Edit WikiLink s in the Details and generate the Graphical representation from it.
That's imho the most innovative and fastest way.
For each node generate the incoming and outgoing links.
Make the Arrows neutral and let them edit by e.g. Ctr_Clicks to select a default colorcoded category or
allow the user to set their own Arrow_Label
Or more advanced create the Arrow_Labels from the user text, e.g.
- Arrow_Labels _realize Semantic_Triples
- WikiLinks_In_Text_Generate_the_Graph _allows Faster_Edit
- Faster_Edit _improves Collaboration_
Alternatively in CamelCase:
- ArrowLabels _realize SemanticTriples
- WikiLinksInTextGenerateTheGraph _allows FasterEdit
- FasterEdit _improves CollaborationBasics
As seen by WikiFy