A95: Telematic applications for rail passenger services
The Commission will propose in 2011 a Directive setting out technical specifications for telematics applications for rail passenger services.

What is the problem? Railway ticketing services are not available across borders

There are still no applications for rail passengers to find updated information and ticketing services about trains across borders. To efficiently operate passenger trains across borders on the European rail network, information and ticketing services need to be interconnected.

Why is EU action needed? Complete the single market for rail passenger services

By setting out harmonised technical specifications, the EU could contribute to achieving a seamless rail passengers service market for all Europeans that travel by train. This would contribute to a much more efficient and connected transport system in Europe.

What will the European Commission do?

In 2011:

  • Following the publication of a draft Technical Specification for Interoperability with the support of experts from the railway sector and experts from national railway safety authorities in 2010, the Commission will adopt a Commission Regulation as provided for in EU rules on new railway interoperability (Directive 2008/57/EC).



Digital Agenda for Europe »Digital Agenda for Europe
Pillars & Actions »Pillars & Actions
P7: ICT for Social Challenges »P7: ICT for Social Challenges
A95: Telematic applications for rail passenger services
Regulation adopted 5 May 2011 »Regulation adopted 5 May 2011
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