Promote a Negotiated Solution to the Conflict
The Special Envoy will establish and maintain a dialogue with armed movements in Darfur and solicit support for the peace process from Sudan’s neighbors. The United States will support a political agreement that addresses the underlying causes of conflict in Darfur by building on Qatar’s peace negotiation efforts, providing direct support to the Joint AU-U.N. Joint Chief Mediator for Darfur, and encouraging the broad participation, including by all diverse representations of civil society, in the peace process. The United States will seek to renew all parties’ commitment to the 2005 Declaration of Principles that obligates the Sudanese Government and all major Darfuri armed groups to seek a peaceful solution to their grievances in Darfur and to adhere to a 2004 humanitarian ceasefire.
Λεπτομέρειες πλοηγού
Amanpour CNN »Amanpour CNN
Africa »Africa
Sudan »Sudan
US Strategy on Sudan  »US Strategy on Sudan
US Strategic Objectives in Sudan? »US Strategic Objectives in Sudan?
(1) End to conflict, gross human rights abuses, and genocide in Darfur »(1) End to conflict, gross human rights abuses, and genocide in Darfur
How to meet US Strategic Objective I for Sudan? »How to meet US Strategic Objective I for Sudan?
Promote a Negotiated Solution to the Conflict
Establish dialogue with armed movements in Darfur »Establish dialogue with armed movements in Darfur
Solicit support for the peace process from Sudan’s neighbors »Solicit support for the peace process from Sudan’s neighbors
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