A plan-includes LM comments
UN Commons cluster work on the plan
The world is urgently looking for durable solutions to extreme poverty, hunger, pollution, inequality, pandemics,  increasing unemployment, including through the use of artificial intelligence


AI is being led by the largest companies in the world - we could benefit from partnering the hardest to reach first.  An approach that would amplify the indigenous voices and leverage design patterns affecting both the smallest population in the business world and smallest in the public sector (UN and Nations) financing development in a marketplace of sorts.  


Indigenous Youth could lead the communities specific to their location and unique cultural and environmental concerns.  

The Plan for a Sustainable Self-Financing Supplementary Income for All  proposes a supplementary economy for all people that is financed by a newly created digital currencybacked by marketable goods and services. This Plan was originally conceived by the Dutch visionary, activist, economic innovator and artist Pieter Kooistra, who explained it in two books financed by the Dutch Government. It was endorsed by economist and 1969 Nobel Prize winner, Jan Tinbergen. Implementation of the Plan will allow the present world economic system to evolve gradually towards an inclusive global economy in harmony with Nature for the benefit of all, while taking over without conflict from the unsustainable one that dominates today. 


My proposal or advice gives the current state its space to continue while opening a space for change and another space for innovation/transformation.  A virtual world is part AI and part Robotics in terms of market transition.  It also requires the experts in innovation and transformation.  There are few people with the skills to execute this type of new way of operating in the future we want.  

The Plan
Each person on the planet receives per year an additional income which at the outset will probably be the equivalent of around US$800, but will be recalculated every year. This, they are permitted to spend on goods or services that harm neither people nor the natural environment. Decisions as to what will be offered each year are made by people in grassroots discussion groups led by 2 specially trained development workers for aboutevery 1000 people, who will also oversee that choices are made by individuals themselves without outside coercion.


Current stimulus payments exceed this amount by twice as much in developed parts of the world.  

How is the digital currency created?
In the past, a country's currency was considered "hard" to the degree it was covered by gold reserves. Today, a country's currency is considered "hard" to the degree it is covered by "marketable goods and services". In essence, money can be seen as a point system that is allocated to each product and service to facilitate barter.


In a virtual world - "Second Life," we can model (AI and Robotics) physical environments and not harm the environment more.  Conversations with animals can be captured too. 

Universities are using these environments. Cultural Intellectual Property would be modelled by students in experience based projects earning college credits during high school.  Linden Currency is already in use.

In today's world both rich and poor limit currency production for opposing reasons. Those who have the potential to produce extra goods and services lack the markets. Those in need of goods and services do not have the means to purchase them. Once the overproduction can be connected to those needing extra goods and services, the additional currencycan then be created for the Supplementary Economy. The extra currency created can then be divided among all people as a supplementary income. 
If the whole world were combined in one market, economists estimated that this proposed supplementary new global economy would be able to grow by 5%-10%, if the production capacity matched people's needs. This amount can then be used for several aims, including the building of the infrastructure and the implementation of this Plan. Once these costs have been deducted and the rest is divided equally among the world's population, each person would receive the equivalent of about US$800 per annum.


We need a distributed architecture to move from centralized world.

In the process, companies and industries in the field of arms, pharmaceutics, energy, and IT would discover the benefits of redirecting their R&D towards these newly emerging markets in the field of basic human needs, personal well-being, spirituality, and harmony with Nature, particularly, since the parametres of this supplementary economy exactly match those aimed at by the world's sustainable development goals 


Innovation and Transformation could be proven in this space before introducing threats to our environments as part of climate change and social responsibility.  Nature experts are the indigenous people youth bridge technology and elders stories are beyond pictures rather videos filmed by youth.

What is required for the implementation of the Plan?
1. a globally linked electronic communication system connected to a 
2. corresponding banking facility to manage this electronic barter system with
3. accounts potentially for every man, woman and child in the world; and
4. two specially trained development workers for about every thousand people, who do an inventory of the orders to be placed and who guide the global decision-making process regarding which goods and services may be purchased with the supplementary income.


A personal cloud offers the private networks of communities with banks or financial industry as the next layer beyond our personal cloud infrastructure.

ActionCommittee preparing the implementation of the Plan:
Jan Atze Nicolai / Nikita Dubrova / Luc Guillory Alan Jaremowich (Grand Architect Group) /
Henry Mentink (Veerhuis, manager of the Kooistra legacy) Elly Pradervand (Women’s World Summit Foundation) Brigitta Scheepsma /Rudolf and Alice Schneider (Institute for Planetary Synthesis) Marjolijn Snippe (Foundation for a Friendly Planet) Lisinka Ulatovska (Commons Cluster of the UN NGO Major Group and All Win Network) Jennifer Viloria (IISLA Ventures).
Our web site (in preparation) provides a detailed overview of the many aspects of the Plan, including background documents, books and a video by Pieter Kooistra himself. The Committee is available for further explanation. The address is: 
For inquiries please contact the secretariat at ipsbox@ipsgeneva.com
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A plan-includes LM comments
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