95% CI 1.69 to 2.45), and a 56% higher risk of all-cause death (RR 1.56, 95% CI 1.30 to 1.87). Estimates observed in different studies and regions were completely consistent, and the B.1.1.7 variant was dominant in all three jurisdictions over the study periods.
The number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 on March 28, 2021, is 21% higher than at the start of the province-wide lockdown during the second wave on December 26, 2020, while ICU occupancy is 28% higher.
Between December 14 to 20, 2020, there were 149 new admissions to ICU; people aged 59 years and younger accounted for 30% of admissions. Between March 15, 2021 and March 21, 2021, there were 157 new admissions to ICU; people aged 59 years and younger accounted for 46% of admissions.
Interpretation: The new VOCs will result in a considerably higher burden to Ontario’s health care system during the third wave compared to the impact of early SARS-CoV-2 variants during Ontario’s second wave.
Since the start of the third wave on March 1, 2021, the number of new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and the COVID-19 hospital and ICU occupancies have surpassed prior thresholds at the start of the province-wide lockdown on December 26, 2020. |
Link[26] An Agent-Based Modeling and Virtual Reality Application Using Distributed Simulation: Case of a COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit
Author: Jalal Possik, Ali Asgary, Adriano O. Solis, Gregory Zacharewicz, Mohammad A. Shafiee, Mahdi M. Najafabadi, Nazanin Nadri, Abel Guimaraes, Hossein Iranfar, Philip Ma, Christie M. Lee, Mohammadali Tofighi, Mehdi Aarabi, Simon Gorecki, Jianhong Wu Publication date: 1 August 2023 Publication info: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(8), 2931–2943 Cited by: David Price 9:25 PM 14 December 2023 GMT Citerank: (5) 679750Ali AsgaryAssociate Professor and Associate Director, Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulation (ADERSIM) in the School of Administrative Studies, and Adjunct Professor in the School of Information Technology, at York University.10019D3ABAB, 679812Jianhong WuProfessor Jianhong Wu is a University Distinguished Research Professor and Senior Canada Research Chair in industrial and applied mathematics at York University. He is also the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in vaccine mathematics, modelling, and manufacturing. 10019D3ABAB, 701037MfPH – Publications144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 708813Agent-based models859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/tem.2022.3195813
| Excerpt / Summary [IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, August 2023]
Hospitals and other healthcare settings use various simulation methods to improve their operations, management, and training. The COVID-19 pandemic, with the resulting necessity for rapid and remote assessment, has highlighted the critical role of modeling and simulation in healthcare, particularly distributed simulation (DS). DS enables integration of heterogeneous simulations to further increase the usability and effectiveness of individual simulations. This article presents a DS system that integrates two different simulations developed for a hospital intensive care unit (ICU) ward dedicated to COVID-19 patients. AnyLogic has been used to develop a simulation model of the ICU ward using agent-based and discrete event modeling methods. This simulation depicts and measures physical contacts between healthcare providers and patients. The Unity platform has been utilized to develop a virtual reality simulation of the ICU environment and operations. The high-level architecture, an IEEE standard for DS, has been used to build a cloud-based DS system by integrating and synchronizing the two simulation platforms. While enhancing the capabilities of both simulations, the DS system can be used for training purposes and assessment of different managerial and operational decisions to minimize contacts and disease transmission in the ICU ward by enabling data exchange between the two simulations. |
Link[27] Vaccine rollout strategies: The case for vaccinating essential workers early
Author: Nicola Mulberry, Paul Tupper, Erin Kirwin, Christopher McCabe, Caroline Colijn Publication date: 13 October 2021 Publication info: PLOS Glob Public Health 1(10): e0000020 Cited by: David Price 4:57 PM 15 December 2023 GMT
Citerank: (11) 679761Caroline ColijnDr. Caroline Colijn works at the interface of mathematics, evolution, infection and public health, and leads the MAGPIE research group. She joined SFU's Mathematics Department in 2018 as a Canada 150 Research Chair in Mathematics for Infection, Evolution and Public Health. She has broad interests in applications of mathematics to questions in evolution and public health, and was a founding member of Imperial College London's Centre for the Mathematics of Precision Healthcare.10019D3ABAB, 679770Christopher McCabeDr. Christopher McCabe is the CEO and Executive Director of the Institute of Health Economics (IHE).10019D3ABAB, 679862Paul TupperProfessor in the Department of Mathematics at Simon Fraser University.10019D3ABAB, 686720Erin KirwinErin Kirwin (she/her) is a Health Economist at the Institute of Health Economics (IHE) in Alberta, Canada. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics and International Development Studies from McGill University and a Master of Arts in Economics from the University of Alberta. Prior to joining the IHE, Erin was the Manager of Advanced Analytics at Alberta Health. Erin is a PhD candidate at the University of Manchester.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704041Vaccination859FDEF6, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 708794Health economics859FDEF6, 714608Charting a FutureCharting a Future for Emerging Infectious Disease Modelling in Canada – April 2023 [1] 2794CAE1, 715454Workforce impact859FDEF6, 728545Long COVIDPost-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC).859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgph.0000020
