Locke: People are born as a blank slate.
"Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white paper void of all characters, without any ideas. How comes it to be furnished? Whence comes it by that vast store which the busy and boundless fancy of man has painted on it with an almost endless variety? Whence has it all the materials of reason and knowledge? To this I answer, in one word, from experience" ~ Locke, 1690/1947, bk. II, chap. 1, p.26
What is Human Nature?  ยปWhat is Human Nature?
Human's are good, society and survival makes people bad. ยปHuman's are good, society and survival makes people bad.
Locke: People are born as a blank slate.
Babies are innocent and learn how to behave from adults. ยปBabies are innocent and learn how to behave from adults.
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