4,5,6,7. Contributions to and analysis of conversations
In these 4 business use cases contributors have to learn the use of tags, trunk-tags and branch-tags.

The use of social platforms is already very common, both among citizens and politicians, including MEP's (407 of them have Twitter accounts: All MEP's on Twitter ).

About 50% of the tweets by MEP's also have tags (based on a very small sample).
The use of cofog, isic and trunk/branch tags will need to be explained, both to citizens, civil society and politicians.
Typically they will need to learn the tags corresponding to their areas of interest.  Pages of the Actor Atlas such as ISIC Classes and COFOG Classes will be instrumental for this. For these pages Google-translate provides reasonable translations to most of the EU's national languages.
E-Parliament Tagger »E-Parliament Tagger
06. Scope of the Work »06. Scope of the Work
6d. The Business Use Cases (BUCs) »6d. The Business Use Cases (BUCs)
4,5,6,7. Contributions to and analysis of conversations
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