Motivating questions
Last updated 13.03.14

List of Questions for reflective practice lit. review articles 


b) Revised the list of questions I presented and added a couple more (file attached below). I think I may need to reduce this list at some point. I guess it will depend on how much material I find that relates to each question in each of the time frames I have in mind. At this point I think the key questions are: what does reflection enable and what is the process of reflection. Next most key I think are the degree to which reflection is recognised to be an a) embodied process and b) an intersubjective process. These last two points are key (i) as these are distinguishing points, West from East, on this topic (ii) and distinguish the approach to teaching C4 that I want to develop from existing reflective processes. Even if I took only these four questions as my main foci and then simply recorded for later work material that relates to the other questions I think this would create a couple of well focused and engaging articles. Let me know if you think any of the other questions deserve to be included as key, if there are authors I should attend to that are not on my list or if you are aware of authors who definitely address this or that question. 


The questions:

Howhas the concept of reflection/contemplation/meditation been defined and developedwithin Western thought? There has always been anexchange of thought between the E and the W but this exchange is nowsubstantially accelerated. Smythe, Ixer and Brookfield’s concern that reflectionbecomes meaningless. Dewey, defn of reflect, partialisation of experience.

What is the process of reflection within Westernthought? What kind of experience is reflection?

Within Western thought what processes are madepossible by reflection? Critical thinking,transformational learning, conscious awareness of beliefs, judgements,assumptions, improved practice, more ‘intuitive’ and ‘insightful’ practice. Brookfield, adult learners and transformation

WithinWestern thought what is the relationship between reflection and action? From the perspective of the EWTs the act of reflection is veryspecific. It is an action rather than purely a cognitive process? It involvesactions of the mind/heart/whole intelligence of the being (consider correct Sanskritterm). To what extent has Westernthought recognised that reflection is an embodied action? Dewey, active forward-looking experience, Argyris and Schon’s Model 1 and Model 2 theories of action,Dewey: routine action in practice.

WithinWestern thought how is the practice of reflection taught/communicated? Freire: relationship between student and teacher.

WithinWestern thought how can or has the use of reflection be investigated/researched?Argyris and Schon’s testing of Model 1 and Model 2 inpractice, and Schon’s case studies

WhichWestern thinkers on reflection have attempted to address the divide betweentheory and practice and to what effect? Schon,Polanyi, practice knowledge

WithinWestern thought what are the ethics, metaphysics and epistemologies ofreflection and how do they transform the self of the practitioner? WithinEastern thought it is recognised that the practices of reflection/contemplation/meditationtransform the practitioner. Two ofthese transformations, for example, are the realisation of theinterconnectedness of all sentient beings and the recognition of theimpermanence of everyday phenomena. These transformations directly affect theself by compelling a certain ethical, metaphysical and epistemological views.What impact on the self of the practitioner does Western thought ascribe to thepractice of reflection? How does the divide between theory and practice impacton this process? Habermas: three ways of generating knowledge, Schon (technical, rational…), Schon’s new epistemology, Schon self knowledge

Whatconcepts of collaborative/intersubjective reflection exist within Westernthinking? Argyris on organisational learning/action,Argyris and Schon on ‘public testing’ ie. double-loop learning has anintersubjective component

Howdoes reflection relate to the generation of meaning? Dewey,Habermas, Gendlin

Howdoes reflection relate to the generation of experience?Gendlin

Howdoes reflection relate to the generation of intuition? Schon

Howdoes reflection relate to the generation of creativity? Schon

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