Reaganomics works better than Obamanomics
Reagan's works
Obama's doesn't, hasn't, and won't work
Argumentation and Debate - 49431 »Argumentation and Debate - 49431
Troy Erskine »Troy Erskine
Obamanomics vs. Reaganomics »Obamanomics vs. Reaganomics
Reaganomics works better than Obamanomics
Obama's policies destroy the economy »Obama's policies destroy the economy
Reagan policies stimulate the economy »Reagan policies stimulate the economy
Barely 1% growth by the end of Obama's third year »Barely 1% growth by the end of Obama's third year
Incentivize production »Incentivize production
$1 trillion in stimulus spending »$1 trillion in stimulus spending
Argument from sign »Argument from sign
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