Strengthen International Engagement on CPA Implementation
Reinvigorate and Strengthen International Engagement on CPA Implementation
The Special Envoy has organized a “Forum for Supporters of the CPA”, and reinvigorated the “Troika” (the U.S., U.K, and Norway all act as CPA guarantors) to coordinate and rejuvenate international efforts to support CPA implementation. The United States will also work to strengthen the role of the Assessment and Evaluation Committee (AEC), the primary forum charged with mediating CPA implementation disputes between the two parties.
Λεπτομέρειες πλοηγού
Amanpour CNN »Amanpour CNN
Africa »Africa
Sudan »Sudan
US Strategy on Sudan  »US Strategy on Sudan
US Strategic Objectives in Sudan? »US Strategic Objectives in Sudan?
(2) Implementation of the North-South Comprehensive Peace Agreement »(2) Implementation of the North-South Comprehensive Peace Agreement
How to meet US Strategic Objective II for Sudan? »How to meet US Strategic Objective II for Sudan?
Strengthen International Engagement on CPA Implementation
Organize Forum for Supporters of the CPA »Organize Forum for Supporters of the CPA
Reinvigorated the US, UK, Norway Troika of CPA guarantors »Reinvigorated the US, UK, Norway Troika of CPA guarantors
Srengthen the role of the Assessment and Evaluation Committee »Srengthen the role of the Assessment and Evaluation Committee
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