Ban Amendment must not be undermined
BAN expresses strong concern that the language in Criteria 6 placed in square brackets threatens a provision of the Basel Convention called the Ban Amendment.
"BAN is deeply concerned that allowing the transboundary shipment of equipment for testing, repair or refurbishment from Annex VII ('developed' countries) to non-Annex VII ('developing' countries) would threaten the purpose and future implementation of the Ban Amendment" (see p. 6-7 of BAN's comments on the Draft Technical Guidelines version of 20 November 2014).
Electronic Waste »Electronic Waste
Draft Technical Guidelines »Draft Technical Guidelines
Issues »Issues
Situations in which used equipment is or is not waste »Situations in which used equipment is or is not waste
Paragraph 26: when used equipment should not be considered waste »Paragraph 26: when used equipment should not be considered waste
Ban Amendment must not be undermined
Annex VII not in force »Annex VII not in force
Basel Action Network »Basel Action Network
Annex VII not in force »Annex VII not in force
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