14. Promote Sustainable Consumption and Production Komponentas1 #407972 SCP is another focus area which cuts across a number of others, such as energy, sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition, and industrialisation, etc. This seems a likely reason for there being relatively few e-Inventory proposals which put forward standalone goals on the issue. | SCP is another focus area which cuts across a number of others, such as energy, sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition, and industrialisation, etc. This seems a likely reason for there being relatively few e-Inventory proposals which put forward standalone goals on the issue. One of the most comprehensive proposals that does, however, has interestingly framed the issue around the topic of environmental justice. Goal | Sustainable production and consumption patterns [50] | Interlinkages | Targets | From 2015 onwards, the establishment of a key indicator to calculate every country’s natural resource consumption (i.e. Raw Material Consumption [RCM]) or ecological footprint along with a national water, land, and CO2 footprint. | | By 2020, the abolition of environmentally harmful subsidies, in accordance with Aichi Target 3 expressed in the CBD Strategic Plan. | | By 2030, a reform of the tax system where the extraction of certain raw materials and/or the use of specific resources is taxed with an eco-tax that is regularly adjusted to the appropriate, real tax rate, accompanied by a restructuring of the tax system aiming at lower taxes for labour and higher taxes and charges for environmental and resource consumption. | | By 2030, a worldwide implementation of permanent resource recycling, in which the design and manufacture of products follows principles that ensure thriftiness, efficiency, longevity, reusability and recycling; a landfill ban on organic, plastic, and recyclable matter; raising awareness of waste as a resource; as well as a global agreement on waste for the comprehensive collection of secondary raw materials, financed by producers and distributors. | | By 2025, a global ban on plastic bags distributed free of charge and non-deposit plastic bottles paired with the establishment of reusable systems through effective taxation or bans at the national level as well as higher resource efficiency. | | By 2020, a 100% social, ecological, and just public procurement that establishes life cycle costs for a fixed period of time as well as resource conservation as key criteria in procedures and provides transparent and easily accessible information on public procurement process. | | Goal | Environmental Justice… (see proposal for full goal title) [51] | Interlinkages | Targets: | Reclaim and secure people’s rights to define, own, control and ensure the sustainability of the commons; promote responsible stewardship of natural resources, such as forests, rivers, watershed, and coastal environments; recognize and promote indigenous peoples resources and traditional knowledge in the sustainable management of natural resources. | | Promote ecological agriculture to guarantee food sovereignty and prevent hunger and its consequences. | | Reorient production, consumption and distribution systems to meet people’s needs rather than to accumulate profits. | | Allocate sufficient resources towards and promote scientific and traditional knowledge for understanding the social and environmental costs and impacts of human activities; popularize this information and enact regulatory measures on this basis. | | Commit to carbon emission reductions and provide new, adequate, predictable, and appropriate climate finance that contributed by countries from public resources on the basis of historical responsibility for climate change, and address the needs of those most affected, including for adaptation and mitigation. | | Promote energy conservation and efficiency; phase out subsidies for the fossil fuel industry while guarding against adverse impacts on low-income and marginalized groups; and promote community-based decentralized renewable energy systems as the main component of a renewable energy transition program. | | Promote technologies for eco-efficiency and work toward elimination of waste; build infrastructure and mechanisms to reduce, recycle and reuse waste; and redesign products to ensure durability and optimum use. | | Ensure resource extraction, such as water use, fishing, logging and mining, is according to the needs of communities and subject to sustainable management, while protecting the rights of fisher folk, small farm holders, indigenous people and women. | | Develop and operationalize legal frameworks to protect livelihoods of poor and marginalized people and avoid environmental disasters, particularly as a result of resource extraction. | | Prepare a new UN protocol to recognize State responsibilities to provide support to climate-displaced populations. | | Develop international mechanisms to address loss and damage caused by climate change, with special attention to its gender-differential impacts. | | Promote the creation of decent jobs with the aim of creating environmentally-sustainable industries, promoting environmental awareness, and protecting against environmental destruction. | | To develop and institutionalize mechanisms to monitor and mitigate the social and environmental impacts of development initiatives. | | |