Corn-based ethanol
Corn-based ethanol
Anthropogenic Climate Change »Anthropogenic Climate Change
Responding to climate change? »Responding to climate change?
Immediate action required »Immediate action required
How to reduce the risks/impact of climate change? »How to reduce the risks/impact of climate change?
Radical restructuring of the energy sector »Radical restructuring of the energy sector
Generate energy from non-fossil fuel and renewable sources »Generate energy from non-fossil fuel and renewable sources
Bio-fuels »Bio-fuels
Bio-fuels from land crops »Bio-fuels from land crops
Ethanol »Ethanol
Corn-based ethanol
Ethanol subsidies »Ethanol subsidies
Fertilizer run-off grows Gulf dead zone  »Fertilizer run-off grows Gulf dead zone
Too little land is available »Too little land is available
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