Improved Governing Capacity / Greater Transparency in Southern Sudan
The United States will work to improve security for the southern Sudanese people by supporting DDR and conflict prevention initiatives and strengthening the capacity of the security sector and criminal justice system. The United States will also work to improve economic conditions and outcomes. The United States will provide technical advisors to vital ministries and will work to strengthen entities such as the U.N. Development Program’s Local Government Reform Program (LGRP). The United States will work with international partners to implement the World Bank Multi-Donor Trust Fund South Strategy in a timely manner and to improve access to capital, particularly microfinancing, for agricultural enterprises and local private sector ventures. The United States will support efforts and initiatives that assist in increasing trade between Sudan and its neighbors. Transparency in fiscal expenditures will be critical to attracting investment, and the United States will support World Bank anticorruption efforts in Southern Sudan.
Λεπτομέρειες πλοηγού
Amanpour CNN »Amanpour CNN
Africa »Africa
Sudan »Sudan
US Strategy on Sudan  »US Strategy on Sudan
US Strategic Objectives in Sudan? »US Strategic Objectives in Sudan?
(2) Implementation of the North-South Comprehensive Peace Agreement »(2) Implementation of the North-South Comprehensive Peace Agreement
How to meet US Strategic Objective II for Sudan? »How to meet US Strategic Objective II for Sudan?
Improved Governing Capacity / Greater Transparency in Southern Sudan
Implement World Bank Multi-Donor Trust Fund South Strategy »Implement World Bank Multi-Donor Trust Fund South Strategy
Improve access to capital, particularly microfinancing »Improve access to capital, particularly microfinancing
Increase trade between Sudan and its neighbors »Increase trade between Sudan and its neighbors
Provide technical advisors to vital ministries »Provide technical advisors to vital ministries
Strengthen capacity of the security sector and criminal justice system »Strengthen capacity of the security sector and criminal justice system
Strengthen UNDP's Local Government Reform Program »Strengthen UNDP's Local Government Reform Program
Support DDR and conflict prevention initiatives »Support DDR and conflict prevention initiatives
Support World Bank anticorruption efforts in Southern Sudan »Support World Bank anticorruption efforts in Southern Sudan
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