Svetlana Yanushkevich Person1 #679885 Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Schulich School of Engineering, Associate Dean, Research (Faculty Research & Scholarship), Schulich School of Engineering, and Professor in the Department of Electrical and Software Engineering.

- Dr. Yanushkevich directs the Biometric Technologies Laboratory, the only research facility dedicated to biometric system design in Canada. She is a Chair of the Biometric Taskforce in the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. With her team, she is developing novel decision support and risk assessment strategies based on machine reasoning, with applications to biometric-enabled access control (risk assessment of misidentification) and healthcare monitoring systems (gait abnormalities detection, action/activity recognition, face attribute analysis).
Research areas - Biometric technologies
- Data analytics
- Pattern recognition
- Machine reasoning
- Probabilistics decision-making
- Wearables
- Digital design
- Multi-valued logic systems