Reformulate food and beverages
Industry produces and delivers food and beverages with an improved nutritional profile.

​​Cost-effective interventions to reduce obesity in the UK


Tackling obesity in the UK »Tackling obesity in the UK
Tackling obesity »Tackling obesity
Reshape the food environment to encourage healthier eating patterns »Reshape the food environment to encourage healthier eating patterns
Reformulate food and beverages
New “better for you” products »New “better for you” products
Stealth product reformulation: beverages »Stealth product reformulation: beverages
Stealth product reformulation: food »Stealth product reformulation: food
Stealth product reformulation: restaurants »Stealth product reformulation: restaurants
12. Reformulation »12. Reformulation
Salt-reduction by reformulation in the UK »Salt-reduction by reformulation in the UK
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