I'm thinking in particular of
- new comments
- new messages
- new citations
- edited comments or citations (we don't have these yet)
- edited messages (we do have these, and it's a great feature, but when you edit a message, there is a risk that nobody will know you did)
- new cross-relations
I am probably forgetting other types of "interesting" items. If an idea (position, issue or argument) gets lost in the heavy stream, there is still a good chance that you'll find it later, either in the map itself or in the context view. But a missed comment or citation may be both more important (from the collaboration viewpoint), and harder to retrieve later on.
Maybe we could have two streams?
- the "content-stream", with issues, positions, arguments, and
- the "meta-stream" (?), with comments, messages, citations, cross-relations, etc.
A nice feature in the "classic view" was the highlighting of the new ideas in the last day/week/month. If we had a similar feature in the context view, we probably wouldn't need the "content-stream" and the remaining stream would only include the "meta-stream"??