Fons Krist

List of quotes attributed to Fons Krist:

"Krist said it is a misconception, despite improvements in recent years, to see all the electronic wastes as hazardous.  “There is a huge misperception, in the sense of how toxic electronic waste is. Let’s face it if a computer is no longer working, the moment it moves from the table to the floor, it becomes hazardous,” he said. “How is that possible? Even in the manual dismantle process, there is still nothing hazardous about it. Don’t get me wrong. There are certain hazardous materials in electronic waste, but they only become an issue when you start to process or recycle these materials — if the recycling or recovery is not done correctly and without the proper health and safety as well as environmental safety measure in place.” According to Krist, if labour cost allows it, the best way to start recycling electronic waste is to do it manually which gives the cleanest separation of all the material, metal, plastic and printed circuit boards. After the initial separation the material can go for their respective recycling process.""

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Actors/Protagonists »Actors/Protagonists
Cimelia Resource Recovery Pte Ltd »Cimelia Resource Recovery Pte Ltd
Fons Krist
The relative risk of e-waste is still unknown/in dispute »The relative risk of e-waste is still unknown/in dispute
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