5a. Relevant Facts
Background on relevant classifications and the proposed tags.
  • ParlTrack has provided a list of the classifications of European Parliament topics since 2009 (the running legislature).
  • The Parltrack list will be mapped to COFOG and ISIC classes in one activity of the implementation project.
  • Full details of the latter two classifications are at the below webpages of the UNSD (United Nations Statistics Division):
  • For these classifications we will only use their (lowest) class levels as depicted on the Actor Atlas pages:
    • ISIC Classes; for each class there is a four digit number that is part of its ISIC tag.
    • COFOG Classes: for each class there is a four digit number that is part of its COFOG tag.
E-Parliament Tagger »E-Parliament Tagger
05. Relevant Facts and Assumptions »05. Relevant Facts and Assumptions
5a. Relevant Facts
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