02: Role of Syrian Refugees in future of Syria?
How do you see your role / the role of Syrian refugees in the future of Syria? ? Do you think you cold use your “experience” of living out of Syria? What would you do if the situation was better and you could return?
We, the Refugees – The Future of Syria »We, the Refugees – The Future of Syria
Lebanon »Lebanon
Issues »Issues
02: Role of Syrian Refugees in future of Syria?
"Any party of the country can be rebuilt with enough positivism." »"Any party of the country can be rebuilt with enough positivism."
"I will push myself to go back and make a better future." »"I will push myself to go back and make a better future."
"In the camps, we're family." »"In the camps, we're family."
"This time we've been separated can unite us more." »"This time we've been separated can unite us more."
"We must come together. As a group, we can make a change." »"We must come together. As a group, we can make a change."
"We'll bring fresh perspectives." »"We'll bring fresh perspectives."
"We'll try and educate our girls to build a better future." »"We'll try and educate our girls to build a better future."
"We're still citizens of a country we want to go back to" »"We're still citizens of a country we want to go back to"
"We've seen that someone cares about us, and that gives us strength." »"We've seen that someone cares about us, and that gives us strength."
A shift in traditions and gender relations »A shift in traditions and gender relations
As long as conscription is still there, many won't go back »As long as conscription is still there, many won't go back
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