| Excerpt / Summary [PLOS Global Public Health, 13 October 2021]
In vaccination campaigns against COVID-19, many jurisdictions are using age-based rollout strategies, reflecting the much higher risk of severe outcomes of infection in older groups. In the wake of growing evidence that approved vaccines are effective at preventing not only adverse outcomes, but also infection, we show that such strategies are less effective than strategies that prioritize essential workers. This conclusion holds across numerous outcomes, including cases, hospitalizations, Long COVID (cases with symptoms lasting longer than 28 days), deaths and net monetary benefit. Our analysis holds in regions where the vaccine supply is limited, and rollout is prolonged for several months. In such a setting with a population of 5M, we estimate that vaccinating essential workers sooner prevents over 200,000 infections, over 600 deaths, and produces a net monetary benefit of over $500M. |
Link[28] Trends in outpatient and inpatient visits for separate ambulatory-care-sensitive conditions during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: a province-based study
Author: Tetyana Kendzerska, David T. Zhu, Michael Pugliese, Douglas Manuel, Mohsen Sadatsafavi, Marcus Povitz, Therese A. Stukel, Teresa To, Shawn D. Aaron, Sunita Mulpuru, Melanie Chin, Claire E. Kendall, Kednapa Thavorn, Rebecca Robillard, Andrea S. Gershon Publication date: 18 December 2023 Publication info: Frontiers in Public Health, Volume 11, 18 December 2023 Cited by: David Price 0:09 AM 12 January 2024 GMT Citerank: (3) 685230Doug ManuelDr. Manuel is a Medical Doctor with a Masters in Epidemiology and Royal College specialization in Public Health and Preventive Medicine. He is a Senior Scientist in the Clinical Epidemiology Program at Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, and a Professor in the Departments of Family Medicine and Epidemiology and Community Medicine.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1251020
| Excerpt / Summary [Frontiers in Public Health, 18 December 2023]
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic led to global disruptions in non-urgent health services, affecting health outcomes of individuals with ambulatory-care-sensitive conditions (ACSCs).
Methods: We conducted a province-based study using Ontario health administrative data (Canada) to determine trends in outpatient visits and hospitalization rates (per 100,000 people) in the general adult population for seven ACSCs during the first pandemic year (March 2020–March 2021) compared to previous years (2016–2019), and how disruption in outpatient visits related to acute care use. ACSCs considered were chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, angina, congestive heart failure (CHF), hypertension, diabetes, and epilepsy. We used time series auto-regressive integrated moving-average models to compare observed versus projected rates.
Results: Following an initial reduction (March–May 2020) in all types of visits, primary care outpatient visits (combined in-person and virtual) returned to pre-pandemic levels for asthma, angina, hypertension, and diabetes, remained below pre-pandemic levels for COPD, and rose above pre-pandemic levels for CHF (104.8 vs. 96.4, 95% CI: 89.4–104.0) and epilepsy (29.6 vs. 24.7, 95% CI: 22.1–27.5) by the end of the first pandemic year. Specialty visits returned to pre-pandemic levels for COPD, angina, CHF, hypertension, and diabetes, but remained above pre-pandemic levels for asthma (95.4 vs. 79.5, 95% CI: 70.7–89.5) and epilepsy (53.3 vs. 45.6, 95% CI: 41.2–50.5), by the end of the year. Virtual visit rates increased for all ACSCs. Among ACSCs, reductions in hospitalizations were most pronounced for COPD and asthma. CHF-related hospitalizations also decreased, albeit to a lesser extent. For angina, hypertension, diabetes, and epilepsy, hospitalization rates reduced initially, but returned to pre-pandemic levels by the end of the year.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated variation in outpatient visit trends for different ACSCs in the first pandemic year. No outpatient visit trends resulted in increased hospitalizations for any ACSC; however, reductions in rates of asthma, COPD, and CHF hospitalizations persisted. |
Link[29] Nasopharyngeal angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) expression as a risk-factor for SARS-CoV-2 transmission in concurrent hospital associated outbreaks
Author: Aidan M. Nikiforuk, Kevin S. Kuchinski, Katy Short, Susan Roman, Mike A. Irvine, Natalie Prystajecky, Agatha N. Jassem, David M. Patrick, Inna Sekirov Publication date: 26 February 2024 Publication info: BMC Infectious Diseases, Volume 24, Article number: 262 (2024) Cited by: David Price 0:01 AM 15 April 2024 GMT Citerank: (3) 679854Natalie Anne PrystajeckyNatalie Prystajecky is the program head for the Environmental Microbiology program at the BCCDC Public Health Laboratory. She is also a clinical associate professor in the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at UBC.10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6 URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-024-09067-9
| Excerpt / Summary [BMC Infectious Diseases, 26 February 2024]
Background: Widespread human-to-human transmission of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus two (SARS-CoV-2) stems from a strong affinity for the cellular receptor angiotensin converting enzyme two (ACE2). We investigate the relationship between a patient’s nasopharyngeal ACE2 transcription and secondary transmission within a series of concurrent hospital associated SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks in British Columbia, Canada.
