Multiverse may be confirmed
The existence of other universes may be capable of confirmation. Laura Mersini-Houghton suggests this has already occurred by the observation of an enormous hole in the cosmic microwave background radiation by NASA's WMAP satellite, which she suggest could be the imprint of another universe.
Furthermore, according to physicist Roger Penrose, the same WMAP data could confirm his own theory that the universe will ultimately evolve to a state similar to the early universe - smooth and low entropy - as a result of entropy being removed from the universe through the evaporation of black holes.
Λεπτομέρειες πλοηγού
The Arrow of Time  »The Arrow of Time 
The physics of time »The physics of time
The thermodynamic arrow »The thermodynamic arrow
Why do we see an entropy gradient? »Why do we see an entropy gradient?
Asymmetric boundary condition »Asymmetric boundary condition
Past hypothesis »Past hypothesis
Why low entropy in the past? »Why low entropy in the past?
Anthropic selection »Anthropic selection
Low entropy generators »Low entropy generators
Source of low-entropy states »Source of low-entropy states
Fluctuations in de Sitter space »Fluctuations in de Sitter space
Multiverse theories unscientific »Multiverse theories unscientific
Multiverse may be confirmed
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