Create a Stanford Student PCI Forum
People-Centered Internet »People-Centered Internet
When? »When?
20151024 - PCI Forum (Stanford) »20151024 - PCI Forum (Stanford)
PCI Forum – Agenda & Presentations »PCI Forum – Agenda & Presentations
Agenda – Day 2 »Agenda – Day 2
D2-3: Aligning, Anticipating, Taking Action »D2-3: Aligning, Anticipating, Taking Action
Next Tuesday – Actions »Next Tuesday – Actions
Amplify to company & incorporate high level tenets in book study »Amplify to company & incorporate high level tenets in book study
Create a Stanford Student PCI Forum
Monique Morrow »Monique Morrow
Jim Spohrer »Jim Spohrer
Ahmed Calvo »Ahmed Calvo
Vint Cerf »Vint Cerf
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