Methods: Epidemiological case data from the outbreak investigations was merged with public health laboratory records and viral lineage calls, from whole genome sequencing, to reconstruct the concurrent outbreaks using infection tracing transmission network analysis. ACE2 transcription and RNA viral load were measured by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. The transmission network was resolved to calculate the number of potential secondary cases. Bivariate and multivariable analyses using Poisson and Negative Binomial regression models was performed to estimate the association between ACE2 transcription the number of SARS-CoV-2 secondary cases.
Results: The infection tracing transmission network provided n = 76 potential transmission events across n = 103 cases. Bivariate comparisons found that on average ACE2 transcription did not differ between patients and healthcare workers (P = 0.86). High ACE2 transcription was observed in 98.6% of transmission events, either the primary or secondary case had above average ACE2. Multivariable analysis found that the association between ACE2 transcription (log2 fold-change) and the number of secondary transmission events differs between patients and healthcare workers. In health care workers Negative Binomial regression estimated that a one-unit change in ACE2 transcription decreases the number of secondary cases (β = -0.132 (95%CI: -0.255 to -0.0181) adjusting for RNA viral load. Conversely, in patients a one-unit change in ACE2 transcription increases the number of secondary cases (β = 0.187 (95% CI: 0.0101 to 0.370) adjusting for RNA viral load. Sensitivity analysis found no significant relationship between ACE2 and secondary transmission in health care workers and confirmed the positive association among patients.
Conclusion: Our study suggests that ACE2 transcription has a positive association with SARS-CoV-2 secondary transmission in admitted inpatients, but not health care workers in concurrent hospital associated outbreaks, and it should be further investigated as a risk-factor for viral transmission. |
Link[30] A Joint Temporal Model for Hospitalizations and ICU Admissions Due to COVID-19 in Quebec
Author: Mariana Carmona-Baez, Alexandra M. Schmidt, Shirin Golchi, David Buckeridge Publication date: 6 September 2024 Publication info: Stat, Volume 13, Issue 3 e70000, 6 September 2024 Cited by: David Price 1:20 PM 2 December 2024 GMT Citerank: (4) 679775David BuckeridgeDavid is a Professor in the School of Population and Global Health at McGill University, where he directs the Surveillance Lab, an interdisciplinary group that develops, implements, and evaluates novel computational methods for population health surveillance. He is also the Chief Digital Health Officer at the McGill University Health Center where he directs strategy on digital transformation and analytics and he is an Associate Member with the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (Mila).10019D3ABAB, 701020CANMOD – PublicationsPublications by CANMOD Members144B5ACA0, 704045Covid-19859FDEF6, 728389Covid-19Covid-19 » Who. » David Buckeridge10000FFFACD URL: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/sta4.70000
| Excerpt / Summary [Stat, 6 September 2024]
Infectious respiratory diseases have been of interest in recent years for the great burden they place on health systems, for instance, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that caused the global COVID-19 pandemic. As many of these diseases might require hospitalization and even intensive care unit (ICU) admission, understanding the joint dynamics of hospitalizations and ICU admissions across time and different groups of the population remains of great importance. We aim to understand the joint evolution of hospital and ICU admissions given COVID-19 test-positive cases in the province of Quebec, Canada. We obtain the daily counts, by age group, on the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, the number of hospitalizations and the number of ICU admissions due to COVID-19, from March 2020 through October 2021 in Quebec. We propose a joint Bayesian generalized dynamic linear model for the number of hospitalizations and ICU admissions to study their temporal trends and possible associations with sex and age group. Additionally, we use transfer functions to investigate if there is a memory effect of the number of cases on hospitalizations across the different age groups. The results suggest that there is a clear distinction in the patterns of hospitalizations and ICU admissions across age groups and that the number of cases has a persistent effect on the rate of hospitalization. |