6.2. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Kwestie1 #408230
| Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Goal: | Proposal for a sustainable development goal on water and sanitation[26] | Interlinkages | Shared vision for water, sanitation and hygiene[27] | Interlinkages | Targets: | Adoption of national legal, policy, and institutional framework for the promotion of universal access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation facilities by all countries, by 2030. | | By 2025 no one practices open defecation, and inequalities in the practice of open defecation have been progressively eliminated. | | All drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services are delivered in a progressively affordable, accountable, financially and environmentally sustainable manner. | | Ensure universal access to, and use of safe and affordable drinking water, and improved sanitation and hygiene facilities, by 2030. Increase sustainable use of all water resources, including waste water, to X% of harvest potential by 2030. | | By 2030 everyone uses basic drinking-water supply and hand washing facilities when at home, all schools and health centres provide all users with basic drinking-water supply and adequate sanitation facilities, hand washing facilities and menstrual hygiene facilities, and inequalities in access to each of these services have been progressively eliminated. | | Increase sustainable use of all water resources, including waste water, to X% of harvest potential by 2030. | | By 2040, everyone uses adequate sanitation at home, the proportion of the population not using an intermediate drinking water service at home has been reduced by half, the excreta from at least half of schools, health centres and households with adequate sanitation are safely managed, and inequalities in access to all these services have been progressively reduced. | | |