Maintenance, Refurbishment, Repair
A set of positions relating to maintenance, refurbishment, repair and associated activities.
Electronic Waste »Electronic Waste
Draft Technical Guidelines »Draft Technical Guidelines
Issues »Issues
Situations in which used equipment is or is not waste »Situations in which used equipment is or is not waste
Maintenance, Refurbishment, Repair
Consistency with EU WEEE Recast needed »Consistency with EU WEEE Recast needed
Enable legitimate reuse/repair »Enable legitimate reuse/repair
Inappropriate to apply waste regulations to repair and refurbishment »Inappropriate to apply waste regulations to repair and refurbishment
Not economical to have OEM repair centres in every country »Not economical to have OEM repair centres in every country
Reuse needs clarification. »Reuse needs clarification.
Shipments for maintenance, repair, or refurbishment are not wastes »Shipments for maintenance, repair, or refurbishment are not wastes
Shipments under warranty/lease/product servicing are not waste »Shipments under warranty/lease/product servicing are not waste
Exemptions for some situations are needed »Exemptions for some situations are needed
2012-05 Draft Technical Guidelines [2012 May] »2012-05 Draft Technical Guidelines [2012 May]
Exemptions for some situations are needed »Exemptions for some situations are needed
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