North-South e-waste trade poses a threat to national security

"Panelists argued that RERA would combat the problem of counterfeit electronics in defense supply chains by requiring the domestic recycling of nonworking, non-tested e-waste.” 

Meta-Actor: Scientific Community

Source Document:

Date: August 1, 2014


"A Senate Armed Services Committee study determined that counterfeit chips are pervasive in fighter jets, missile guidance systems, submarines, helicopters and more, concluding “there is no way to predict how well they will perform, how long they will last, and the full impact of failure.” Counterfeiters often start by stripping used microchips from e-waste – much of it legally exported from the United States. Counterfeiters rely on our exports because the U.S. is the world’s largest producer of e-waste and one of the few countries that allow unrestricted exports of untested, nonworking e-scrap. SEERA combats counterfeiters by requiring domestic recycling of untested, nonworking e-waste. By processing and securing e-scrap here, we will keep it out of the hands of counterfeiters in China and around the world."

Meta-Actor: Business

Source Document:

Date: Unknown


“The authors [Jim Burger (Thompson Coburn LLC), Henry Livingston (BAE Systems) and Tom Sharpe (SMT Corp)] conclude:

By allowing an unchecked flow of e-waste exports, the United States is contributing to the feedstock used to create counterfeit electronic parts that can find their way into the DoD supply chain and can also present a public health and safety risk. Congress must go on the offensive against counterfeiters by enacting a comprehensive policy on e-waste exports."

Meta-Actor: Business

Source Document:

Date: June 18, 2015

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Should e-waste be traded from North to South? »Should e-waste be traded from North to South?
North-South e-waste trade poses a threat to national security
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