Approach to nuclear power?
Liberal Democrats have long opposed any new nuclear construction. Conservatives are committed to allowing the replacement of existing nuclear power stations provided they are subject to the normal planning process for major projects and that they receive no public subsidy.
Liberal Democrats have long opposed any new nuclear construction. Conservatives, by contrast, are committed to allowing the replacement of existing nuclear power stations provided they are subject to the normal planning process for major projects (under a new national planning statement) and provided also that they receive no public subsidy.

We have agreed a process that will allow Liberal Democrats to maintain their opposition to nuclear power while permitting the government to bring forward the national planning statement for ratification by Parliament so that new nuclear construction becomes possible.

This process will involve:

  • the government completing the drafting of a national planning statement and putting it before Parliament;
  • specific agreement that a Liberal Democrat spokesman will speak against the planning statement, but that Liberal Democrat MPs will abstain; and
  • clarity that this will not be regarded as an issue of confidence.

Conservative - Liberal Democrat Coalition Agreement »Conservative - Liberal Democrat Coalition Agreement
Environment »Environment
Approach to nuclear power?
Government will put a national planning statement before Parliament »Government will put a national planning statement before Parliament
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