Is Full Automation Good?
Will the 2010 election be the best because of full automation? Gordon speaks about safeguards.  Full Automation Safeguards
BAD NEWS:  As of today June 30, 2009, full automation for the 2010 election is threatened because the Filipino partner of the supplier pulled out.  Some issues were allegedly raised.

If full automation does not push through, this is going to be a big disappointment.  The youth votes are looking forward to this, everybody want this - if only to experience how a "first world" election would be!

I am looking forward to full automation!

Who Should Be the Next Philippine President? »Who Should Be the Next Philippine President?
Election Issues »Election Issues
Is Full Automation Good?
Full Automation Best Arroyo Legacy? »Full Automation Best Arroyo Legacy?
What If Poll Automation Was Bound to Fail? »What If Poll Automation Was Bound to Fail?
Definitely! »Definitely!
Untested Poll Automation »Untested Poll Automation
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