Electronic Waste »Electronic Waste
Draft Technical Guidelines »Draft Technical Guidelines
Actors »Actors
Lack of sufficient information about shipment means it is waste »Lack of sufficient information about shipment means it is waste
Add proposed list of hazardous/non-hazardous equipment »Add proposed list of hazardous/non-hazardous equipment
Risk of repair as loophole. »Risk of repair as loophole.
Meanings of maintenance, refurbishment, and repair need clarification »Meanings of maintenance, refurbishment, and repair need clarification
26b "Preferred option" »26b "Preferred option"
Assume exports are waste »Assume exports are waste
Life-span is good criterion »Life-span is good criterion
Include CRTs as waste »Include CRTs as waste
Avoid premature retirement of used equipment »Avoid premature retirement of used equipment
Exempt medical devices »Exempt medical devices
Permit exemption for used parts »Permit exemption for used parts
Facilities must be able to document ESM »Facilities must be able to document ESM
Useful to have open-ended list of hazardous components & substances »Useful to have open-ended list of hazardous components & substances
Use key function approach »Use key function approach
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