E-waste management systems are incapable of improving project design

I would like to further make the point that, as Dr. Anastas did, that e-waste systems are incapable of affecting product design and the product design greatly impacts the results of how well they are recycled but just collecting the waste and recycling at the end of the stream does nothing to affect product design, and there are recycling systems, electronics recycling systems, all over the world at this point. None of them affect product design. There is no incentive placed on the manufacturer to change product design to make them more recyclable."

Meta-Actor: Government 

Source Document: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-111hhrg47543/html/CHRG-111hhrg47543.htm

Date: February 11, 2009

Issues »Issues
How to create an EPR-based national e-waste recycling industry? »How to create an EPR-based national e-waste recycling industry?
Should EPR incentivize/regulate eco-design? »Should EPR incentivize/regulate eco-design?
E-waste management systems are incapable of improving project design
Prof. Paul Anastas »Prof. Paul Anastas
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