Electronic Waste »Electronic Waste
Draft Technical Guidelines »Draft Technical Guidelines
Actors »Actors
Exemptions for non-waste are dangerous »Exemptions for non-waste are dangerous
Should classify household e-waste as 'other waste' »Should classify household e-waste as 'other waste'
Must prohibit trade from Annex VII to non-Annex VII »Must prohibit trade from Annex VII to non-Annex VII
Used equipent has at least 1/3 of its normal life span remaining »Used equipent has at least 1/3 of its normal life span remaining
26b should apply to whole equipment »26b should apply to whole equipment
26b Criteria 4: Contract »26b Criteria 4: Contract
26b Criteria 5: Declaration »26b Criteria 5: Declaration
26b Criteria 7: Packaging »26b Criteria 7: Packaging
Life-span is good criterion »Life-span is good criterion
Developing countries become sinks for waste »Developing countries become sinks for waste
Include CRTs as waste »Include CRTs as waste
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