The report to the president suggest that Big Data in a privacy context, typically means data about one or a group of individuals, or that might be analyzed to make inferences about individuals.
Return on investment
To quantify the return on investment we must understand the stakeholders who invest in the solution are not the same as those who have the most risk.
- Those who intend to benefit from the information are not the same as those who are harmed.
- The government at a national, then state, then county and city each has the accountability first by nation, then responsibility through intimacy gradients
The people being harmed have tried to trust others with their information and nothing valuable resulted.
- Fraud abuse of taxpayer dollars - claims these persons received benefits with no knowledge of the visit
- In many cases these billing scenarios are nothing more than reversing the code in a fraud detection script.
- An ethical dilemma-highest risk or threats to dignity in social, economic and cultural life.
Inferences (profiling)
A parent doesn't currently worry about the choices a child may make in a video game.
Risk Assessment - Profiling or Stalking - iPredator
Ethical decision making ask the questions in ways that help to reveal what cause and effect our decisions could have on other people.
- A stalker - someone we know - male
- A stalker - someone we DO NOT know - female

Understanding the potential to harm those who we are not making the right inferences for; in the first place.