Preparing for Tomorrow Today
"This Outlook provides a window into the future as we view it in 2013. While the world has made progress, much more effort is needed to avoid dangerous climate change and its potential damaging impacts. From this research effort, it is clear that the Copenhagen–Cancun pledges do not take us very far toward the energy transformation ultimately needed to avoid the risk of dangerous warming. Even if policy efforts in developed countries are successful in holding emissions constant, as other nations grow and industrialize their emissions will contribute to further increases in greenhouse gas concentrations and climate change."
Data Democracy-How do we work together for today & tomorrow? (Part I) »Data Democracy-How do we work together for today & tomorrow? (Part I)
What will happen? »What will happen?
Engineering Rationality »Engineering Rationality
How to design and create our future together? »How to design and create our future together?
Feasibility Evaluation »Feasibility Evaluation
Monitoring where we are »Monitoring where we are
2013 Energy and Climate Outlook »2013 Energy and Climate Outlook
Preparing for Tomorrow Today
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