Who Who1 #61934 DebateGraph is a social enterprise that combines argument visualization with collaborative editing to make the best arguments on all sides of every complex public debate freely available to all, and continuously open to challenge and improvement by all. | DebateGraph's Co-founders - DebateGraph was co-founded by Peter Baldwin and David Price, who have been collaborating on DebateGraph's development on opposites sides of the world for the last eight years – and is evolving continuously towards the fulfilment of our long term vision for a new medium of public deliberation, communication and conflict resolution.
- DebateGraph is offered freely and is self-funded through paid mapping and training projects. If you would like to learn more about our social mission, and/or support or engage us in other ways, you are welcome to say hello at any time (email, twitter, tel: +44 20 8144 2860).
Peter Baldwin, Co-founder
- Peter Baldwin was a federal MP for Sydney from 1983-1998, including six years as a minister in the Hawke/Keating government, first as Minister for Higher Education and Employment Services (1990-93) and then as Cabinet Minister for Social Security (1993-96).
- Following the change of federal government in 1996, he held Opposition shadow portfolios of Education and Finance before retiring from politics in 1998. After leaving politics, Peter became interested in argument mapping as a means for raising the quality of debate about public policy issues, and in particular the potential for the web to enable dispersed collaboration on the creation of large-scale argument maps of complex and contentious issues.
- Building on his programming experience prior to entering politics, Peter began to develop the software underlying DebateGraph as a web application to facilitate large scale, collaborative argument mapping.

David Price, Co-founder - Prior to co-founding DebateGraph with Peter Baldwin, David Price was a consultant and public policy advisor and has worked with various public and private sector organizations including: the BBC, the European Commission, CNN, UK Prime Minister’s Office, HM Treasury, Ofcom and Virgin TV
- David also leads DebateGraph's consultancy, mapping and training projects with our government, NGO, business and education partners.
Blog: The Independent, DebateGraph.us
Twitter: @DebateGraph
Email: david [at] debategraph [dot] org