Country under foreign occupation
There is a perception that the country is under a foreign occupation; until those occupying it leave, the situation will not improve.
The future is connected to what foreign countries think and want. ISIS was ruling before an area similar in space as the UK. Now they are building new militias to replace ISIS. Russia, Iran, US and Saudi Arabia are playing in their land. When Russia and the US agree on something, it is realised (e.g ISIS) so if they had agreed to end this was it would have been already finished.
We, the Refugees – The Future of Syria »We, the Refugees – The Future of Syria
Lebanon »Lebanon
Issues »Issues
00: Current situation in Syria? »00: Current situation in Syria?
Country under foreign occupation
"The government is selling our country." »"The government is selling our country."
"We prefer the Regime to handing over the country to foreigners" »"We prefer the Regime to handing over the country to foreigners"
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