Exploration(s) Stelling1 #604201 Positions (of sufficient interest to be explored) ; Tfo |
- Standardized Search & .F(ind) terms that span environments are needed to reduce the cognitive friction that results from switching among environments.
- ReView the CamelCase useCases - especially in the light of different MarkUp & MarkDoiwn treatments.
- Review the formatting of pages that is enabled in this SQL environment
- should colors be used to hi-light the use of terms within Environments?
- this assumes that there are enough distinct (Web0-safe) colors available.
- craft an example of the spread of available colors by using one of the other Views. (e.g. the Page view's Context menu)
- the DgSearch page also shows manyColors
- Note that ".mo" and Tmo are distinctly different and may have very different frequency patterns across the DebateGraph system.
- It may be necessary to have Cascaded Preferences - to provide a reliable entry point that workFlow.
- considering Collaboration
- Can I get back onto the recentEdits list?
- Thesaurus
- https://www.freethesaurus.com/Federal%20Republic
- KurzweilAi
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