Hao Wang
Professor in the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University of Alberta.
  • The Interdisciplinary Lab for Mathematical Ecology & Epidemiology (ILMEE), led by Prof. Hao Wang, works on several areas of mathematical biology as diverse as modeling stoichiometry-based ecological interactions, microbiology, infectious diseases, habitat destruction and biodiversity, risk assessment of oil sands pollution, spatial memory and cognition. Mathematical and statistical approaches include differential equations, data science, and machine learning.

Tags: Hao Wang (Howard)

People »People
Hao Wang
OMNI – People »OMNI – People
University of Alberta »University of Alberta
12 Pathogen Contamination and Spread Control during Food-Processing  »12 Pathogen Contamination and Spread Control during Food-Processing
Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) »Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PIMS)
Characteristic structure within multiple early warning signals »Characteristic structure within multiple early warning signals
Machine learning »Machine learning
Ecology »Ecology
Microbiology »Microbiology
Vaccination »Vaccination
Contact tracing »Contact tracing
Covid-19 »Covid-19
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