Working to Recovery
The Working to Recovery Team work right across the age spectrum from the young to older people, spanning the service provision of mental health, from psychosis, addictions, self harm and sexual abuse. We have a special and unique interest in the design of mental health services, particularly those services working with people who experience psychosis. This also involves cutting edge training on understanding 'hearing voices', 'psychosis' and 'sexual abuse'.

There are few people who provide training in the way Ron and Karen do.  This is why they have an international reputation, not only as trainers, but also as speakers and authors of high quality innovative thinking and practice.
‘Working to Recovery Limited’, has a cutting edge approach to Mental Health provision.  Many services across the world are looking for a different recovery based way to work with people and we can offer the expertise to deliver recovery-based service.

Ron and Karen have an extensive knowledge of service development and provision worldwide, therefore offering a unique approach in terms of training and consultancy. They are also very comfortable working with people who use services, families and staff together.  They exemplify the model of Co-Production, they are also personal role models for workers, families and people who use mental health services.

Working to Recovery have developed experiential courses that enable the delivery of training that is life changing for participants and organisations.  They are renowned for their recovery training, which has meant services have been able to take a paradigm shift in the way they deliver recovery orientated care.  Their Recovery Champions course - developing values and attitudes, first pioneered with SAMH and the Scottish Recovery Network has been taught in many locations across the globe.

They also produce training that directly impacts on how clinicians interact and work with people who have psychotic experiences.  Their latest course is a Recovery Champions Developing Practice: Untangling psychosis, which was recently delivered with Hackney Mental Health Recovery Teams.

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Working to Recovery
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