Farm workers given three choices
Immediately related elementsHow this works
Amanpour CNN »Amanpour CNN
Africa »Africa
Zimbabwe »Zimbabwe
Land-redistribution? »Land-redistribution?
Zimbabwe belongs to the Zimbawean People »Zimbabwe belongs to the Zimbawean People
Case of Black Zimbabwean farm workers? »Case of Black Zimbabwean farm workers?
Program is about getting rid of slums not farm workers »Program is about getting rid of slums not farm workers
Farm workers given three choices
(1) Remain on farm under new owner and keep working on farm »(1) Remain on farm under new owner and keep working on farm
(2) If alien, could choose to go home with a package they deserved »(2) If alien, could choose to go home with a package they deserved
(3) Leave farm and be resettled elsewhere »(3) Leave farm and be resettled elsewhere
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