Fragment- "Grades K-5: HealthTeacher HealthTeacher, is a comprehensive, skill- and assessment-based, elementary school health education curriculum that focuses on the following nine units of study: •Alcohol & other drugs •Anatomy •Community & environmental health •Family health & sexuality •Injury prevention •Mental & emotional health •Nutrition •Personal & consumer health •Physical activity •Tobacco HealthTeacher addresses functional knowledge relevant to the nine units of study and has a particular focus on the development of a specific set of skills that are essential for developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. These personal, social, and interpersonal skills enable individuals to enhance their overall health and wellness. They are: •Advocacy •Communication •Decision making •Planning and goal setting •Relationship management •Self management •Stress management
HealthTeacher utilizes a variety of assessment strategies that are designed to plan instruction, motivate students, evaluate instruction, assist the learning process, and measure student achievement. In addition, assessment is authentic insofar as there are many strategies within the curriculum that utilize near-to-real life situations to evaluate whether students can translate what they have learned into positive behavior and action.
Through a subscription provided by the Office of Fitness and Health Education, elementary school teachers (only) can create a free account, by following these simple steps:
1) Go to 2) Type in NYCDOE email address: 3) Type in 'nyc-1' as initial password 4) Complete screens to create your own password for future use
Grades 6-8: HealthSmart Beginning with the 2007-08 school year, the HealthSmart curriculum is recommended for all middle schools. This curriculum provides all the materials appropriate for middle school. Curriculum materials are provided free of charge to teachers who participate in Office of Fitness and Health Education HealthSmart professional development sessions.
To read more about HealthSmart, click here.
For a full list of professional development offerings, click here.
Grades 9-12: HealthSmart and Reducing the Risk HealthSmart, along with Reducing the Risk, is the recommended comprehensive health education curriculum for high schools. Curriculum materials are provided free of charge to teachers who participate in Office of Fitness and Health Education professional development sessions."