Next Tuesday – 2014 03 04
Notes from our Next Tuesday call on March 04 2014.

1. Stan Gould – sent out OMEGA status (Panel 1 – Jonathan Trent) - continuing the dialog on how to move OMEGA forward as an open source project

2. Denise – Been in touch with Tom Kosnik, attended ASVEN at Stanford 2/22, working with Edison Wheeler from BASES heading towards possibilities in Shanghai

3. Rob Stephenson – Enjoyed being 2 days at F4H

4. Bill Daul – labeled 600+ photos on Flickr

5. Marje – working on documentary on PTSD, talking with John de Graaf connected with at F4H as he produced the hit PBS documentary Affluenza

6. Kennan – creating descriptions of the F4H talks now on video, playing around with site, will create blogs with links to videos and photos

7. Bill English – Would like to set up an F4H team at the NAMI walk in the Bay Area and get visibility for Franchise for Humanity – Invite all of us to join the team, there is no registration fee. NAMI=National Alliance for Mental Health

8. Linda Staheli – has been organizing NAMI walks in DC. Working on mental health front, organizing event at school to build relatnshpis with leading neuro scientists. Fous on Depression, connecting with NIH. Working with Marje for upcoming April F4H gathering in DC area. Working with Brie on Dyslexia and youth film festival

9. Mei Lin – We are having the weekly call with first 20 minutes Check in on our Next Tuesday commitments, 30 minutes on Project updates, 10 minutes Final Word


Follow up Steps – Project Update (2/25)

Kennan will start a blog of blogs – link out to the blogs, video, photos. Exploring linkage with Only Kimberly Wiefling is on site. Signing more of F4H community on, is a process yet to be engaged. Agreed Kevin Montgomery can send out to all participants of F4H. Option to Opt out offered.

Contact: Kennan Salinero, Linda Staheli, Kevin Montgomery

California Health Corps (2/25)

Bill Daul will connect CHC into the group- and the group into CHC-

Contact: Bill Daul, Co-founder of CHC,

Networked Improvement Community (2/25)

DougEngelbart’s‘s work – See Engelbart Hypotehsis by F4H co-creators Valerie Landau and Eileen Clegg . See his talk at IBM 2003 and at Google. 2007

Contact: Mei Lin, Eileen Clegg

Profiles of Co-Creators of F4H (2/25)

Post on As you are describing the projects you are working on outside – David Price will be able to map the connections thematically between personal interests and professional interests

Contact: David Price

Science Tech and Innovation Colalboratory in DC (2/25)

Focused on global issues and challenges

Contact: Linda Staheli

F4H Papers (2/25)

Linda Staheli (Wilson Center) and Sandy Bates (Edison awards) are writing papers

Contact: Who would like to lead this initiative

In Person F4H Meetings (2/25)

Atlanta – 3/7 – Marje and Kimberly King will be meeting there. Others?

DC – early April – Marje’ and Linda and Kimberly + Others?

Contact: Marje Etheridge

Film Festival for Youth (2/25)

Marje is focusing on MLK’s dream – and what that means for youth. Amy has films to contribute, she ran a youth film festival in SF

Contact: Who would like to lead this initiative

Mental Health (and Youth) (2/25)

Brie’s website She overcame aneroxia when an Olympian – have spoken to 50k young women – Brie would love to be part of any youth based conference especially one centering on mental health issues

Contact: Roberta English, Brie Mathers (3/4)

Tutorial conducted by David Price – first scheduled 10 am Eastern, 3/5. Next one to be scheduled. – profiles and agenda and other materials and event are live on the map. Begin to organize the flow of conversation in a structured way – there are 42 members in the community now (3/4/14) on the map

Contact: David Price

NAMI Walk (3/4)

Let Bill and Roberta English know if you want to join the NAMI Bay Area walk as part of an F4H Team

Contact: Roberta English, Bill English

Geospatial Mapping (3/4)

Linda Staheli will connect COO of National GeoSpatial Agency with Kevin Montgomery if they are not already in touch

Contact: Linda Staheli, Dan Desmond

iMatter (3/4)

Mina is following up and looking at attending Edison awards in April, thanks to Sandy Bates.

Contact: Mina Arasteh 

Network Capability Building (3/4)

Follow up with a number of wonderful friends at Stanford event and many who were enrolled and contacted prior to the event and very curious and interested – there is a delayed reaction of people who are impacted by this – conversations about global game activity with jai and Brands and people with initiatives who want to take projects to scale – that activity continued from the beginning and turning into many exciting threads – hopefully every Tuesday will have updates

Contact: Kimberly King

Video Reference Library (2/25)

At We are embedding video from our 2/20-21/14 F4H gathering and about the launch event – you can see the agenda – can see the presentations and photos from sessions – David has started to include links to your own sites and your own projects

Contact: Jack Park, David Price, and Kennan Salinero

Photo (2/25)

Gathering links to Flickr and other photo sharing sites-thanks Bill, Jai, Jim Caldwell

Contact: Dan Esbensen

Public Universities as social entrepreneurs (2/25)

Contact: Brian Donohue

Federal Grants for people on welfare (2/25)

How people can collaborate – and especially teams collaborate – look for different ways to help. Linda will share Rockefeller Foundation doc on this.

Contact: Amy Ng


Final word

1.     Bill Daul - Fine

2.     Kennan – Catching Up

3.     Kimberly King - good

4.     Denise O'Brien –thank Roberta for what you are doing with NAMI, been working with NAMI in LA – excited to collaborate in California – non profit – Sunday March 30th in Hollywood 10am to 4 pm – health International, Cedar Sinai – enduring programs of social practical value to people in developing countries – encourage interested people to send email to Denise.

5.     Ren Dietel -

6.     Stan Gould-thank you very informative

7.     Roberta English- Linda and Denise and I have follow up on Mental health

8.     Bill English – interested in NAMI bay area walk

9.     Mina -

10. Marje – following up what was started

11. Linda Staheli – follow ups

12. Rob Stephenson -

13. Jim Caldwell – working on projects in cities trying to link them up with Omega to do trials, negotiations very exciting

14. Tim – work on EHR. Website, been in touch with Michael Parker on Afghanistan women project – looking at metrics there – qualified as PMP

15. Brie – its so good to hear all voices – connecting with Bill dual, and Tatyana

16. David – microcosm of challenges – self organizing

17. Mei Lin Fung - Gratitude

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Next Tuesday – 2014 03 04
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