if it can make a difference there, it can as well work here.
Argumentation and Debate - 52602 »Argumentation and Debate - 52602
Ricardo Cruz »Ricardo Cruz
Music debate  »Music debate
The last to say. - Atmosphere »The last to say. - Atmosphere
Spousal abuse is a cycle that repeats through children who witness it. »Spousal abuse is a cycle that repeats through children who witness it.
reduce tolerance and increase assistance and support for victims. »reduce tolerance and increase assistance and support for victims.
increasing attention and alternatives for abused will reduce it. »increasing attention and alternatives for abused will reduce it.
Domestic violence in Europe and Eurasia »Domestic violence in Europe and Eurasia
if it can make a difference there, it can as well work here.
Such efforts to bring awareness in Europe can make a difference. »Such efforts to bring awareness in Europe can make a difference.
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